伊力达尔·伊力亚斯, 朱思洪, 徐刚, 袁加奇. 拖拉机前桥悬架参数匹配及其对振动特性的影响[J]. 农业工程学报, 2015, 31(10): 29-36. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2015.10.004
    引用本文: 伊力达尔·伊力亚斯, 朱思洪, 徐刚, 袁加奇. 拖拉机前桥悬架参数匹配及其对振动特性的影响[J]. 农业工程学报, 2015, 31(10): 29-36. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2015.10.004
    Yilidaer·Yiliyasi, Zhu Sihong, Xu Gang, Yuan Jiaqi. Front axle suspension parameters match and its impact on vibration characteristics of tractor[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2015, 31(10): 29-36. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2015.10.004
    Citation: Yilidaer·Yiliyasi, Zhu Sihong, Xu Gang, Yuan Jiaqi. Front axle suspension parameters match and its impact on vibration characteristics of tractor[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2015, 31(10): 29-36. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2015.10.004


    Front axle suspension parameters match and its impact on vibration characteristics of tractor

    • 摘要: 拖拉机长年行驶在田间和路况较差的农村土路上,且减振装置简陋,其振动尤为剧烈。为降低拖拉机的振动,以江苏常发集团CF700型拖拉机为研究对象,建立了前桥悬架拖拉机三自由度振动模型,以机身垂向振动加速度、机身俯仰振动角加速度、座椅安装处垂向振动加速度、前后轮动载荷以及前桥悬架动挠度作为评价指标,对前桥悬架刚度和阻尼系数进行了优化匹配,得到了前桥悬架刚度和阻尼系数的最佳匹配值(120 000 N/m、8 000 N·s/m)。计算并比较了安装前桥悬架拖拉机和无悬架拖拉机的振动特性。当拖拉机以3~18 km/h行驶速度在国标D级路面上行驶时,安装前桥悬架拖拉机的机身垂向振动加速度均方根值和俯仰振动角加速度均方根值平均下降24.03%和42.46%;座椅安装处垂向振动加速度均方根值平均下降29.77%;前轮动载荷平均下降21.72%。研究结果表明,拖拉机前桥悬架对提高拖拉机的乘坐舒适性和行驶安全性具有显著作用。该研究结果为拖拉机前桥悬架的设计及优化提供了参考。


      Abstract: Compared with cars, buses and trucks, tractor often drives on the dirt road in the field of rural areas, together with the simple vibration damping device, so the vibration of tractor is particularly intense. Severe vibration of tractor would cause serious harm to driver's health, and cause fatigue and failure of tractor parts and hence seriously affect the life of the tractor. In addition, excessive vibration of the tractor will exacerbate farmland soil compaction and reduce crop yields. How to effectively reduce the vibration of tractors to improve ride comfort and driving safety and reduce farmland damage is an important research topic for researchers and tractor manufacturing enterprises. The study of foreign scholars have found when the tractor is installed with front axle suspension, the ride comfort and driving safety is improved. When farm tools hangs on the front of tractor, tractor damping effect depends on the matching between front axle suspension stiffness and damping coefficient. Installing the front axle suspension of tractor can significantly reduce tractor's pitching vibration. By the method of theoretical analysis, the theoretical system of front axle suspension of tractor was established, the vibration was analyzed and the theoretical formula was deduced, aiming to provide a theoretical basis for parameter matching of tractor front axle suspension. In this paper, CF700 tractor from Jiang Su Chang-Fa group was taken as the research object, and the theoretical model of front axle suspension tractor was established, including plane vibration model of front axle suspension tractor with 3 degrees of freedom, vibration differential equation and tractor vibration characteristics evaluation. Taking body vertical vibration acceleration, body pitching vibration angular acceleration, seat-mounted vertical vibration acceleration, front and rear wheels' dynamic load and front axle suspension dynamic deflection as the evaluation means, theoretical calculation method was adopted to optimize the matching of front axle suspension stiffness and damping coefficient, getting the best matching value between front axle suspension stiffness and damping coefficient (120 000 N/m, 8 000 N·s/m). Calculate and compare the vibration characteristics of the tractors installed with and without front axle suspension. When the tractor traveled on the roads of Grade D in international standard with the speed of 3-18 km/h, the root mean square values of body vertical vibration acceleration and pitching vibration angular acceleration of the tractor installed with front axle suspension averagely decreased by 24.03% and 42.46%, respectively, and those of seat-mounted vertical vibration acceleration and front wheel's dynamic load averagely decreased by 29.77% and 21.72%, respectively. The results show that the tractor installed with front axle suspension plays significant role to improve ride comfort and driving safety. The findings provide a theoretical basis and a certain reference value for the design and optimization of tractor front axle suspension.


