何勋, 王德福. 基于纤维形态特征分析的玉米秸秆皮拉伸特性[J]. 农业工程学报, 2015, 31(10): 92-98. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2015.10.013
    引用本文: 何勋, 王德福. 基于纤维形态特征分析的玉米秸秆皮拉伸特性[J]. 农业工程学报, 2015, 31(10): 92-98. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2015.10.013
    He Xun, Wang Defu. Tensile property of corn stalk rind based on analysis of fiber morphology[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2015, 31(10): 92-98. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2015.10.013
    Citation: He Xun, Wang Defu. Tensile property of corn stalk rind based on analysis of fiber morphology[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2015, 31(10): 92-98. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2015.10.013


    Tensile property of corn stalk rind based on analysis of fiber morphology

    • 摘要: 为研究玉米秸秆皮纤维形态特征对其力学特性影响的基本规律,该文对不同取样高度的玉米秸秆皮的拉伸特性及其纤维形态特征进行了试验研究。通过硝酸法获得不同取样高度的玉米秸秆皮纤维及其形态特征参数,同时测试相应取样高度的径向抗拉强度和轴向抗拉强度,并以径向抗拉强度和轴向抗拉强度为考核指标,利用灰色关联法分析纤维长宽比、壁腔比等纤维形态特征参数与玉米秸秆皮拉伸特性的相关性。结果表明,不同取样高度的玉米秸秆皮的纤维形态特征参数及其拉伸特性的差异显著(p<0.01),玉米秸秆皮轴向抗拉强度显著高于径向抗拉强度(p<0.01);玉米秸秆皮拉伸特性与其纤维形态特征参数存在相关关系,径向抗拉强度与纤维壁腔比相关(r=0.9972),轴向抗拉强度与纤维长宽比(r=0.8885)和纤维壁腔比(r=0.6648)均相关。研究结果为玉米秸秆皮加工装备设计及其材料化利用提供了参考。


      Abstract: China has abundant resource of corn stalk, but the stalk utilization has low added-value and outstanding problems of combustion and idleness. Corn stalk has different components whose chemical constituents vary, among which corn stalk rind, as one of the most constituents, consists of rich lignin and cellulose similar to wood properties, has high mechanical strength and can be used as raw material of stalk artificial board and paper. Therefore, efficient application based on corn stalk's different constituent is significant for increasing farmers' income, relieving energy crisis and protecting ecological environment. However, the recent researches related to mechanical property mostly start with crop physiological characteristics, stalk mechanical model, stalk mechanical property index and equipment performance parameters, but make little analysis of internal factors of corn stalk rind like microstructure and fiber morphology. Taking full consideration of the impact of variety, growing environment and various conditions on corn stalk constituent, this paper has adopted the corn stalk rind of the same variety under the same planting condition to analyze fiber morphology characteristic distribution rule among different sampling heights and the changes of fiber morphology parameters, the tensile strengths of different sampling heights were tested, the correlation between tensile property and fiber morphology parameters of corn stalk rind was analyzed, and the internal mechanism of crop stalk mechanical property was researched from the microscopic view to offer theoretical basis for physicochemical property research and deep processing and utilization of corn stalk rind. Nitric acid technique was adopted to obtain fiber and morphology parameters of corn stalk rind at different heights, meanwhile radial and axial tensile strength were tested, and grey correlation method was applied to analyze the correlation between fiber morphology parameters (like fiber length-width ratio and wall-cavity ratio) and tensile property of corn stalk rind. Through the experiments, it was confirmed that there was significant (P<0.01) difference between fiber morphology parameters and tensile property of corn stalk rind at different sampling heights; with the increase of sampling heights, the fiber length-width ratio of corn stalk rind firstly increased slightly and then reduced significantly, and the wall-cavity ratio of corn stalk rind fiber reduced gradually; the average axial tensile strength of corn stalk rind was significantly (P<0.01) larger than the average radial tensile strength; the maximum radial tensile strength of corn stalk rind occurred at the root and the mean was 2.44 MPa, and the maximum axial tensile strength of corn stalk rind occurred at the middle and lower part and the mean was 94.47 MPa; with the increase of sampling heights, radial tensile strength reduced gradually while axial tensile strength firstly increased and then reduced gradually. There was correlation between tensile property and fiber morphology of corn stalk rind, between radial tensile strength and fiber wall-cavity ratio (r=0.9972), between axial tensile strength and length-width ratio (r=0.8885) and wall-cavity ratio (r=0.6648) of the fiber. Corn stalk rind tensile property was in correlation with fiber morphology parameters like fiber length-width ratio and wall-cavity ratio, of which the radial tensile strength was related to fiber wall-cavity ratio while the axial tensile strength was related to both fiber length-width ratio and fiber wall-cavity ratio. The research findings provide the theoretical basis for the design of corn stalk processing equipment and promote the utilization of corn stalk rind as material.


