刘耀林, 范建彬, 孔雪松, 刘艳芳. 基于生产生活可达性的农村居民点整治分区及模式[J]. 农业工程学报, 2015, 31(15): 247-254. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2015.15.034
    引用本文: 刘耀林, 范建彬, 孔雪松, 刘艳芳. 基于生产生活可达性的农村居民点整治分区及模式[J]. 农业工程学报, 2015, 31(15): 247-254. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2015.15.034
    Liu Yaolin, Fan Jianbin, Kong Xuesong, Liu Yanfang. Zoning and mode of rural residential land consolidation based on accessibility to production and living facilities[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2015, 31(15): 247-254. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2015.15.034
    Citation: Liu Yaolin, Fan Jianbin, Kong Xuesong, Liu Yanfang. Zoning and mode of rural residential land consolidation based on accessibility to production and living facilities[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2015, 31(15): 247-254. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2015.15.034


    Zoning and mode of rural residential land consolidation based on accessibility to production and living facilities

    • 摘要: 农村居民点整治应满足农户生产生活的需求,提高农村居民点的生产生活可达性。该文从生产生活可达性切入,以农村居民点生产生活可达性作为整治分区和采取何种整治模式的依据,从生产可达性和生活可达性两方面出发构建生产生活可达性评价指标体系,采用空间可达性测度方法和指标综合评判法计算得到农村居民点(斑块)生产生活可达性,将其分为I、II、III、IV 4个等级,分别对应发展区、优化区、引导区和拆迁区。根据整治分区并结合实际情况,划分了城镇化发展模式、城乡统筹发展模式、综合优化模式、辐射引导模式、增减挂钩模式和生态搬迁模式等6种整治模式,并对整治思路和具体做法做了探讨。该研究尝试将生产生活可达性评价结果应用于农村居民点整治,对有序整治农村居民点和改善提高农村人居环境有指导意义。


      Abstract: Abstract: The consolidation of rural residential land should meet the needs of farmers for their life and for agriculture production, and improve the accessibility to production and living facilities. In this paper, we started with the accessibility to production and living facilities and used the accessibility to production and living facilities in rural residential land as the basis for deciding different zones for consolidation and what consolidation modes to adopt. Firstly, we built an indicator system for assessing the accessibility in terms of the two aspects, the production accessibility and living facilities accessibility. Production accessibility was based on the consideration of both agricultural production sites and non-agricultural employment places. While the living facilities accessibility was based on the accessibility of education, medical care, commercial and recreational facilities. Then, we used the time-cost to demonstrate the accessibility. On the basis of setting the passage time of unit distance (30 m) on the lands of different function, measure the accessibility of various facilities using Path Distance Tool of ARCGIS 10.0 with elevation as its correction factor. After that, by using indicator comprehensive judgment method, and superimposing with map layer of rural residential land, we obtained the accessibility to production and living facilities of rural residential land, which was divided into four grades I, II, III and IV, corresponding to development zone, optimization zone, guidance zone and demolition zone, respectively. Finally, according to different zones of consolidation and the actual situation, six modes of consolidation were presented, including urbanization development mode, urban and rural overall development mode, comprehensive optimization mode, networking guidance mode, land-use increase and decrease linked mode and ecological relocation mode. In the development zone, rural residential lands located in the urban planning area were planned to follow urbanization development mode, while others were planned to follow urban and rural overall development mode. These rural residential lands had good accessibility to production and living facilities. They can connect with urban development and also can be used as a note of network for rural areas. The consolidation recommendation for them were 1) planning first, strengthening management, optimizing construction and facilitating industry development and providing preferential policies, supporting agriculture production, rural area development and farmers' wellbeing, 2) encouraging industry development and constructing a better environment. Rural residential lands in optimization zone were planned to use comprehensive optimization mode, which combined land consolidation and infrastructure optimization and optimized land use and infrastructure arrangement to improve the accessibility to production and living facilities as well as the working and living conditions of farmers. The rural residential lands in guidance zone with large scale, high quality roads construction and convenience to connect to the development zone and optimization zone were chosen to follow network guidance mode, while others were in increase and decrease linked mode. These two modes combined small parts to build several large and well-functional rural residential lands. This can help to improve the accessibility to production and living facilities and to connect other residential lands, and to guide and attract residential lands to be centralized. Ecological relocation mode was planned for the rural residential lands in demolition zone with fragile environment and poor accessibility to production and living facilities. Integral relocation was necessary for them to protect the environment and optimize the entire arrangement of rural residential lands. The study tries to apply the results of assessing the accessibility to production and living facilities in the consolidation of rural residential land, which was of directive significance to orderly consolidate rural residential land and improving the rural living environment.


