
    Model and its application of literature-based financial loss caused by scientific articles published in foreign journals

    • 摘要: 科技论文体现科研成果的价值,其产出成本由文献、实验设备购置以及科研人员的人力成本投入等方面组成。该文针对外流论文的发表与回购环节引起的经济损失,即外流文献经济损失进行研究。为了解我国科技论文外流造成的文献经济损失,该文提出了论文外流造成的文献经济损失估算模型,先估算单篇论文损失当量,包括发表费、外流论文回购费和翻译费3部分,总损失量等于单篇论文损失当量乘以论文外流总数。通过经济损失估算模型计算得出:单篇论文外流损失当量为3348元;选2012年农业工程领域论文外流为案例,分析论文外流造成的文献经济损失,该年农业工程领域论文外流总数为1991篇,造成的文献经济损失总计为667万元。粗略估计,仅考虑文献,2012年一年,我国110个学科论文外流造成的文献经济总损失量为7.33亿元,其经济损失主要来源于国家科研项目资金,造成国有资产外流。因此,鼓励适当的国际学术交流,但不能盲目地追求SCI论文。


      Abstract: Abstract: To understand the situation of the financial loss caused by the outflow of scientific articles published in foreign journals, a model for evaluating it based on literature loss was established in this study. Firstly, Loss of single equivalent for single outflow article includes publication fee, counter purchase fee and translation fee. The total loss of outflow was calculated using Equivalent loss of single article multiplying by number of outflow articles. Equivalent loss of single article was 3 348 yuan. The total number of outflow articles in agricultural engineering field published in foreign journals was 1991 in 2012, and its total financial losses were 6.67 million. And the total loss for all disciplines was 733 million, which originated from state scientific program, leading to loss of state resource. Therefore, we encourage appropriate amount of scientific articles published in foreign journals for international communication, but not the blind pursuit of SCI papers.


