
    Design and experiment of DX1B bamboo root excavator

    • 摘要: 为了解决竹根挖掘过程中机械化程度低的问题,针对竹林复杂的地形条件和农艺要求,设计了一种DX1B型自动竹根挖掘机。该文阐述了该机器主要的工作原理、主要结构和关键部件的结构设计与主要参数计算,并对刀筒及其内部的压力弹簧进行有限元力学分析,对机器的强度进行验证。同时,对支架进行模态分析获得前四阶固有频率和振型,并进行机器的动态平稳性分析以便结构设计时避开共振频率激励。最后,制作小型的物理样机进行竹林间性能试验来验证竹根挖掘性能。试验结果表明:样机的刀筒外径为40~120 mm,挖掘竹径为30~70 mm的竹根,最大挖掘深度为250 mm,大多数竹根挖掘到150~200 mm左右的深度时,就可将竹底部根须扭断从而将竹根带出,且竹根形状保持良好;当样机掘根的速度为2 mm/s左右时,工作机构的平稳性和效率最优,整个掘根工作过程一般需要2~5 min,竹根挖掘效率相对于手工挖掘提高60%以上。该机器可实现自动掘进挖根和自动取根的效果,还能实现自动排土、排根的功能,整个挖掘过程无需人与竹根或者土壤接触。该研究可为丘陵山区等复杂地况的竹根清除问题提供解决方案,为竹根挖掘机实现全自动操作提供参考。


      Abstract: Abstract: There are more than 40 genera and 500 species of bamboo plants in China. Bamboo forest total area is up to 4.2 million hm2, and annual production is 18 million tons. Bamboo processing industry in China has been expanding and growing quickly because of good social and economic benefits as well as better environment protection significance, and this will drive the exploitation and use of bamboo resource. However, the bamboo roots hewn occupy a round range with a diameter of about 0.5-0.7 m and rot in several years in the land, which thus will block the growth of underground bamboo roots system if not be cleaned out in short time. Then the rapid comeback and progress of bamboo resource will be influenced, and meanwhile the land resource will also be wasted. In order to solve the low level of mechanization in the process of bamboo root grabbing, in view of the key factors affecting the bamboo root grabbing in the complex areas of bamboo forest and the different agronomy requirements, we researched and designed the automatic bamboo root excavator to solve the related problems. The main working principle of the bamboo root excavator was described. The design of the main structure and key parts was proposed. And the critical parameters were calculated. In addition, the cylindrical cutter and the pressure spring were analyzed by the finite element method. Theory analysis and simulation were presented to testify that the strength of the machine could satisfy the requirements of bamboo root grabbing. The analysis results showed that the von Mises stress of cylindrical cutter was about 195.6 MPa and its safety coefficient was 3.2. Besides, the maximum stress of pressure string was 4.6×109 Pa. Meanwhile, the modal analysis was carried out on the holder of machine to obtain the first four-order natural frequencies and mode shapes; the first four-order nature frequencies were 33.227, 36.23, 91.297 and 106.98 Hz, respectively. The first order and the second order frequency were close, so they could be seen as the multiple roots of the vibration equation. The analysis of the dynamic stability was proposed in order to avoid the resonance frequency during the structural design. Finally, the experiments with small prototype were carried out in bamboo forest to verify the performance of the machine. In the experiments, the diameters of cylindrical cutters were from 40 to 120 mm, and the diameters of the corresponding grabbed bamboo roots were from 30 to 70 mm. The maximum grabbing depth was 250 mm. The experiments showed that the majority of the bamboo roots could be grabbed by digging down about 150 to 200mm rather than digging to their bottom. And the shapes of bamboo roots were kept well. When the grabbing speed was about 2 mm/s, the stability and efficiency of the prototype were optimal. The entire grabbing process needed 2-5 min. The efficiency was improved by more than 60% compared with the manual grabbing. The results show that the designed bamboo root excavator realizes the automatic feeding and picking, and has the functions of automatically discharging soil and grabbing roots. During the grabbing, the worker does not need to contact with bamboo roots and soil. The research can offer a solution for the bamboo root grabbing in the complicated hilly and mountainous area. It can provide a reference for the development of full automation of bamboo root grabbing.


