张贵军, 朱永明, 臧亮, 杨皓, 张蓬涛. 新型城镇化背景下昌黎县农村居民点空间重构评价与分区[J]. 农业工程学报, 2016, 32(12): 237-246. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.12.034
    引用本文: 张贵军, 朱永明, 臧亮, 杨皓, 张蓬涛. 新型城镇化背景下昌黎县农村居民点空间重构评价与分区[J]. 农业工程学报, 2016, 32(12): 237-246. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.12.034
    Zhang Guijun, Zhu Yongming, Zang Liang, Yang Hao, Zhang Pengtao. Spatial reconstruction evaluation and partition of rural residential areas in Changli county under background of new-type urbanization[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2016, 32(12): 237-246. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.12.034
    Citation: Zhang Guijun, Zhu Yongming, Zang Liang, Yang Hao, Zhang Pengtao. Spatial reconstruction evaluation and partition of rural residential areas in Changli county under background of new-type urbanization[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2016, 32(12): 237-246. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.12.034


    Spatial reconstruction evaluation and partition of rural residential areas in Changli county under background of new-type urbanization

    • 摘要: 改变农村居民点低效利用的现状,可以对其布局实施空间重构优化,能够促进各项要素在农村地域空间上的合理配置,并使农村和农业自觉适应并融入工业化和城镇化发展进程,促进城乡协调联动发展。该文以昌黎县为例,利用GIS手段提取评价单元并进行空间数据的采集和矢量化。充分考虑不同指标组合对评价目标和评价方向的差异影响,并规避相关案例研究中综合分值法的使用对评价指标相互作用的复杂性考虑不足,融合了分层次评价和综合分值法2种方法,构建出两步评价法,实现农村居民点的空间重构分区的评价。两步评价法:1)构建农村居民点空间重构指标体系及多逻辑条件评价标准,实施分层次评价,剔除禁建区并得到农业产业优势、居民点整治潜力及迁聚条件、居民点综合经济和区位条件分级结果。2)选择判别评价法,结合并继承第1步评价结果,建立重构判别准则,进行昌黎县农村居民点空间重构分区,并将昌黎县宜居评价结果与农村居民点空间重构分区图叠合,调整并完善昌黎县居民点空间迁聚规划方案及策略。该研究结果将昌黎县分成优农区、优城区、分流区和低保区,分区提出迁聚重构策略,并结合昌黎县社会经济发展目标构建了"昌黎县城-一级小城镇-二级小城镇-新农村社区"的空间发展格局,针对昌黎县居民点迁聚过程中需要注意的问题进行了讨论。该方案有利于加快昌黎县"十二五"和"十三五"社会发展规划的实施,可以有效地推动该县域的新型城镇化建设进程,因地制宜的推进新农村建设,为实现农村的现代化、工业化和城镇化提供思路。


      Abstract: Abstract: Changing the inefficient utilization situation of rural residential areas and carrying out the reconstruction and optimization of their spatial layout, can promote the rational allocation of resource, capital and labor force in the rural areas, and make the rural areas adapt to and be integrated into industrialization and urbanization to promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas. This paper extracts appraisal units and vector spatial data using the geographic information system (GIS) tools. When constructing the index system of rural residential space reconstruction and evaluation criteria, the paper takes different indicators'combinations into full account, which can produce different effects to the evaluation objectives and the appraisal orientation. And in order to avoid lacking consideration on the complexity of the interaction between each evaluation index in the related studies using the comprehensive index evaluation method, the paper constructs two-step appraisal method by fusing hierarchical evaluation method and comprehensive index evaluation method. The first step is to construct the appaisal indicator system and appaisal criteria under multiple logical conditions for the spatial reconstruction of rural residenial areas, and then to carry out hierarchical appraisal to get the grading results of agricultural industry advantages, consolidation potential, moving and merging conditions, and economic and location conditions of settlements and so on. Combined with appraisal results obtained from the previous step, the second step is to construct the reconstructing discrimination criterion using discriminant evaluation method and carry out the spatial reconstruction zoning of rural residential areas in Changli county. Then, by overlaying livability assessment results on the spatial reconstruction zoning map, and introducing strategic choice evaluation, the paper adjusts and improves Changli county's residential space reconstruction zoning plan. Changli county is divided into agricultural priority area, city priority area, distributary area and minimum living area, and relocation and reconstruction strategy is put forward for each type of rural settlement. At last, the paper combines the social economic situation and urbanization construction objective of Changli county, constructs the development pattern of "county area - primary small towns - secondary small towns - new rural residential communities", and discusses the issues that require attention in the process of migration. The scheme can promote the implementation of "Twelfth Five Year Plan" and "Thirteenth Five Year Plan", help adjust the measures suitable for local conditions, promote the county's new town construction and the process of new-type urbanization construction, and provide new idea for rural modernization, industrialization and urbanization in Changli county.


