
    Feed intake distribution model for herd based on grazing spatio-temporal trajectory data

    • 摘要: 为了快速大范围地掌握牧群采食量分布信息,提出一种牧群采食量分布模型。根据放牧过程的时空连续性,借助放牧轨迹采用缓冲区与网格分析方法获得放牧分布,结合模拟采食法,通过轨迹点间的时间间隔计算采食时间,并将其累加得到日采食时间,进而依据采食时间与日采食时间比例将牧群日采食总量分配给每个局部放牧分布,并采用网格叠加方法得到给定时空范围的采食量分布。以2015年为实例,对研究区采食量分布进行监测:模型结果与实际放牧情况一致性较好,准确度可达86.2%以上。结果表明该模型可快速大范围地提取牧群采食量分布信息,并能为相关部门对牧群采食量分布信息的监测提供计算依据和方法。


      Abstract: Overgrazing is one of the main reasons of grassland degradation. How to monitor the temporal and spatial distribution of feed intake rapidly and effectively is very important for formulating scientific and rational grazing plan and protecting the grassland. Due to Xinjiang??s remote geographic location and vast area, traditional ways of collecting data about feed intake such as recording the data manually is not efficient. With the rapid development of global navigation satellite system, the grazing trajectory data of heads can be collected conveniently. Grazing trajectory records the information of feeding process such as time, position and velocity. In this paper, a temporal and spatial distribution model of feed intake based on trajectory data of grazing is proposed. The establishment of the proposed model consists of 2 steps: constructing the distribution of feed intake with the minimum temporal and spatial granularity, which is used to calculate the feeding intake distribution of the herds in one day, and generating the distribution of feed intake with the multiple temporal and spatial granularities, which is used to describe the feeding intake distribution of the herds in a bigger temporal and spatial granularity. To obtain the distribution of feed intake with the minimum temporal and spatial granularity, the grazing region is computed by building buffer zone using grazing trajectory data. Then the theoretical feeding intake of herds is allocated upon the grazing region evenly to acquire the temporal and spatial distribution model of feed intake. To generate the distribution of feed intake with the multiple temporal and spatial granularities, the target grassland is divided into grids and the distribution of every feed intake with the minimum temporal and spatial granularity is mapped into the grids, and then the multiple temporal and spatial granularities are computed by overlapping the feeding intake grids. The model is subsequently utilized to compute the feed intake distribution. We collected grazing trajectory data of sheep in the studied grassland from July to October in 2015. Taking these grazing trajectory data as input, the model gives the corresponding feed intake distribution. The model result shows that: 1) Feed intake is relatively higher in those places where trajectory points are intensive; 2) Feed intake distribution varies with the different period, which is highly consistent with rotational grazing cycle; 3) There is a significant negative correlation between feed intake and slope of terrain. To verify the accuracy of the proposed model, we randomly chose 59 sample areas of 1 m2 in grazing region and computed the forage surplus of each sample area. We analyzed the correlation between feed intake and forage surplus of each sample area. The result shows the modeled feed intake is significantly negatively correlated with forage surplus, with a correlation coefficient of -0.704, and the accuracy of the model is 86.2%. Thus, the model is useful for rapid acquisition of feed intake??s distribution information in vast area, and it also provides an efficient method to monitor feed intake distribution in grazing grassland.


