陶娟平, 王宇坤, 刘峰贵, 张镱锂, 陈琼, 吴林. 西藏一江两河地区耕地垦殖强度影响因子及其临界值确定[J]. 农业工程学报, 2016, 32(15): 239-246. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.15.033
    引用本文: 陶娟平, 王宇坤, 刘峰贵, 张镱锂, 陈琼, 吴林. 西藏一江两河地区耕地垦殖强度影响因子及其临界值确定[J]. 农业工程学报, 2016, 32(15): 239-246. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.15.033
    Identification and determination of its critical values for influencing factors of cultivated land reclamation strength in region of Brahmaputra River and its two tributaries in Tibet[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2016, 32(15): 239-246. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.15.033
    Citation: Identification and determination of its critical values for influencing factors of cultivated land reclamation strength in region of Brahmaputra River and its two tributaries in Tibet[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2016, 32(15): 239-246. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.15.033


    Identification and determination of its critical values for influencing factors of cultivated land reclamation strength in region of Brahmaputra River and its two tributaries in Tibet

    • 摘要: 西藏 “一江两河”地区耕地分布的空间面积狭小,限制性因素突出,识别和测度其耕地分布的影响因子,对今后区域农业发展和耕地利用具有现实意义。根据西藏“一江两河”耕地数据,应用GIS对其不同地貌类型、海拔高程的垦殖强度进行分析,在此基础上选择代表地形、气候、土壤、水文、可达性等12个因子作为自变量,1 km×1 km 网格内耕地垦殖强度为因变量,运用偏最小二乘回归方法构建回归模型,并用变量投影重要性指标衡量各因子对变量的解释能力。测度结果表明:坡度是最重要的影响因子;太阳辐射、最暖月气温、海拔高度和降水等对耕地分布有重要影响,说明西藏“一江两河”地区耕地分布主要受地形、气候两大因素控制。


      Abstract: The region of Brahmaputra River and its two tributaries is one of the important typical agricultural area in Tibet Plateau.The development of agriculture depends on natural environment strongly which makes the cultivated land area is narrow.The arable land is only distributed in valley and its restrictive factors are prominent.To identify and measure the influence factors of cultivated land distribution has a realistic significance for the agricultural development and cultivated land reconstruction.According to this, the paper used the existing data in the region of Brahmaputra River and its two tributaries to analyze the regularity distribution and its reclamation strength in different altitude and geomorphic unit.We found that the proportion of grids whose reclamation ratio was 10%-30% was the biggest and it accounted for 29.39% of total grids with cultivated land.The cultivated land was mainly distributed on the diluvial plain in wide river valley with the altitude of 3700-4100 m.The proportion of its arable land was up to 59.85%.Partial least squares regression (PLS) is a method of multivariate statistical data analysis with the characteristics of multiple linear regression analysis, canonical correlation analysis and principal component analysis method.To explore the relationship between cultivated land and natural, social and economic influencing factors, we took the proportion of cultivated land in each 1 km × 1 km grid as the dependent variable, and 12 impacting factors of cultivated land as the independent variable, which consisted of elevation, slope, aspect, precipitation, accumulated temperature of higher than 0 ℃, average July temperature, average January temperature, solar radiation, soil organic matter content, soil thickness, distance from the nearest town and distance from the nearest river, and established the PLS regression model, using the variable projection importance index to measure the interpretation capacity of various factors on the variable.The results showed that the influence of 12 factors on the intensity of cultivated land reclamation was slope > solar radiation > average July temperature > elevation > precipitation > distance from the nearest river > average January temperature > distance from the nearest town > accumulated temperature of higher than 0 ℃ > soil organic matter content > soil thickness > aspect.The variable projection importance index value of slope was 2.2269, and slope had the strongest explanation and was the most important influencing factor to the land distribution.It concerned the difficulty level of land reclamation; the more flat the area, the easier to reclaim.Heat condition of cultivated land distribution also had an important influence.The values of average July and January temperature were 1.0967 and 0.8187, respectively, and both of them had strong explanation to cultivated land.The elevation was also important with the value of 1.0954.Altitude limited the distribution of cropland, and by influencing the heat change in vertical direction, it influenced the distribution of cultivated land.Because of the river valley landform, accessibility factors included distance from the nearest town and river were ranked in front in the influencing factors, and their values were respectively 0.7588 and 0.8442, respectively.The influence of soil factors on the cultivated land distribution was not obvious.It reflected that the distribution of cultivated land was mainly controlled by topography and climate.


