宋戈, 王越. 松嫩高平原土地利用格局变化时空分异[J]. 农业工程学报, 2016, 32(18): 225-233. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.18.031
    引用本文: 宋戈, 王越. 松嫩高平原土地利用格局变化时空分异[J]. 农业工程学报, 2016, 32(18): 225-233. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.18.031
    Song Ge, Wang Yue. Spatial and temporal distribution of land use pattern change in Songnen high plain[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2016, 32(18): 225-233. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.18.031
    Citation: Song Ge, Wang Yue. Spatial and temporal distribution of land use pattern change in Songnen high plain[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2016, 32(18): 225-233. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.18.031


    Spatial and temporal distribution of land use pattern change in Songnen high plain

    • 摘要: 土地利用格局能够影响区域生态环境,也是诊断区域土地利用合理与否的重要依据。该文基于县级尺度,以松嫩高平原典型区域巴彦县为研究区,运用地理信息系统、遥感技术,采用Matlab编程,测算不同时段(1979-1991年、1991-2003年和2003-2015年)的综合土地利用动态度和不同时点(1979年、1991年、2003年和2015年)的土地利用强度、土地利用多样性程度,利用半方差函数挖掘土地利用信息图谱,揭示1979-2015年研究区土地利用格局变化时空分布特征及其分异规律。结果表明:1)综合土地利用动态度、土地利用强度和土地利用多样性程度的空间异质性由结构性因素、随机性因素或由二者共同作用引起,其土地利用格局受自然因素和人类活动干扰的影响程度不同。2)1979-2015年间,研究区土地利用变化速率呈现较为明显的差异,1979-1991年、1991-2003年和2003-2015年3个阶段的综合土地利用动态度平均值分别为1.12%、1.11%和0.85%,呈现逐阶段下降的趋势,在空间上,3个阶段在行政区边界的综合土地利用动态度相对较高。3)1979年、1991年、2003年和2015年研究区全域土地利用强度呈现逐年上升的趋势,其平均值分别为3.66、3.68、3.76和3.82;4个时点研究区全域土地利用多样性程度呈现逐年下降的趋势,其平均值分别为0.29、0.28、0.27和0.26;在空间上,土地利用强度越高的区域,土地利用多样性程度越低,土地利用强度的分布与土地利用多样性的分布呈现互反性。


      Abstract: Abstract: Land use pattern can affect regional ecological environment, and it is important for diagnosing if regional land use is reasonable. Land use pattern is an important element to analyze and explain spatial phenomenon, process and mechanism of regional land use. This research took Bayan County as the study area to solve the problem that the social and economic attributes of land use pattern did not consider spatial characteristics to make up for deficiencies of comparative analysis of a variety of social and economic attributes of land use pattern in space by using Tupu analysis. To reveal the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics and its differentiation of land use pattern change in the study area from 1979 to 2015, comprehensive dynamic degree of land use in different periods (1979-1991, 1991-2003 and 2003-2015) was estimated, land use intensity and land use diversity degree at different time points in the years (1979, 1991, 2003 and 2015) were calculated and land use information Tupu in semi-variogram was set up by using geographic information system and remote sensing technology and Matlab programming. The conclusions included: 1) Structure factors, random factors and the interaction of structure factors and random factors caused the spatial heterogeneity of comprehensive dynamic degree, land use intensity and land use diversity degree. The land utilization procedure was not only affected by natural factors and human interferences, but the effects were different. Comprehensive dynamic degree of land use was mainly influenced by natural factors from 1979 to 1991 in study area. Comprehensive dynamic degree of land use was influenced by natural factors and human interferences from 1991 to 2003 in study area. Comprehensive dynamic degree of land use was common affected by natural factors and human interferences, and the human interferences had a deeper influence. Land use intensity was mainly influenced by natural factors in 1979 and 1991 and by natural factors and human interferences in 2003 and 2015. 2) The rate of land use change showed obvious differences from 1979 to 2015. The comprehensive dynamic degree of land use presented a declining trend in different periods during 1979-1991, 1991-2003 and 2003-2015. The average of comprehensive dynamic degree of land use was 1.12%, 1.11% and 0.85%, respectively. The comprehensive dynamic degree of land use was relatively high in the administrative boundaries; and 3) The land use intensity presented an increasing trend in study area in 1979, 1991, 2003 and 2015. The average value of land use intensity was 3.66, 3.68, 3.76 and 3.82, respectively. The land use diversity degree presented a declining trend in study area in 1979, 1991, 2003 and 2015. The average value of land use diversity degree was 0.29, 0.28, 0.27 and 0.26, respectively. The higher the land use intensity was, and the lower the land use diversity degree was, which indicated there was a conflict between the distribution of land use intensity and the distribution of land use diversity degree. The results of this research would improve the regional ecological environment. Besides, it also had theoretical and practical significance to achieve regional sustainable land use.


