韩豹, 杨亚楠, 孟繁超, 梁丽娜, 葛玉晓. 气吸滚筒式自动清堵粳稻排种器的改进设计与性能试验[J]. 农业工程学报, 2016, 32(19): 18-25. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.19.003
    引用本文: 韩豹, 杨亚楠, 孟繁超, 梁丽娜, 葛玉晓. 气吸滚筒式自动清堵粳稻排种器的改进设计与性能试验[J]. 农业工程学报, 2016, 32(19): 18-25. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.19.003
    Han Bao, Yang Ya'nan, Meng Fanchao, Liang Li'na, Ge Yuxiao. Improved design and performance experiment on air-suction drum-type seed metering device for rice with auto-cleaning block[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2016, 32(19): 18-25. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.19.003
    Citation: Han Bao, Yang Ya'nan, Meng Fanchao, Liang Li'na, Ge Yuxiao. Improved design and performance experiment on air-suction drum-type seed metering device for rice with auto-cleaning block[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2016, 32(19): 18-25. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2016.19.003


    Improved design and performance experiment on air-suction drum-type seed metering device for rice with auto-cleaning block

    • 摘要: 为进一步提高北方优质粳稻营养钵育苗播种精度,针对原设计的气吸滚筒式自动清堵排种器在播种过程中存在种箱内芽种的流动性差、伤种芽和每钵粒数不均等问题,改进了种箱结构设计,增加了二次清种部件和补种区。改进后排种器依靠窝眼自动充种、气力辅助吸种,通过2次清种、1次补种以及自动清除吸孔堵塞物等措施,提高了每钵2~3粒芽种的播种概率。以空育131催芽种子为试验对象,采用四因素三水平正交试验设计方法,研究了喂入口开度、清种间隙、辊刷转速和吸室真空度对空穴率、损伤率和每钵2~3粒率等排种性能的影响。正交试验结果表明:影响改进后排种器排种性能的主次因素依次为清种间隙、喂入口开度、吸室真空度和辊刷转速。在喂入口开度为40 mm、吸室真空度为5 kPa、辊刷转速为55 r/min、清种间隙为6 mm较优参数组合下,改进前、后排种器对外形尺寸相近的空育131和龙粳26以及有一定差异的龙洋16 粳稻芽种进行了播种适应性试验与性能对比试验。对比试验结果表明:对于尺寸相近的空育131和龙粳26粳稻,改进后排种器具有较好的适应性能,并且每钵2~3粒率的概率分别达到83.23%和85.01%,较改进前分别提高了3.77和6.14个百分点,损伤率分别降低了5.73和6.44个百分点,空穴率分别降低了0.51和0.57个百分点;该研究表明,改善充种室芽种的流动性,能够有效降低芽种损伤率,提高排种器每穴2~3粒的充种性能。该研究为粳稻气吸滚筒式排种器结构优化与性能的进一步提高提供参考。


      Abstract: Abstract: Planting and transplanting technology of rice seedling nurturing in hole tray is a high and stable yield cultivation technique in cold weather ecological conditions in China, and a lot of practical productions have proved that the technology has increased production significantly in the northeastern areas, especially in Heilongjiang Province. For cultivating the seedlings with the best quality, some existing experimental studies indicated that the ideal sowing amount of the normal japonica rice (Kongyu 131, Longging 26 and Long yang 16 ) was 40-55 g in each 448-cell potted tray, and on average, there were only 2-3 bud seeds per hole. To improve the precision of seeding (2-3 bud seeds per hole) of japonica rice seedling nurturing in hole tray and promote the extension and application of this technique in large areas in north cold rice-growing areas, based on the analysis of development of the air-suction drum-type seed-metering device with auto-cleaning block, the structure of seed box was improved to improve seed-group structure and the liquidity of seeds in the seed room, a new cleaning-seed mechanism was added for raising the seeding precision, and a replenishing place was designed, which was between the 2 seed-cleaning mechanisms aimed at enhancing the filling seed effect. The ranges of the key structure parameters and working parameters of the improved device were defined. According to the pre-experiments and date commonly used in production, opening width of the seed-box, seed-cleaning gap, rolling brush speed and vacuum degree were the main impact factors of the improved device's seeding performance. On the test equipment of self-developed air-suction drum-type seed metering device, whose seeding productivity was 450 trays (448-cell potted tray) per hour, the japonica rice bud seed Kongyu 131 was selected as experimental material, which had been pre-germinated under the moisture content of 22.34%-23.26% (wet basis). Its bud length was less than 1 mm, and the overall dimensions of clustered area of the seeds were as follows: length of 6.74-7.21 mm, width of 3.34-3.72 mm and thickness of 2.20-2.57 mm. And the effects of the 4 main impact factors on missed seed rate (no bud seeds per hole), 1-4 seeds rate (1-4 bud seeds per hole), 2-3 seeds rate (2-3 bud seeds per hole) and damage rate of seeding were studied by four-factor and three-level orthogonal experimental design. The results of orthogonal experiment showed that the order affecting the missed seed rate, 1-4 seeds rate, 2-3 seeds rate and damage rate was seed-cleaning gap > opening width of the seed-box > vacuum degree > rolling brush speed, and the optimal combination parameters were that the opening width of the seed-box was 40 mm, the vacuum degree of suction chamber was 5 kPa, the rolling brush speed was 55 r/min and the seed-cleaning gap was 6 mm; the probability of 2-3 seeds per hole was 83.23%, and the missed seed rate and damage rate were 1.09% and 0.14%, respectively. In addition, the performance contrast test was carried out under the same conditions with 3 kinds of japonica rice bud seeds (Kongyu 131 and Longjing 26 with the similar overall dimensions, and Longyang 16 with some differences from the above) using the air-suction drum-type seed metering device before and after improvement. The experimental results showed that the improved device had a good adaptability for seeding Kongyu 131 and Longjing 26 with the similar size. Compared with the primary metering device, the probability of 2-3 seeds per hole increased by about 3.77 and 6.14 percent point, respectively, the damage rate decreased by about 5.73 and 6.44 percent point, respectively, and the missed seed rate decreased by about 0.51 and 0.57 percent point, respectively. The research further indicated that improving the fluidity of the bud seeds and decreasing the friction force and extrusion force among the seeds not only could decrease the damage rate effectively, but also may increase the probability of 2-3 seeds per hole and meet the seeding requirements of japonica rice seedling nurturing in hole tray. The study provides an important reference for the structure optimization and the seeding performance further improvement of the suction metering device for rice seedling nurturing in hole tray.


