
    Development and performance experiment on grain yield monitoring system of combine harvester based on photoelectric diffuse reflectance

    • 摘要: 为了进一步提高联合收割机谷物产量计量系统的精度,自主研发了基于光电漫反射原理的谷物产量计量系统。系统主要由传感器模块、数据处理模块、GPS模块和谷物产量计量显示终端组成。光电式谷物产量计量系统计量作业时,当联合收割机籽粒升运器刮板输送谷物经过漫反射型谷物体积传感器时,会间歇性的阻断光路,从而产生脉宽信号,脉宽信号大小与刮板上谷物厚度成正比,同时升运器转速传感器输出转速信号,谷物产量计量数据处理模块将采集到的2路传感器信号进行放大、滤波和A/D转换后与GPS模块采集的联合收割机行进速度、经纬度信息由RS485总线传输至光电谷物产量计量软件系统,经光电式谷物产量模型处理后,将产量信息、速度信息、位置信息等实时显示在终端上。为了验证光电式谷物产量计量系统的性能,分别开展了室内主要传感器性能台架试验和系统田间动态性能验证试验,试验中谷物喂入量在0.1~6 kg/s范围内,台架试验表明升运器转速传感器测量误差小于2.00%,漫反射型谷物体积传感器测量误差小于3.50%。田间动态性能验证试验结果表明光电式谷物产量计量系统运行稳定,系统检测结果与实际测量结果决定系数R2达到0.848 4,测产误差最大为3.51%,满足田间实际测产需要,为精准农业变量作业提供了科学依据。


      Abstract: Abstract: Development of remote sensing (RS), geographical information system (GIS) and global positioning system (GPS) has provided new methods for obtaining field grain yield information, which allows better description of spatial variability for grain yield. Monitoring grain yield has become an essential component in precision agriculture, which provides better guidance for grain growth and management such as variable fertilizing, irrigating and spraying. In order to further improve the monitoring accuracy of grain combine harvester, a new real-time grain yield monitoring system based on photoelectric principle was developed in this study. The system was composed of sensor module, grain yield data acquisition module, GPS module and grain yield display terminal. The sensor module included diffuse reflectance grain volume senor as key component of the system and rotating speed sensor of elevator. A model of grain mass on the scraper was established based on optical principle of photoelectric diffuse reflection effect and grain kinematic principle. Prediction model and diffuse reflectance grain yield monitoring software were embedded in the grain yield display terminal. When the elevator scraper of the combine harvester with the grain passed the diffuse reflectance grain volume sensor, the light path would be blocked intermittently. As a result, the corresponding pulse signal would be generated and meanwhile the elevator's rotating speed sensor would output the rotating speed signal. According to photoelectric principle, the size of pulse signal was proportional to the thickness of grain on the scraper. Subsequently the grain yield data acquisition module converted sensor signals into standard signals, and grain yield information including real-time grain yield and total yield, elevator rotating speed, combine harvester speed, harvest area, and longitude and latitude would be obtained and displayed on the terminal. In order to evaluate the performance of the grain yield monitoring system, both laboratory platform experiment and field dynamic experiment were conducted. For the platform experiment, an experiment platform was designed, which was composed of LED (light-emitting diode) terminal, diffuse reflectance grain volume sensor, grain inlet, elevator, elevator's rotating speed sensor and motor. The result of platform experiment showed that the rotating speed sensor of elevator had the maximum error of 1.87%, which was less than 2.00%, and the maximum standard deviation of 2.33 r/min, which indicated the sensor had a small discrete degree; the diffuse reflectance grain volume sensor had the maximum error of 3.14%, which was less than 3.50%, and both the accuracy and the stability satisfied the requirements. Field dynamic experiment included 3 parts: field experiment without loading, model calibration experiment and field experiment of wheat yield. The field experiment without loading showed that the pulse signal intensity of diffuse reflectance grain volume sensor decreased with the elevator's rotating speed increasing, the determination coefficient (R2) of output curve was 0.941 1, and the measurement error was within 4.00%. For the model calibration experiment, domestic TB60 type combine harvester was calibrated to obtain the calibration factor of 0.071, and the relationship between grain mass and thickness was gotten. The field wheat yield experiment showed that the grain yield monitoring system based on photoelectric principle was maximum error of 3.51%, which was smaller than the double-plate differential method. The system offered a wide range of grain feeding quantity and satisfied the need of field grain yield monitoring. The research provides a new method to monitor real-time grain yield, and the system is applicable to domestic mainstream models of combine harvester in China.


