刘路广, 谭君位, 吴瑕, 王丽红, 曹俊龙. 鄂北地区水稻适宜节水模式与节水潜力[J]. 农业工程学报, 2017, 33(4): 169-177. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.04.024
    引用本文: 刘路广, 谭君位, 吴瑕, 王丽红, 曹俊龙. 鄂北地区水稻适宜节水模式与节水潜力[J]. 农业工程学报, 2017, 33(4): 169-177. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.04.024
    Liu Luguang, Tan Junwei, Wu Xia, Wang Lihong, Cao Junlong. Reasonable irrigation mode and water-saving potential for rice in Northern Hubei Province[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(4): 169-177. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.04.024
    Citation: Liu Luguang, Tan Junwei, Wu Xia, Wang Lihong, Cao Junlong. Reasonable irrigation mode and water-saving potential for rice in Northern Hubei Province[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(4): 169-177. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.04.024


    Reasonable irrigation mode and water-saving potential for rice in Northern Hubei Province

    • 摘要: 研究作物需水规律、探寻适宜节水模式对缓解农业用水短缺十分重要。该文基于长渠灌溉试验站2009−2013年的水稻灌溉试验数据,分析了浅灌、中蓄、湿润3种传统灌溉模式下水稻的需水规律;运用率定后的ORYZA_V3模型模拟了30 a(1981−2010年)不同灌溉模式、不同灌溉下限以及不同灌水定额等多种情景下的水稻生长,对比分析了水稻各生育阶段腾发量、耗水量、灌溉定额、灌水次数、产量以及水分生产率在不同情景下的差异;通过模拟典型年不同受旱情景下的水稻生长,对比分析了各生育阶段不同受旱程度对水稻腾发量和产量的影响。结果表明:与浅灌模式相比,湿润模式下水稻年均产量增加2.7%、灌溉用水量减少4.2%;中蓄模式下水稻产量减少2.3%、灌溉用水量减少1.1%;湿润模式优于浅灌、中蓄模式。分蘖期的灌溉下限低于90%能减少水稻腾发量47%以上,其他阶段的灌溉下限低于70%时能减少水稻腾发量10%以上;拔节孕穗期和抽穗开花期受旱对产量的影响最大;综合考虑节水、降低田间管理难度、确保粮食产量等因素,提出了鄂北地区的适宜灌溉模式:蓄水深度为60 mm,返青期保持薄水层,黄熟期水层自然落干,拔节孕穗期、乳熟期可中度受旱(灌溉下限为饱和含水率的70%~80%),分蘖、抽穗开花期可轻度受旱(灌溉下限不能低于饱和含水率的80%);灌水定额为30~40 mm。该适宜灌溉模式可为鄂北地区至少可节水1.68亿m3,具有巨大的节水潜力。研究结果对指导鄂北地区水稻灌溉用水和明晰节水重点具有重要意义。


      Abstract: Abstract: The agricultural water and ecological water have been continuously squeezed due to increasing urban domestic water consumption in China. Moreover, the inconsistency between water supply and demand in agriculture has been threating the regional food security, ecological environment protection, and social stability. Therefore, the study on crop water requirement and water-saving irrigation mode is important to mitigate the water shortage in agriculture. In this paper, yield and water demand regulation of paddy rice under different irrigation modes were analyzed based on the field experiments conducted in 2009-2013 at Changqu Irrigation Station (31°11′N, 112°11′E), Xiangyang, Hubei Province. ORYZA_V3 model was calibrated against the measured rice yield obtained in 2010, and validated with measured rice yield obtained in 2011. Then, the calibrated model was used to simulate the rice growth for 30 years (1981-2010) under three traditional irrigation modes and several drought schemes, which were designed with combinations of lower limits of irrigation, irrigation water quotas, and irrigation times for drought in different rice growing stages. Based on model outputs, evapotranspiration and water consumption were calculated for each growing stage,and irrigation quota, irrigation times, yields and water productivity were compared. Based on that, an optimum irrigation mode was proposed for this region, and its water-saving potential was calculated. The results indicated that, compared to shallow irrigation (SI) mode, the annual average yield under wetting irrigation (WI) mode increased by 2.7% and the irrigation quota decreased by 4.2%, whereas the yield under middle-store irrigation (MI) mode decreased by 2.3% and the irrigation quota decreased by 1.1%. Thus, among the traditional irrigation modes, WI mode is better than SI mode and MI mode from the points of saving water and improving production. Furthermore, lower irrigation threshold less than 90% of saturated soil moisture in tillering stage (TL) reduced evapotranspiration by more than 47%, and in other stages evapotranspiration were reduced by more than 10% when the irrigation threshold was less than 70% of saturated soil moisture. In addition, drought in jointing-booting (JB) and heading flowering (HF) stage had stronger effects on rice yield than that in other stages. After an overall consideration of water-saving, field management efficiency and food security, the optimum irrigation mode for this region was suggested: The maximum water level in field after rain was set as 60 mm, thin water layer should be kept in returning green (RG) and heading flowering (HF) stages, whereas natural fall was advisable in yellow-ripping (YR) stage, and moderate drought was allowed only in jointing-booting (JB) and milky-ripening (MK) stages with lower limit of irrigation between 70%-80% of saturated soil moisture while light drought was suggested in other stages with the lower limit of irrigation higher than 80% of saturated soil moisture, and the irrigation water quota was set as 30-40 mm. The optimum irrigation mode had great water-saving potential, which could save at least 0.168 billion m3 water for northern part of Hubei Province. The results of this study were of important significance in guiding the irrigation for paddy rice in this region.


