李正鹏, 宋明丹, 冯浩. 水氮耦合下冬小麦LAI与株高的动态特征及其与产量的关系[J]. 农业工程学报, 2017, 33(4): 195-202. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.04.027
    引用本文: 李正鹏, 宋明丹, 冯浩. 水氮耦合下冬小麦LAI与株高的动态特征及其与产量的关系[J]. 农业工程学报, 2017, 33(4): 195-202. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.04.027
    Li Zhengpeng, Song Mingdan, Feng Hao. Dynamic characteristics of leaf area index and plant height of winter wheat influenced by irrigation and nitrogen coupling and their relationships with yield[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(4): 195-202. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.04.027
    Citation: Li Zhengpeng, Song Mingdan, Feng Hao. Dynamic characteristics of leaf area index and plant height of winter wheat influenced by irrigation and nitrogen coupling and their relationships with yield[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(4): 195-202. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.04.027


    Dynamic characteristics of leaf area index and plant height of winter wheat influenced by irrigation and nitrogen coupling and their relationships with yield

    • 摘要: 为了进一步阐明灌水施氮对小麦生长(叶面积指数(leaf area index,LAI)和株高)和产量的影响机制,本研究在2012-2014年2a大田试验基础上,采用修正的Logistic和Richards数学模型定量分析了不同灌水施氮处理对LAI和株高的动态发育的影响,以及LAI和株高动态变化过程与产量及产量构成的回归关系。结果表明灌水能显著提高LAI的最大扩展速率(LRmax),从而增大最大LAI和平均LAI。施氮通过降低达到最大速率和最大LAI时的积温、增大LRmax来提高最大LAI和平均LAI(分别由不施氮下的1.87、1.35 cm2/cm2增大到施氮210 kg/hm2条件下的4.57、3.82 cm2/cm2,继续施氮,增加效果不显著)。灌水通过延长株高生长时间来增大株高。施氮通过缩短株高进入快速生长期的时间和延长株高生长时间来增大株高,最大株高由不施氮下的58 cm提高到施氮105 kg/hm2条件下的65 cm,继续施氮对株高增加不显著。年份对株高的生长影响显著。产量及产量构成与株高、LAI过程的逐步回归分析表明产量由平均LAI和最大株高共同决定,平均LAI主要决定了每平方米穗数,而最大株高主要决定了千粒质量,平均LAI对产量贡献更多。该研究为揭示水肥对作物生长过程和产量形成提供理论依据,为合理调控作物群体结构提供技术支撑。


      Abstract: Abstract: Leaf area and plant height are 2 important characteristic parameters of canopy structure, which represent the crop vertical extension and horizontal expansion respectively and are closely related to dry matter accumulation and yield formation by influencing the interception and distribution of photosynthetic active radiation. The dynamic process of crop LAI (leaf area index) and height could be influenced by many factors, of which water and nitrogen are the two major ones limiting crop growth and development. Some researchers have analyzed the dynamic process of LAI quantitatively under high yielding conditions, however the dynamic characteristics of LAI under water and nitrogen stress are still not clear. The effect of different cultivars, cultivation practices on the plant height at maturity were studied by most former research, while less information was found about how the management practices influence the dynamic process of plant height. Therefore, this study was aimed to clarify the effects of water and nitrogen on wheat LAIand plant dynamics and to quantify the relationship of LAI and plant height with crop yield. A field experiment during 2012-2014 was conducted with 3 irrigation levels and 4 nitrogen input levels in Guanzhong Plain of Shaanxi Province, and LAIs and plant heights measured were fitted with thermal time using the modified Logistic model and Richards mathematical model, respectively. The results demonstrated that the performances of both models were pretty good with an nRMSE(normalized root mean squared error) of 8% for LAI and an nRMSE of 4% for plant height, respectively. Irrigation enhanced the maximum growth rate of LAI, which increased from 0.004 cm2/(cm2•℃•d) under rainfed condition to 0.006 cm2/(cm2•℃•d) under irrigation condition in over-wintering and jointing period. The corresponding maximum LAI and average LAI increased from 3.50 and 2.64 cm2/cm2 to 4.11 and 3.15 cm2/cm2, respectively. Nitrogen fertilizer application shortened the thermal time from sowing to the maximum growth rate and maximum value of LAI occurring, and improved the maximum growth rate of LAI. Hence, the maximum LAI and average LAI increased from 1.87 and 1.35 cm2/cm2 with no nitrogen input to 4.57 and 3.82 cm2/cm2 with 210 kg/hm2 input, respectively, and no further significant increase was observed with more nitrogen input. Irrigation enhanced the maximum plant height from 62 to 66 cm, which was resulted from the longer thermal time from sowing to the maximum plant height occurring under the irrigation condition. The thermal time from sowing to the rapid growth stage and to the maximum plant height occurring was shortened and extended by nitrogen fertilizer application, respectively,which brought about a plant height increasing from 58 to 65 cm with 105 kg/hm2 input, and then plant height was leveled off with more nitrogen input. Due to more rainfall in the early growth stage, the plant height in 2014 was about 10 cm higher than that in 2013. The stepwise regression analysis of dynamic characteristics of wheat yield with LAI and plant height showed that grain numbers per square meter was only related with average LAI, while 1 000-grain weight depended largely on the maximum plant height. Furthermore, the final yield was determined by both average LAI and the maximum plant height with a larger contribution from average LAI. This research revealed the mechanism that how irrigation and nitrogen fertilizer application affected the plant leaf area and height growth, and then further impacted on yield. The result provides a set of technical support for reasonable regulation of crop community structure.


