敖登高娃, 李跃进, 兀良哈·巴雅尔. 脆弱草原带农牧交错区村域尺度土地利用结构定量分析[J]. 农业工程学报, 2017, 33(6): 222-231. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.06.029
    引用本文: 敖登高娃, 李跃进, 兀良哈·巴雅尔. 脆弱草原带农牧交错区村域尺度土地利用结构定量分析[J]. 农业工程学报, 2017, 33(6): 222-231. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.06.029
    Aodenggaowa, Li Yuejin, Wuliangha Bayaer. Quantitative analysis on land use structure at village level in farming-pastoral fragile steppe zone[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(6): 222-231. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.06.029
    Citation: Aodenggaowa, Li Yuejin, Wuliangha Bayaer. Quantitative analysis on land use structure at village level in farming-pastoral fragile steppe zone[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(6): 222-231. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.06.029


    Quantitative analysis on land use structure at village level in farming-pastoral fragile steppe zone

    • 摘要: 村级规划是现行土地利用规划的延伸和完善,全面揭示村域土地利用结构特征是村级土地利用规划编制必不可少的前提条件。该文以四子王旗中部乌兰察布丘陵区西南8个乡镇54个村(社区)组成的典型的脆弱草原带农牧交错区为研究区域,以其所辖村(社区)为分析单元,利用2013年遥感影像解译数据,运用计量地理方法和GIS技术,定量分析村域土地利用结构特征,为脆弱草原带农牧交错区村级土地利用规划的编制提供参考依据。结果表明:研究区土地利用多样化指数平均值为0.71,所辖各村(社区)多样化指数介于0~0.77之间,土地利用类型多样化程度总体处于中等偏上水平;各村(社区)集中化指数介于-0.33~1之间,集中化程度总体呈现为中等偏下的状态;土地组合类型相对较丰富,半数以上的村(社区)地类组合类型以耕地-林地-牧草地为主,37%的村(社区)以耕地-林地为主,空间分布上基本形成了一个集最单一和最齐全组合类型的中心区域和以此为中心的3条南北带状分布区域及最外侧对称分布的2个地段,在这些不同区域和地段内耕地、林地和牧草地呈现出相间分布的特点;土地利用程度综合指数平均值为243.05,各村(社区)综合指数值介于213.83~400之间,土地利用程度总体水平较高;受地形、海拔及人类生产投入水平的影响,各类用地在各村(社区)的区位意义不尽相同,其中耕地和林地区位意义相对较突出,而对半干旱草原地区来说,牧草地区位意义并不突出。据此,脆弱草原带农牧交错区的土地利用,在完善灌丛林生态体系的同时加强牧草地保护和农田基本建设是确保草原生态安全和经济稳定发展的必然选择。


      Abstract: Abstract: Ecological fragile zone is also called the ecological ecotone, and refers to the transition area between the 2 different types of ecological systems. Ecological fragile areas in China are mainly distributed in the northern arid or semi-arid region, southern hilly region, southwest mountainous region, the Tibetan Plateau and the eastern coastal land-water interactive region. The northern farming-pastoral ecological fragile areas are mainly distributed in the northern arid or semi-arid steppe region, where the annual rainfall is 300-450 mm, the dry degree is 1.0-2.0, and the administrative areas involve Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Liaoning, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Ningxia and Gansu, totally 8 autonomous regions or provinces of China. Village level planning is the extension and improvement of the current land use planning, and fully disclosing the village domain characteristics of land use structure is one of the essential premise conditions for village level land use plan. This article took the farming-pastoral fragile steppe zone as study area, which consists of 8 townships and 54 villages, and is distributed in middle part of Siziwang Banner and southwestern part of Wulanchabu hilly region. The characteristics of land use structure at village level were quantitatively analyzed through quantitative geographical method such as Gibbs-Martin diversity index model, centralization index, Weaver-Thomas combination coefficient method, comprehensive index of land use degree and location index model, and GIS (geographical information system) technique such as ArcGIS. Finally we got the following findings: Mean value of land use diversity index was 0.71 in study area, and land use diversity indices of all of the administrative villages were from 0 to 0.77, which had obvious difference, and land use diversity degree was in the level from medium to high; simultaneously the centralization index had wide distribution range that was from -0.33 to 1 for all of the administrative villages, and overall the centralization level was from medium to low. Combination of land use types was relatively abundant; the first major land use combination was cropland-woodland-pasture that occurred in above 50% of administrative villages in study area, and then the second major land use combination was cropland-woodland that occurred in 37% of administrative villages. A central region comprising the most single and the most complete combinations was basically formed, and it also had 5 north-south zonal areas with this central region as the center; cropland, woodland and pasture were alternately distributed in the above different combination zones of land use types. Mean value of comprehensive index of land use degree was 243.05, and comprehensive indices of land use degree of all of the administrative villages in study area were from 213.83 to 400, indicating that the study area had a high land use degree overall. And due to the terrain, altitude and human production input level, land use types had different location meaning in the administrative villages of study area, among them the cropland and woodland had relatively outstanding location meaning, but the pasture did not have corresponding prominent location meaning although our study area was located in a fragile steppe zone. According to the above result, we put forward the following suggestions: We should not only build a perfect shrub ecological system on the ecological environment recovery, but also protect the existing grassland and gradually stabilize the grassland net primary productivity, which aims to ensure the grassland ecological security, stability and economic development; in the farming-pastoral fragile steppe zone, to strengthen the construction of basic farmland and to raise the level of land use intensity are necessary choices to further improve the comprehensive benefit of land use on the basis of fully considering topography and other nature conditions.


