杨琦, 叶豪, 黄凯, 查元源, 史良胜. 利用无人机影像构建作物表面模型估测甘蔗LAI[J]. 农业工程学报, 2017, 33(8): 104-111. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.08.014
    引用本文: 杨琦, 叶豪, 黄凯, 查元源, 史良胜. 利用无人机影像构建作物表面模型估测甘蔗LAI[J]. 农业工程学报, 2017, 33(8): 104-111. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.08.014
    Yang Qi, Ye Hao, Huang Kai, Zha Yuanyuan, Shi Liangsheng. Estimation of leaf area index of sugarcane using crop surface model based on UAV image[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(8): 104-111. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.08.014
    Citation: Yang Qi, Ye Hao, Huang Kai, Zha Yuanyuan, Shi Liangsheng. Estimation of leaf area index of sugarcane using crop surface model based on UAV image[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(8): 104-111. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.08.014


    Estimation of leaf area index of sugarcane using crop surface model based on UAV image

    • 摘要: 为探讨从作物表面模型(crop surface models,CSMs)中提取株高来估算糖料蔗叶面积指数(leaf area index,LAI)的可行性,该文采用无人机-RGB高清数码相机构成的低空遥感平台,以广西糖料蔗为研究对象,采集了糖料蔗全生育期的高清数码影像,分别在有无地面控制点条件下建立各生育期CSMs并提取株高。此外,该文利用高清数码影像计算了6种可见光植被指数并建立LAI估算模型,用以对比从CSMs提取的株高对LAI的估算效果。结果表明:全生育期CSMs提取的株高与实测株高显著相关(P<0.01),株高预测值与实测值高度拟合(R2=0.961 2,RMSE=0.215 2)。选取的6种可见光植被指数中,绿红植被指数对糖料蔗伸长末期以前的LAI的估测效果最好(R2=0.779 0,RMSE=0.556 1,MRE=0.168 0)。相同条件下,株高对LAI有更高的估测精度,其中CSMs提取的株高估测效果优于地面实测株高,预测模型R2=0.904 4,RMSE=0.366 2,MRE=0.124 3。研究表明,使用无人机拍摄RGB影像来提取株高并运用于糖料蔗重要生育期LAI的估算是可行的,CSMs提取的株高拥有较高的精度。该研究可为大区域进行精准快速的农情监测提供参考。


      Abstract: Abstract: The red-green-blue (RGB) digital camera on unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) with the relatively low cost and near real-time image acquisition renders a remote sensing platform, which is an ideal tool for crop monitoring in precision agriculture. Some successful applications have been made in biomass and yield estimation. However, retrieval of leaf area index (LAI) using plant height information extracted by crop surface models (CSMs) has been paid very limited attention to. Therefore, the objective of this study was to demonstrate the feasibility of estimating LAI with CSMs-based plant height. The study was conducted in warm and wet southern China where the sugarcane was planted widely. In this study, we acquired RGB imaging data of sugarcane in whole growing stage (8 flights) by this platform. Afterward, 42 ground control points (GCPs) were evenly distributed across the field due to the rugged terrain of the experimental area. The CSMs were built with the GCPs data and the UAV-based RGB image with very high resolution using the structure from motion (SfM) algorithm, and then the plant height information derived from CSMs was applied to estimate the LAI of sugarcane. The estimated LAI values were validated using the ground measurement data, which were collected simultaneously with the image acquisition. To assess the accuracy of plant height extracted from the CSMs without geo-referencing by GCPs data, we also constructed the ground elevation model by inverse distance weighted (IDW) interpolation to obtain plant height. In addition, we applied 6 visible band vegetation indices including green-red vegetation index (GRVI), normalized redness intensity (NRI), normalized greenness intensity (NGI), green leaf index (GLI), atmospherically resistant vegetation index (ARVI), and modified green-red vegetation index (MGRVI) from RGB image to predict the LAI, respectively. The performance of prediction models based on 6 vegetation indices was assessed by comparing with that based on plant height. The predicted plant heights based on GCPs geo-referenced CSMs matched well with the observations in the validation set, with the R2 value of 0.961 2 and the root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.215 2 at the 0.01 significance level. This result demonstrated that the UAV-based CSMs with geo-referencing by GCPs were more effective in monitoring the characteristics of sugarcane canopy over rugged terrain. In all the selected visible band vegetation indices, GRVI had the decent agreement with LAI prior to late elongation stage, with the R2 value of 0.779 0, the RMSE value of 0.556 1, and the mean relative error (MRE) of 0.168 0 in the validation set. In contrast, the plant height models showed a better performance than the visible band VIs over the same period, and the best estimate for LAI was obtained from CSMs-based plant height (R2=0.904 4, RMSE=0.366 2, and MRE=0.124 3). Unfortunately, due to that leaves turned to be withering since late elongation stage, all models in this study had relatively poor performance in estimating the LAI in the whole growing stage. NRI performed the best for the LAI estimation in the whole growing stage (R2=0.668 4, RMSE=0.636 0, and MRE=0.187 5), while its effect was poorer compared with the result before late elongation stage. Hence, it was unsuitable for LAI estimation from visible band VIs and plant height after late elongation stage. Furthermore, all above visible band VIs in this study were affected by the saturation phenomenon with varying degrees at high LAI levels. Conversely, the CSMs-based plant height model, which showed a linear trend without saturation at high LAI, proved to be the best predictor before late elongation stage. Because the key growing stage covered the period from seedling stage to late elongation stage, and the plant height models overcame the saturation limits of visible band VIs, it was better to estimate LAI with plant height. The results of this study indicate that using CSMs-based plant height to retrieve LAI of sugarcane in the important growth period is feasible. Moreover, since the excellent fitting of CSMs-based plant height to the ground observations, this technology is a powerful tool to obtain crop canopy features accurately and rapidly and provides a new approach to the crop condition monitoring in large areas.


