陈训教, 吕志军, 薛向磊, 辛亮, 喻擎苍, 于友朋, 赵匀. 无线遥控步行插秧机的设计与试验[J]. 农业工程学报, 2017, 33(17): 10-17. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.17.002
    引用本文: 陈训教, 吕志军, 薛向磊, 辛亮, 喻擎苍, 于友朋, 赵匀. 无线遥控步行插秧机的设计与试验[J]. 农业工程学报, 2017, 33(17): 10-17. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.17.002
    Chen Xunjiao, Lü Zhijun, Xue Xianglei, Xin Liang, Yu Qingcang, Yu Youpeng, Zhao Yun. Design and performance experiment of wireless remote control walking rice transplanter[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(17): 10-17. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.17.002
    Citation: Chen Xunjiao, Lü Zhijun, Xue Xianglei, Xin Liang, Yu Qingcang, Yu Youpeng, Zhao Yun. Design and performance experiment of wireless remote control walking rice transplanter[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(17): 10-17. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.17.002


    Design and performance experiment of wireless remote control walking rice transplanter

    • 摘要: 无线遥控步行插秧机有广阔的市场前景和应用价值,在不借助人力的情况下,田间地头原地180°转向是一大难题。为此,作者发明了一种具有升降功能的辅助行走机构,在田间地头借助大幅度升降功使浮板能够完全脱离泥面,减少转向阻力。在分析了该机构的结构特点及工作原理基础上,建立了机构的运动学模型,开发了基于Visual Basic6.0的计算机辅助优化设计与分析软件,并结合"参数导引"启发式优化算法快速优化求解得到满足辅助行走机构工作要求的一组参数,基于优化所得参数进行结构设计,并进行了物理样机加工试制与装配。同时,开发了末端气动执行系统和基于串口通信的无线遥控系统。在规格为10 m×20 m,泥脚深度为15~25 cm的水田中进行田间试验,将插秧机的行走速度设定为0.45和0.90 m/s,试验结果表明,在无线遥控状态下,该机型可以完成插秧、直线行驶、全自动90°转向和田间地头原地180°转向。辅助行走机构和控制系统满足无线遥控步行插秧机在田间正常作业要求,验证了机构和控制系统的可行性。


      Abstract: Abstract: Wireless remote control walking rice transplanter has broad market prospects and a high application value. Its 180° turning without manual assistance in the paddy field is a difficult problem. Based on the analysis of the operations of the walking transplanter in the paddy field, a kind of walking assist mechanism that can be lifted and descended was invented. Thanks to the substantial lifting and descending functions, the floating plate can be fully lifted away from the mud surface in the paddy field, and the resistance to turning can be reduced. A kinematics model was established for this mechanism on the basis of the analysis of the structural characteristics and working principles of this mechanism, while the multi-objective and multi-parameter optimized model was proposed for the walking assist mechanism according to its structural characteristics as well as operating requirements of wireless remote control walking rice transplanter in the paddy field. The computer-aided design and analysis software based on Visual Basic 6.0 was developed, and the "parameter-guided" heuristic optimization algorithm invented by the researcher team was embedded in this software for quick optimal solutions in order to get a group of parameters meeting the working requirements of the walking assist mechanism. Based on the optimized parameters, the structural design of the walking assist mechanism was carried out, and the trial physical prototype was manufactured. At the same time, C Language was applied to carry out the re-development of the microcontroller development board, which was used as signal transmission module for sending the control commands (remote control function). The minimum system of the single-chip microcomputer was used as the vehicle-based signal processing module. The end pneumatic actuator system was developed in order to convert the control commands into the actual actions of the rice transplanter and to realize the automatic operation. The signal processing module used the character variables to receive the commands from the storage signal transmission module. The cylinder numbers respectively correspond to the solenoid valves, the relays, and the single-chip microcomputer pins, so that the "on" and "off" of the cylinders with the corresponding number can be controlled according to the judgment results on the character variables. By this way, different cylinders' "on/off" acting as a group realized the actions of the rice transplanter. Finally, the physical prototype of the walking assist mechanism, signal processing module and end pneumatic actuator system were fitted to the walking transplanter, and the test was carried out in paddy field with the specifications of 10 m×20 m and the mud depth of 15-25 cm, and the walking speed of the transplanter was set as 0.45 m/s and 0.90m/s. The test results showed that, in the wireless remote control state, the machine successfully completed the operation of planting, straight driving, automatic 90° turning and 180° turning in the paddy field. The walking assist mechanism and control system meet the requirements of the field operation of the wireless remote control walking rice transplanter, that proves the feasibility of the mechanism and the control system.


