蒋业林, 张静, 侯冠军, 程云生, 李翔, 季索菲, 张太祥. 工厂化养殖稚幼中华鳖的环保型温室构建与性能试验[J]. 农业工程学报, 2017, 33(17): 167-172. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.17.022
    引用本文: 蒋业林, 张静, 侯冠军, 程云生, 李翔, 季索菲, 张太祥. 工厂化养殖稚幼中华鳖的环保型温室构建与性能试验[J]. 农业工程学报, 2017, 33(17): 167-172. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.17.022
    Jiang Yelin, Zhang Jing, Hou Guanjun, Cheng Yunsheng, Li Xiang, Ji Suofei, Zhang Taixiang. Construction and performance experiment of environmentally-friendly greenhouse for culturing juvenile Chinese soft-shelled turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis)[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(17): 167-172. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.17.022
    Citation: Jiang Yelin, Zhang Jing, Hou Guanjun, Cheng Yunsheng, Li Xiang, Ji Suofei, Zhang Taixiang. Construction and performance experiment of environmentally-friendly greenhouse for culturing juvenile Chinese soft-shelled turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis)[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(17): 167-172. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.17.022


    Construction and performance experiment of environmentally-friendly greenhouse for culturing juvenile Chinese soft-shelled turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis)

    • 摘要: 为了满足稚幼中华鳖工厂化养殖的需求,响应减少CO2排放的政策,设计建造了符合其生活习性的环保型温室。该温室使用地源热泵空调系统控温,底部排污系统排出残饵和排泄物,养殖池内配置网片隐蔽巢供稚幼鳖栖息,采用微孔增氧装置和微生物制剂调控水体中溶解氧、氨氮和亚硝态氮含量。结果表明通过使用地源热泵空调,1栋占地780 m2的温室在10个月的生产期内减少使用燃煤约35 t,减少CO2排放约84.01 t。养殖水体中溶解氧质量浓度5.83~7.68 mg/L,氨氮和亚硝态氮质量浓度分别在0.39~0.83 mg/L和0.14~0.16 mg/L范围内。经过约10个月的养殖(放养质量约为3.5 g,密度为50只/m2),平均质量为581 g,存活率86.2%,饲料转化率1.18,特定生长率1.77,1栋温室年利润为157 870元。综上,该工厂化养殖稚幼鳖的环保型温室能为其提供舒适的生活环境,表现出良好的经济效益和社会效益,有很大的推广价值和实际意义。


      Abstract: Abstract: Due to its high nutritional and medicinal value, Chinese soft-shelled turtle, pelodiscus sinensis, is a favorite food in many parts of Asia. Consequently, the cultivation of it has become commercial. Large-scale farming of turtle in Anhui province has been growing rapidly, and the production was about 40 000 t in 2015. As a poikilothermal animal, the juvenile is hard to survive in the cold winter. Over-winter in greenhouse is necessary for it. Considering high fuel prices and limitation of pollutant emissions, an environmentally-friendly greenhouse was designed and constructed to satisfy the demand of the intensive cultivation of Chinese soft-shelled turtle, and to reduce the use of fuel and the pollutant emissions. One greenhouse was approximately 780 m2, including nine 70 m2 culture tanks, one 35 m2 culture tank and one 35 m2 reservoir. Every culture tank was connected to a settling tank through underground pipe. Ground source heat pump was used for heating, wok shape tank bottom with “ل”-tape central drainage was used to discharge the residual feeds and faeces timely, and the culture tank skirt shape 3-D shelter, under water feeding platform were equipped to satisfy the living habits, which could reduce the fighting probability and mortality in a great degree. For one greenhouse within the cultural period of 10 months, coal consumption and CO2 emissions were reduced by about 35 and 84.01 t, respectively, by using ground source heat pump compared to fossil fuel (coal) boiler. Additionally, the cost was decreased by about ¥ 11086 during the ten months culturing period. At the start, 3500 juveniles were stocked in one 70 m2 culture tank with an average weight of 3.5 g. Effective microorganisms and vitamin C were added into feed to increase the resistance during feed preparation. The culture water quality was controlled by microorganisms and parameters were monitored and recorded every several seconds by Internet of Things. During the culturing process, dissolved oxygen concentration was maintained in the range of 5.83-7.68 mg/L, water temperature was kept at 31±0.5 ℃, the monthly mean content of ammonia was kept at 0.39-0.83 mg/L and the nitrite was 0.14-0.16 mg/L. After cultivation for about 10 months, the weight of juvenile could increase to about 581 g from 3.5 g, the survival rate was 86.2%, feed conversion rate was 1.18, and specific growth rate was around 1.77, which meant that 43.1 turtles were obtained in per square meter and the average daily weight gain of one turtle was 1.93 g. Good growth performance meant high economic benefits, especially survival rate and feed conversion rate, because the cost of feed accounted for 70% of total investment. The economic return of a greenhouse was about ¥ 157870. Therefore, it is promising to construct the greenhouse for its significant environmental and economic benefit. The results provided a great theoretical and practical significance for the cultivation of juveniles in greenhouse. In summary, the environmentally-friendly greenhouse for culturing juveniles could provide comfortable living conditions, showing high economic and social values. So the greenhouse has a great popularization value and practical significance.


