
    Critical area identification of phosphorus loss based on runoff characteristics in small watershed

    • 摘要: 以密云区石匣小流域为研究区,根据不同降雨类型,采用超渗产流机制的径流曲线模型(SCS-CN)和蓄满产流机制的变源曲线模型(CN-VSA)进行产流特征分析,并利用磷指数模型识别不同产流机制下石匣小流域的磷流失关键源区。结果表明:1)中雨量、高雨强的降雨类型导致的超渗产流机制,使流域的东部、南部土壤较为湿润的区域以及流域的东北部和西部的易产流的耕地区域产流量较高,产流量介于15~30 mm,产流面积约占整个流域面积的14.2%;北部林地区域产流量较低,产流量低于15 mm,产流面积约占整个流域面积的85.8%;2)低雨量、低雨强的降雨类型导致的蓄满产流机制,使流域几乎所有区域不出现产流,产流量低于15 mm的区域面积占比达99.9%;高雨量、中雨强降雨类型导致的蓄满产流机制,使水库及流域水系周围产流量最高,产流量高于30 mm,其区域面积占14.6%、产流量介于15~30 mm之间的区域面积占17.7%、产流量低于15 mm的区域面积占67.7%;3)该研究区土壤侵蚀程度较弱,部分地区产流量较高,存在较高产流风险;4)超渗产流机制下,石匣小流域南部有磷流失风险,约占1.4%的面积;蓄满产流机制下,石匣小流域南部及北部有磷流失风险,约占2.3%的面积,蓄满产流机制下的磷流失风险较大。总体来说,石匣小流域磷流失风险较低,研究区域的南部靠近密云水库附近的区域为磷流失关键源区,需重点治理。


      Abstract: Abstract: Phosphorus is one of the important limiting nutrient elements of net primary productivity of terrestrial freshwater ecosystem, and the characteristics of land runoff are an important factor affecting its loss. Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical value to identify the key source of phosphorus loss under different runoff characteristics. In order to clarify the critical source areas of phosphorus loss in different runoff characteristics, the small watershed of Shixia in Miyun County, northeast of Beijing is taken as the study area. SCS-CN (soil conservation service - curve number) model with infiltration excess runoff mechanism and VSA - CN (variable source area - curve number) model with saturation excess runoff mechanism are used to identify the features of runoff at different rainfall types. PI (phosphorus index) model is applied to identify critical source areas of phosphorus loss in this watershed based on different runoff generation mechanisms. The results show that: 1) For infiltration excess runoff, there is high runoff in relatively humid region in the southern and eastern parts of Shixia small watershed because of the mid rainfall depth and high rainfall intensity, as well as in the arable lands in the northeastern and western parts of this region. The runoff yields in these areas are between 15 and 30 mm, which accounts for about 14.2% of the total area. There is low runoff (runoff yield less than 15 mm) for the forest land in the northern area, whose area accounts for about 85.8%. 2) For saturation excess runoff, there are 2 rainfall types. No runoff can be observed because of the rainfall type of low rainfall depth and low rainfall intensity; and the low runoff area of less than 15 mm accounts for about 99.9%. For the type of the high rainfall depth and mid rainfall intensity, the runoff yield can reach the highest level around the Miyun Reservoir watershed which takes up 14.6% of the total area with runoff yield over 30 mm; there are 17.7% of the total area with runoff yield between 15 and 30 mm and 67.7% of the total area with runoff yield less than 15 mm. 3) The degree of soil erosion in this region is weaker whereas the runoff yield is a bit higher in some areas with a higher risk of runoff. 4) For the type of infiltration excess runoff, there is a risk of phosphorus loss which accounts for about 1.4% of the total area in the southern part of the small watershed of Shixia. For the type of saturation excess runoff, there is a risk of phosphorus loss in the northern part and southern of the Shixia small watershed which accounts for about 2.3% of total area, so there is a higher risk of phosphorus loss under the type of saturation excess runoff than that under the type of infiltration excess runoff. In general, the risk of phosphorus loss in the small watershed of Shixia is lower, and the southern part of the study area close to the Miyun Reservoir is the key area for phosphorus loss and more attention should be paid for control and management.


