忻龙祚, 金亚征, 梁昌明, 杨欣, 霍晓静, 郝建军. 可移动双孢菇栽培料发酵车设计及效果试验[J]. 农业工程学报, 2017, 33(22): 241-247. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.22.031
    引用本文: 忻龙祚, 金亚征, 梁昌明, 杨欣, 霍晓静, 郝建军. 可移动双孢菇栽培料发酵车设计及效果试验[J]. 农业工程学报, 2017, 33(22): 241-247. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.22.031
    Xin Longzuo, Jin Yazheng, Liang Changming, Yang Xin, Huo Xiaojing, Hao Jianjun. Design on mobile fermenting device of agaricus bisporus cultivating material and experiment of cultivation effects[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(22): 241-247. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.22.031
    Citation: Xin Longzuo, Jin Yazheng, Liang Changming, Yang Xin, Huo Xiaojing, Hao Jianjun. Design on mobile fermenting device of agaricus bisporus cultivating material and experiment of cultivation effects[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(22): 241-247. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.22.031


    Design on mobile fermenting device of agaricus bisporus cultivating material and experiment of cultivation effects

    • 摘要: 在中国多数地区,双孢菇以家庭小规模栽培生产为主,由于双孢菇培养料发酵达不到要求,双孢菇存在产量低、效益差等问题,是双孢菇未得到大面积推广栽培的因素之一。可移动式发酵车是针对中小规模双孢菇栽培者使用的研发产品,主要由通风底座、发酵室、压力风机、控制系统、通风管道、控制阀、换热器等部分构成。根据原料性状,完成一次发酵需要15~20 d,发酵过程中无需翻堆倒料;发酵料上、中、下三层温差可以控制在0.1~3.9 ℃,均质程度高;发酵料色泽、手感、秸秆纤维、气味、浸出液等物理性状均符合堆肥腐熟的判定标准,且栽培双孢菇平均产量能达到18 kg/m2。


      Abstract: Abstract: Nutritious Agaricus bisporus is one of the most extensively cultivated, most productive in total and largest consumed edible fungi in the world. In many parts of China, it is mainly planted in small-scale family cultivation. Due to the inadequate fermentation of cultivating material, it is of low yield and unstable benefit, which has been one of the main reasons resulting in not extensively being planted since it was introduced to China. With its movability, adjustable size, low investment, short, effective and homogeneous fermentation and low labor intensity, new mobile fermenting device was designed for cultivators of medium or small-scale Agaricus bisporus planting. It is mainly made up of ventilation pedestal, fermenting room, compressor fan, controlling system, ventilation pipe, controlling valve and heat exchanger (often used in extremely cold winter outside of Northern China). The key to the fermentation of cultivating material by this device is to homogeneously heat every part of cultivating material in fermenting room to achieve the homogeneity of the effective accumulative temperature. By the flow of heat through air circulation, air pressure and air volume can homogeneously reach each part of the fermenting room through the arrangement of air outlet and duct. The effective fermenting temperature and the need of fresh air for fermentation can be adjusted by the volume of air in and out, and the temperature difference in the fermenting room can be controlled within acceptable range for fermentation by air circulation in it. The experiment formula of ferment effects is about 30% corn stalk, 50% cow manure, 20% cotton seed hull, 1% plaster, 1% superphosphate, and 1% lime on mobile fermenting device. Material temperature changes are observed during 5 temperature phases including temperature increasing, pasteurizing, temperature decreasing, constant-temperature sustaining, and fermentation ceasing. Material temperature in temperature increasing phase has been controlled not more than 65 ℃, 60-65 ℃ in pasteurizing phase for 8 h, and 48-52℃ in temperature decreasing and sustaining phase for 24 h. And during fermenting, carbon dioxide in fermenting room has been kept 0.3%-5.0% and ammonia concentration has been not more than 3 mg/L by ventilation. Fermenting results show that according to the characteristics of cultivating material, it takes 15-20 days to have it fermented, which can greatly reduce the fermenting time, labor intensity and production cost of raw material because of no turning of the material and secondary fermentation. And the temperature range of the up, middle and low fermentation material in the room can be managed between 0.1 and 3.9 ℃, which can achieve the fermentation material more homogeneous. And after fermentation, pH values of the upper, the middle and the lower layer material are respectively 7.5, 7.6 and 7.5, which are fit for the development of Agaricus bisporus. And before fermentation, the moisture content is 68%, but after it, the moisture contents of the upper, the middle and the lower layer material are 63%, 63% and 61%, respectively, which decrease by only 5%-7%. And the nitrogen content is 2.8%-2.9%, and the ratio of carbon to nitrogen is 15.8-16.0. In all, after its fermentation, the physical and chemical properties of the material, such as color, feeling, smell and leachate accord with the standards of compost maturity. Yield of Agaricus bisporus is very important, the average yield of Agaricus bisporus cultivated through the fermentation material can reach 18 kg/m2, and it is not different significantly from the contrast (P<0.05).


