耿介, 李冬, 彭玮, 杜广生. 基于频谱分析法的超声波流量计流道结构优化[J]. 农业工程学报, 2017, 33(24): 104-110. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.24.014
    引用本文: 耿介, 李冬, 彭玮, 杜广生. 基于频谱分析法的超声波流量计流道结构优化[J]. 农业工程学报, 2017, 33(24): 104-110. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.24.014
    Geng Jie, Li Dong, Peng Wei, Du Guangsheng. Optimization design of ultrasonic flowmeter flow channel based on frequency spectrum analysis[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(24): 104-110. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.24.014
    Citation: Geng Jie, Li Dong, Peng Wei, Du Guangsheng. Optimization design of ultrasonic flowmeter flow channel based on frequency spectrum analysis[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(24): 104-110. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.24.014


    Optimization design of ultrasonic flowmeter flow channel based on frequency spectrum analysis

    • 摘要: 大尺度漩涡对超声波流量计测量误差有直接影响,该文通过频谱分析法定量研究了63 mm超声波传播路径上各点的湍流脉动频率和特征长度,得到了大尺度漩涡的分布规律,明确了大尺度旋涡比较集中地出现在超声波流量计声波传播路径的中后部的现状,为超声波流量计的流道结构优化提供了重要依据。提出用"井"字形网栅限制声道中后部漩涡尺度的优化方案。研究了3种网栅布置方案(方案1:设置单层网栅于63 mm声波传播路径中后部;方案2:设置3层均布网栅分别位于声波路径4等分点处;方案3:以10 mm间距设置3层均布网栅于声波传播路径中后部)对大尺度旋涡的抑制效果。结果表明方案3效果最好,在Re=50 000条件下,湍流误差仅为0.18%,且压力损失较小。因此,该优化设计有良好的工农业应用前景。


      Abstract: Abstract: Ultrasonic flowmeter is a non-contact flow measurement method which is widely used in various regions from agricultural irrigation to food processing. The accuracy and stability of ultrasonic flowmeter can be affected by large scale vortex because the measurement basically depends on average line velocity on the ultrasonic path rather than the whole intersection scanning. For U-shape transit-time ultrasonic flowmeter, the reflection columns extend into flow area and generate vortexes. The influence on the ultrasonic measurement from different scale vortexes is known as turbulence error. By using constriction design, commercial ultrasonic flowmeters can reduce the unfavorable impact of turbulence fluctuation and then increase its signal to noise ratio (SNR). But the pressure loss caused by the necking design is correspondingly large. In order to replace the constriction and keep applicable measurement accuracy, the discussion on the sources and correction of different measurement errors of ultrasonic flowmeter is emphasized. This paper developed a numerical simulation model for ultrasonic flowmeter based on the large eddy simulation (LES) theory and also validated it. Upon the obtained LES data, the frequency spectrum analyses are firstly practiced to study the relationship between measurement accuracy and turbulent diffusion on the basic U-shape ultrasonic flowmeter without optimization. It is found that the mean flow rate at the second half of flowmeter is relatively high and the turbulent fluctuating scale is comparatively large. Breaking the large scale vortexes at the second half is probably a good way to stabilize the turbulent fluctuation. This manuscript designed three new types of U-shape ultrasonic flowmeters with grid structure, which canceled the constriction part in the U-shape ultrasonic flowmeter. The statistical characteristics of turbulent error based on 6 different U-shape ultrasonic flowmeters are compared. The best optimized design is Case 3 which can potentially replace the U-shape ultrasonic flowmeter with constriction design due to low pressure loss. It can be found that, compared to the ultrasonic flowmeter with constriction, Case 3 reduces the pressure loss by 55% and 61% under the Reynolds number of 5 000 and 50 000 respectively. The turbulent error of Case 3 under the Reynolds number of 5 000 is 0.01%, which is as small as U-shape ultrasonic flowmeter with constriction. As for large flow rate under the Reynolds number of 50 000, the turbulent errors of Case 3 and U-shape ultrasonic flowmeter with constriction are very close, which are 0.18% and 0.17%, respectively. In order to analyze the turbulence reducing effects of Case 3, the flow characteristics of Case 3 is studied. The distribution of grid structure of Case 3 has little influence on the averaged velocity in the measured path. The velocity in Case 3 is layered without good mixing, which can be regarded as the sign of less large scale fluctuation. The introduction of grid structure can restrict the low frequency pulsation, while increasing the high frequency components. As the high frequency components are easier to be smoothed out by time average, the ultrasonic measurement is optimized. If finer grid structure is introduced, the measurement error would decline and pressure loss would correspondingly increase with high possibility. It can potentially be customized by the engineering requirements in the future.


