张丽娜, 武佩, 乌云塔娜, 宣传忠, 马彦华, 陈鹏宇. 基于图像的肉羊生长参数实时无接触监测方法[J]. 农业工程学报, 2017, 33(24): 182-191. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.24.024
    引用本文: 张丽娜, 武佩, 乌云塔娜, 宣传忠, 马彦华, 陈鹏宇. 基于图像的肉羊生长参数实时无接触监测方法[J]. 农业工程学报, 2017, 33(24): 182-191. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.24.024
    Zhang Lina, Wu Pei, Wuyun Tana, Xuan Chuanzhong, Ma Yanhua, Chen Pengyu. Real-time non-contact monitoring method for growth parameters of sheep based on image analysis[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(24): 182-191. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.24.024
    Citation: Zhang Lina, Wu Pei, Wuyun Tana, Xuan Chuanzhong, Ma Yanhua, Chen Pengyu. Real-time non-contact monitoring method for growth parameters of sheep based on image analysis[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(24): 182-191. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.24.024


    Real-time non-contact monitoring method for growth parameters of sheep based on image analysis

    • 摘要: 针对基于体尺、体质量的肉羊实时生长监测中体尺、体质量需要人工测量的不足,论文提出基于结构化限位装置及机器视觉技术的无接触肉羊生长参数测量方法,并讨论无接触方法获取的体尺数据与羊只生长特性的关系。首先,基于自主研发的无应激形态参数采集系统实时采集60只小尾寒羊的俯视图和侧视图,应用图像处理技术对所得到的图像进行分析,提取体高、臀高、体长、胸深、胸宽、臀宽3类6种体尺参数;无接触生长参数采集系统同时记录对应羊只的体质量。对无接触方法获取的体尺、体质量数据相关关系进行研究,并分别利用单因素线性回归、单因素非线性回归、多元线性回归、偏最小二乘回归、RBF网络拟合、SVM回归方法建立体尺与体质量关系模型。试验表明:体高、臀高、体长、胸深、胸宽、臀宽的最大相对误差分别为4.73%、2.55%、2.50%、3.95%、3.80%和2.90%;无接触方法获取的体高、体长、胸宽与体质量相关性大于0.8;在基于单因素的生长监测中可选择体长参数;多体尺能够较全面地表达羊只的生长状态,其中胸深、胸宽、体长是重要的监测参数;多因素非线性模型可以更全面、精准的体现羊只生长特性。论文提出的无接触方法可有效提升工作效率,节约50%的人工投入。同时,也可减少羊只的应激反应,是长期、实时监测羊只生长的实用方法,对推动精准、福利化养羊具有重要意义。


      Abstract: Abstract: Monitoring the growth performance is imperative to profitable sheep production. Knowledge of daily growth rates provides producers with information that can assist them in making effective management decisions. With the development of intensive sheep farming, small adjustments in production can have a large effect on overall performance and profits in growing-finishing units. The parameters of body size and body weight reflect the animal’s growth development, production performance and genetic characteristics. By using the records of the body size parameters, producers can monitor and estimate the feeding programs, herd health status, individual sheep growth characteristics, breeding, and so on. So, monitoring body size and body weight in real time is necessary. However, the present way of determining these parameters is normally by men, e.g. the sheep has to stand on a flat place with correct posture during measuring the body size with measuring stick, tape measure, and so on, and the sheep has to be tied up or hung up on scales when weighting, which has the shortcoming in causing the stress reaction of the sheep. In this work, a non-contact system with 3 high-resolution cameras was developed for automatically obtaining both the body dimension landmarks in 3 views and the body weight (BW). A software, developed in MATLAB environment, has been used to process the images and to obtain the points position in the image and the distances between the points. The measured body parameters included withers height (WH), rump height (RH), body length (BL), chest depth (CD), chest width (CW), and rump width (RW). A left camera and a right camera were used to restrain errors of WH, RH, BL and CD, and the average was performed to avoid precision reduction caused by the object deviating from the camera optical axis when using a single side camera. sixty small-tailed Han sheep (adult, females, not pregnant) with different ages (from 12 to 36 months, mean 65.48±8.58 kg) were weighed and recorded with 0.1 kg precision scale in the morning before their release for feeding in order to minimize the post-prandial variation. The measurement results in farm showed that the complementary parameters of left and right views could improve the accuracy of the measurement system, and the average of several measurements could reduce the deviation from the actual value obtained by single measurement of the multi postures. The maximum relative errors of WH, RH, BL, CD, CW and RW were 4.73%, 2.55%, 2.50%, 3.95%, 3.80% and 2.90%, respectively. In order to prove the usefulness of the monitored parameters, the body sizes of each animal were used to predict the weight by a few methods, including single variable linear regression, single variable nonlinear regression, stepwise multiple linear regression (stepwise-MLR), partial least squares regression (PLSR), radial basis function network (RBF), and support vector machine (SMV). Results showed that, the body size got by image processing and liveweight had a higher correlation. In the process of single variable analysis, only the BL was reserved to the prediction model, for it was more significant to liveweight. It was found that by using the SVM method, the standard deviation and average error in model validation were the minimum, which reached 3.82 kg and 4.32% respectively. So the parameters got by image processing can be used for monitoring the growth of sheep. Through the in-situ test, it proved that the real-time monitoring method of sheep’s growth eases the livestock measuring workload greatly and overcomes the limitations of manual measurement, and it’s worth popularizing and making more efforts to improve the precision management and welfare farming of sheep.


