姜爽, 韩贵清, 司震宇, 田景齐, 王立舒, 戚国强. 第三方稻米溯源平台设计与实现[J]. 农业工程学报, 2017, 33(24): 215-221. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.24.028
    引用本文: 姜爽, 韩贵清, 司震宇, 田景齐, 王立舒, 戚国强. 第三方稻米溯源平台设计与实现[J]. 农业工程学报, 2017, 33(24): 215-221. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.24.028
    Jiang Shuang, Han Guiqing, Si Zhenyu, Tian Jingqi, Wang Lishu, Qi Guoqiang. Design and implementation of third-party traceability platform for rice[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(24): 215-221. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.24.028
    Citation: Jiang Shuang, Han Guiqing, Si Zhenyu, Tian Jingqi, Wang Lishu, Qi Guoqiang. Design and implementation of third-party traceability platform for rice[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(24): 215-221. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.24.028


    Design and implementation of third-party traceability platform for rice

    • 摘要: 中国现有农产品质量安全溯源平台大多以生产企业(基地)为主体自行设计和实施,造成溯源平台与生产企业同属一个利益团体,溯源结果难以得到消费者认同。为解决这一问题,该文分析现有农产品溯源机制及实现方式,以稻米为例提出一种第三方溯源平台的设计模式。第三方溯源平台在政府监管下,通过独立权威检测机构对稻米生产相关数据进行检测,并把溯源数据安全可靠地提供给消费者。 该溯源平台系统采用B/S架构,数据库采用 MySQL, 采用J2EE(Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition)等技术手段,通过与微信公众号连接,向消费者提供二维码溯源服务,针对溯源平台中二维码防伪关键技术问题进行深入研究,并实现试运行。该系统为2家企业的稻米高端农产品实现全程溯源。试运行结果表明,由第三方溯源模式带来的成本提升,在售价提升20%后,得到了消费者认可,且销量提高了20%,达到了企业的效益增长。证明本文设计的第三方溯源平台较好解决了消费者对溯源结果的认同问题,为优质农产品安全溯源提供了一种有效手段。


      Abstract: Abstract: The rice produced in the northeast of China is well sold in the world because of its excellent quality. High-quality rice produced in some areas makes high brand value. For the reason that the shoddy rice phenomenon is increasing seriously, solutions should be proposed to solve the problem. Most of the existing traceability systems of agro-products in China are mainly designed and implemented by the manufacturing enterprises, which make both the organization providing traceability service and the manufacturing enterprises are community of interest, and the traceability results are difficult to meet the consumers' needs. To achieve the quality and safety of agricultural products, the existing agricultural product traceability mechanism and implementation were analyzed, and a new third-party traceability system was proposed in this paper. Under the supervision and guidance by the government, the third-party traceability system provided the traceability data to the consumer safely and reliably, as rice samples were tested by the independent authoritative testing agency . B/S architecture were used in the third-party traceability platform system,and MySQL, J2EE (Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition) and other technical means were used for the database construction. By connecting with the WeChat public number, the QR code of the product information is processed with safety technology in order to provide the consumers with traceability services. At the same time, the anti-counterfeiting problem of the QR code on the traceability platform was studied, and the new platform succeeded in the simulation running. The platform has been used by two enterprises to achieve the full traceability of the high-quality agricultural products. The results showed that the price of rice sale was increased by 20%, which was caused by the cost of the third-party traceability mode, but it was accepted by the consumers, and the total rice sale had been increased by 20%, which had achieved the benefit growth of the enterprises. The results showed that the traceability results using the third-party traceability platform designed in this paper make the consumers’ approval, and the third-party traceability platform provides an effective means for the traceability of high-quality agricultural products.


