毛海涛, 王正成, 王晓菊, 侍克斌, 黄庆豪, 姜海波. 北疆平原水库水面蒸发模型的建立与关键参数确定[J]. 农业工程学报, 2018, 34(6): 129-136. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.06.016
    引用本文: 毛海涛, 王正成, 王晓菊, 侍克斌, 黄庆豪, 姜海波. 北疆平原水库水面蒸发模型的建立与关键参数确定[J]. 农业工程学报, 2018, 34(6): 129-136. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.06.016
    Mao Haitao, Wang Zhengcheng, Wang Xiaoju, Shi Kebin, Huang Qinghao, Jiang Haibo. Establishment of water surface evaporation model and determination of key parameters for plain reservoir in Northern Xinjiang[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(6): 129-136. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.06.016
    Citation: Mao Haitao, Wang Zhengcheng, Wang Xiaoju, Shi Kebin, Huang Qinghao, Jiang Haibo. Establishment of water surface evaporation model and determination of key parameters for plain reservoir in Northern Xinjiang[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(6): 129-136. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.06.016


    Establishment of water surface evaporation model and determination of key parameters for plain reservoir in Northern Xinjiang

    • 摘要: 北疆平原地区的温带大陆性干旱半干旱气候具有空气干燥、温差大、气压差异明显、风多且风速大等特点;而该地区平原水库又具有坝长,面积广而水深较浅的特点。已有的水面蒸发模型并未充分考虑到上述区域性和平原水库的特点,计算误差较大,不能准确估算出新疆灌区平原水库的蒸发量。文中以道尔顿模型为基础,依据已有3因子模型的研究方法,充分考虑了气压差、风速、湿度和温度共4个主要因素对水面蒸发的影响,建立4因子模型。通过理论分析得到各影响因素的表达式,由20 m2蒸发池试验观测获取公式中的关键参数。通过大泉沟平原水库完整的水文水资源观测资料,采用水量平衡法计算出水库蒸发量,4因子模型计算结果能与其基本吻合;同时考虑到尺度上的差异,引入修正系数对模型进一步进行修正,通过对观测数据的深度分析最终确定,在冰冻期修正系数为0.886,非冰冻期修正系数为0.939。修正后的4因子计算模型不仅能准确模拟出大泉沟水库的水面蒸发量,而且与北疆其他地区的7座水库蒸发量也能够较好吻合,验证了该模型的精确性和可靠性。该模型所需的数据都是基本的气象资料,易于获取,计算简便,实用性好。综上所述,该模型方法正确,能准确估算内陆干旱区平原水库的蒸发量,为内陆干旱区水资源合理利用与科学管理提供理论支持。


      Abstract: Abstract: The temperate continental arid semi-arid climate in plain area of Northern Xinjiang has some characteristics: Air is dry, temperature difference is large, air pressure change is obvious, and wind is large and speedly. In these areas, there are more than 400 plain reservoirs which have long dam, wide area and shallow water depth. Water surface evaporation is molecular exchange phenomenon that occurs between the water body and the atmosphere, which is one of the main reasons for the loss of water resources in the above arid regions, so the water resouce annual loss is about 40% due to evaporation. At present, there is an irreplaceable role in farmland irrigation in Xinjiang. The calculation error is relatively larger about water surface evaporation model, and it is impossible to estimate reservoir evaporation accurately because the model can not fully consider characteristics of plain reserviors in aird and semi-arid area. Based on the Dalton's model, fully considering the 4 influencing factors, i.e. air pressure difference, wind speed, humidity and temperature, a new calculation model is built on water surface evaporation. Each influencing factor of model was obtained by theoretical analysis, and key parameters in formula were obtained by 20 m2 evaporation pool. Based on complete observation data of hydrology and water resources in Daquangou Reservoir of Shihezi in Xinjiang, the evaporation was calculated by water balance method, and calculated results by 4-factor model were basically in accord with observations. At the same time, considering scale differences, the model is further modified by introducing correction coefficient. We find the research conclusion "20 m2 evaporation pool results can take the place of large water bodies on evaporation" is bigger error, and needs to be modified. Correction factor is finally determined by deep analysis of observation data, and correction coefficients were 0.886 and 0.939 in freezing and non freezing periods respectively. So the 4-factor calculation model after optimization can not only accurately simulate water surface evaporation of Daquangou Reservoir, but also fit the evaporation of 7 reservoirs in Northern Xinjiang, and accuracy and reliability of model are verified. The data required by model are basic meteorological data, easy to obtain, simple to calculate. To summarize, the evaporation model is correct, and it can accurately estimate evaporation of plain reservoir in inland arid area, which can provide theoretical support for rational utilization and scientific management of water resources in arid inland area. In the analysis of the evaporation model, the humidity, temperature, wind speed and air pressure are considered as the determinants, and the influences of other factors are ignored. The observation precision of evaporation on the surface of reservoirs depends not only on the above factors, but also on other factors, such as the fine degree of observation method, the size of the reservoir area, the surrounding occlusion rate, the climate change, the vegetation height, water depth, precipitation, and water quality. If the weight of the influential factors of the selected reservoir is different from the factors considered in this paper, a more accurate mathematical model will be needed again.


