
    Design and experiment of seedling avoidable weeding control device for intertillage maize (Zea Mays L.)

    • 摘要: 针对现有旱田避苗除草装置多依赖于智能导航平台,机械式避苗除草装置无法确定秧苗位置的问题,该文基于除草执行部件间歇式旋转运动的思想,设计了一种针对中耕期玉米田间使用的避苗除草装置,该装置由软轴、行程开关、步进电机、除草梳齿和测控系统等组成。当该装置需要执行避苗除草动作时,除草梳齿会旋转120°以躲避秧苗。在吉林大学的土槽实验室,进行了三因素四水平的正交试验,试验结果显示,在秧苗株距为26 cm,梳齿入土深度为20 mm,前进速度为5 km/h时,该装置的平均伤苗率为5.9%,平均除草率为94.7%,方差分析结果显示,玉米的种植株距对于伤苗率的影响最显著(P<0.05),梳齿的入土深度对于伤苗率和除草率均有显著影响(P<0.05),但是作业速度对于伤苗率和除草率无显著影响(P>0.05)。该装置可以满足玉米田间"避苗除草"作业的要求,研究结果可为农田机械除草的优化和设计提供参考。


      Abstract: Abstract: The organic farming requires reducing the application of chemical fertilizer and herbicide, and the weeds play a critical role in confronting the world food security which requires high yield crops. In order to solve the problem mentioned above, the mechanical weeding control device is being highlighted nowadays. In terms of the mechanical weeding components, there are finger weeding device, torsion weeding device, brush weeding device with vertical axis, spring tine harrow, and so on. Separating the crop seedlings and the weeds is the key procedure during the weeding control process, and the spectrum, and spectrum pictures, as well as the machine vision are major technologies, but one thing should be mentioned that these sensors are relatively expensive and robotic weeding device equipped with these sensors seldom can be found in agricultural field yet. Thus based on the design concept of not relying on the intelligent guide platform or agricultural robot, this manuscript developed a mechanical weeding device equipped with a flexible shaft, a travel switch, a stepper motor, an MCU (microcontroller unit), 3 brush plates, and so on. This device was designed to serve the inter-tillage maize (Zea Mays L.) field, owing to that the maize plants in this growing period are high and vigorous enough to block the flexible shaft so as to turn on the travel switch. According to the division of maize breeding period, the maize plant at that time was in the stage of elongation, at which the male ear was elongated, the total length of the base stem node should be between 2 and 3 cm, and the leaf age index was about 30. In normal working status, one of the 3 brush plates is perpendicular to the moving direction, the bottom of the brush teeth will stab into the soil so as to pull the weeds out, and the device moves along with the tractor equipment. If there is a connection between the maize stalk and the flexible shaft, the flexible shaft will bend, and thus the travel switch will be turned on. Subsequently, the stepper motor will start working and the brush plate which would damage the maize stalk will rotate by 120? anticlockwise, so as to avoid the nearest maize stalk. If the forward speed of the device and the rotation speed of the brushes don't match, maize seedlings will be damaged, and thus a program was written in the MCU to achieve an appropriate relationship between the forward speed and the rotation speed. The software SPSS 22.0 was applied to conduct an orthogonal test, the soil bin laboratory in Jilin University provided the essential equipment, and the test indices were seedling damage rate and weed removal rate, and the test factors were seedling distances (17, 20, 23, and 26 cm), forward speeds (3, 4, 5, and 6 km/h), as well as the stabbing depths of the brush teeth (5, 10, 15 and 20 mm). There was no interaction between any 2 test factors, and 16 experiments were conducted. The maize plants and green bristlegrass (Setaria viridis (L.) Beauv.) were transplanted into the soil bin. The experimental results showed that under the most optimized test levels, the average seedling damage rate was 5.9%, and the average weed removal rate was 94.7%. The ANOVA (analysis of variance) results showed the seedling distance had significant (P<0.05) influence on seedling damage rate, and the brush stabbing depth had significant (P<0.05) influence on both seedling damage rate and weed removal rate, but the forward speed didn't have significant (P>0.05) influence on either seedling damage rate or weed removal rate. This device can meet the requirement of intra-row weeding control in maize field, and it is easy to manufacture and cost-effective, and thus it can become a reference for farming mechanical weeding device.


