
    Optimal design on auto obstacle avoidance mechanism of intra-row weeder for trellis cultivated grape

    • 摘要: 针对篱架式栽培葡萄株间自动避障除草机作业时需要避开葡萄藤的要求,该文设计了一种自动避障机构,分析了自动避障机构躲避葡萄藤的工作原理。自动避障机构包括平行四连杆机构和避障触发机构,避障触发机构的关键部件是触杆,触杆由两段直线及连接两者的圆弧部分构成。在ADAMS中建立了参数化除草机模型,以触杆较长直线部分的长度L、中间过渡圆弧的角度θ和触杆与除草部件边缘的3个距离d1、d2、d3的组合D为试验因素,以作业后未除杂草面积S3为指标进行正交试验,得出D为显著因素。以D作为优化变量,对S3进行优化。优化结果表明,当D为225、300、212 mm时,S3取得最优值。田间试验表明,优化后平均除草作业覆盖率比优化前提高8个百分点以上,除草作业覆盖率的标准差降低,作业稳定性较好,可为篱架式栽培葡萄株间自动避障除草机优化设计提供参考。


      Abstract: Abstract: At present, in the trellis vineyard, the methods of mechanical weeding are mainly divided into inter-row mechanical weeding and intra-row mechanical weeding. The development of intra-row mechanical weeding is relatively slow, because the identification and location for crop and weed is difficult in the process of mechanical weeding. Now, the theoretical study on intra-row mechanical weeding of trellis cultivated grape is not very much. In order to achieve the intra-row weeding of trellis cultivated grape, this paper designs an auto obstacle avoidance mechanism based on the existing weeder, which includes parallel four-bar linkage mechanism and trigger mechanism of obstacle avoidance. The contact rod is composed by 2 straight lines and an arc connecting straight lines in the trigger mechanism of obstacle avoidance. And the theoretical working principle of auto obstacle avoidance mechanism is described. After the pre-test, it is found that the length of the straight section of the first section of the rod, the arc angle of the intermediate transition arc and the 3 distances between the contact rod and the edge of the weeding part have obvious effect on the result of weeding. So a virtual prototype model for auto obstacle avoidance mechanism is built in ADAMS, and the trigger mechanism of obstacle avoidance is parameterized. Then, the orthogonal test is conducted by taking the combination of 3 distances between contact rod and edge of weeding part and the length of the first part of the rod as the test factors and the area which is not covered by the weeding parts after the work as the experimental index. The results show that the combination of 3 distances and its interaction with the arc angle of intermediate transition are significant factors. In order to analyze the effect of the combination of 3 distances on the area not covered by the weeding parts after the work deeply, the length of the first part of the rod is set as 1050 mm, the arc angle of intermediate transition is 85°, the forward speed is 390 mm/s, the initial velocity of the cylinder is 50 mm/s, and furtherly taking the parameter the combination of 3 distances as the test factor and the area not covered by weeding parts after the work as the experimental index, the optimization simulation is conducted. The results show that the optimal value is obtained when the 3 distances between contact rod and edge of weeding part are 225, 300, and 212 mm, respectively. The area not covered is 783 mm2 except the scheduled area which is not needed to weed. It is very small, so the weeds can be considered to be removed completely, which shows the result of weeding is good. On the basis of simulation optimization, the field tests of single obstacle avoidance and continuous obstacle avoidance are also carried out, in which the combination of 3 structural parameters of the obstacle avoidance mechanism is set as variable and the parameters such as length of the first part of the rod and arc angle of the intermediate transition arc as constant values. The field test results show that the average coverage rate of weeding operation after optimization is 97.5%, which is about 8% higher than before, and the standard deviation is 2.98%, which is lower than before. The stability of weeding is also better, and the effect of optimization is obvious. Generally, this study enriches the method of identification and location for crops and weeds in the process of mechanical weeding, and also provides reference for the improvement of the design of intra-row weeder for trellis cultivated grape.


