
    Design and test of ZMFQSL-1 type ramie fiber opening and washing machine

    • 摘要: 针对现有苎麻脱胶后纤维开纤中纤维束混乱纠缠、梳理难度大、工序不连续、劳动强度高等问题,结合苎麻纤维机械自动化生产的技术要求,该文采用煮练后麻纤维平直喂入、敲麻开纤、高压水理清洗和平直输出等连续化工序加工原理,对设备整体方案和主要工作部件敲麻开纤装置、间歇输送装置、聚拢装置以及水理装置等进行设计,确定其关键参数,并开展样机麻纤维开纤试验和纤维质量检测。试验结果表明:该样机生产性能稳定,麻纤维品质均一,大幅降低了劳动强度,生产效率大于120 kg/h(原麻),麻纤维残胶率小于2.0%,并丝率小于2‰,束纤维断裂强度为4.3 cN/dtex。研究结果可为苎麻精加工设备的升级换代和苎麻纤维生产规模化、标准化发展提供技术支撑。


      Abstract: Abstract: The successful development of this machine can provide an efficient, safe and reliable device for the ramie fiber opening and washing. It can also greatly reduce the requirement of operator technology and the work intensity, but improve the working environment. While it provides a basis not only for the upgrading and updating of ramie processing equipment but also for the scale and Standardized development of ramie production, shows a new design idea for the opening and washing of other degummed fiber at the same time. The problems of fiber opening and washing after the degumming of ramie have plagued the development of the industry for a long time. At present, because of the high labor intensity and low efficiency of manual cleaning, it is the inevitable choice to achieve the goals of mechanized and efficient water washing. Focusing on the problems of follow-up processing of degummed fiber, many technicians both here and abroad have designed many types of ramie opening machines, such as traditional circular knocking machine, rotary hammer type fiber opening machine and ramie fiber washing machine. But now people still use the traditional circular knocking machine to open the fiber and wash it in another machine, which depends on the operators' experience to flip the fiber in the process of knocking and opening the fiber. But, the operators cannot flip so symmetrically because of the bad working environment that the opening machine misses some knockings, which results in the bad uniformity of ramie fiber. According to the technical requirements of ramie fiber automatic production, the ZMFQSL?1 type ramie fiber opening and washing machine was designed and manufactured. This prototype mainly consists of opening device, intermittent transportation device, gathering device, washing device, and system of water circulation. It adopts the combination of the opening device and intermittent transportation device to realize the process of fiber strip-shaped linear intermittent transportation, knocking and opening, and intermittent transportation. By using eccentric design of cam and cam follower assembly, the opening device can realize the hammer's free falling motion and finish the knocking and opening of the ramie fiber. Washing device is made up of 5 sets of washing mechanisms which are in ladder arrangement, and it can complete the washing process of the ramie fiber by the pressure water washing of 2 sides during the conveying and the extrusion of the pressure roll, which achieves the further opening and washing of fiber as well as the recycling of water resource, and at the same time increases the feasibility of the popularizing of the prototype. The size of the prototype (length × width × height) is 12 000 mm × 1 100 mm × 1 780 mm, and its power of electric machinery is 14 kW. The operation widths of opening device and washing device are 850 mm, and the nozzle pressure of the washing device is 1.2 MPa. Experiment result shows that the machine works stably and performs reliably, the productivity is more than 120 kg/h and the quality of ramie fiber is uniform, the average residual gum content is less than 2.0%, the Bundle-fiber breaking force is 4.3 cN/dtex, and the splitting rate is less than 2‰, and every indicator of performance meets or exceeds the related standards. The successful development of this machine can provide an efficient, safe and reliable device for the ramie fiber opening and washing. It can also greatly reduce the requirement of operator technology and the work intensity, and improve the working environment. It provides a basis not only for the upgrading and updating of ramie processing equipment but also for the scale and standardized development of ramie production, and shows a new design idea for the opening and washing of other degummed fiber at the same time.


