吴志刚, 梁坚坤, 张本刚, 张俊, 雷洪, 余丽萍, 杜官本. 基于模型化合物的糠醇改性大豆蛋白基胶黏剂机理研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2018, 34(9): 299-305. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.09.037
    引用本文: 吴志刚, 梁坚坤, 张本刚, 张俊, 雷洪, 余丽萍, 杜官本. 基于模型化合物的糠醇改性大豆蛋白基胶黏剂机理研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2018, 34(9): 299-305. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.09.037
    Wu Zhigang, Liang Jiankun, Zhang Bengang, Zhang Jun, Lei Hong, Yu Liping, Du Guanben. Modification mechanism of soy adhesives based on furfuryl alcohol and protein modelcompound[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(9): 299-305. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.09.037
    Citation: Wu Zhigang, Liang Jiankun, Zhang Bengang, Zhang Jun, Lei Hong, Yu Liping, Du Guanben. Modification mechanism of soy adhesives based on furfuryl alcohol and protein modelcompound[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(9): 299-305. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.09.037


    Modification mechanism of soy adhesives based on furfuryl alcohol and protein modelcompound

    • 摘要: 为了开发真正意义上的环保型大豆蛋白基胶黏剂,该文以糠醇作为交联剂,以组成蛋白质分子的二肽为起点,采用模型化合物思想研究大豆蛋白基胶黏剂的交联改性基础理论,借助核磁共振C谱和电喷雾电离质子仪分析糠醇交联改性大豆蛋白基胶黏剂的机理。同时通过检测大豆蛋白胶胶合板性能,分析大豆蛋白基胶黏剂制备基础理论与实际性能之间的关系。研究结果表明:1)糠醇与丙谷二肽的共缩聚反应和糠醇的自缩聚反应,两者为竞争关系;2)一般碱性条件下,糠醇极其稳定,两者都不明显,只有在强碱性条件下糠醇可能产生活性稍大的酰胺负离子与丙谷二肽发生一定的共缩聚,反应速率较慢,实现共缩聚的时间太长,但自缩聚反应依然不明显;3)糠醇与丙谷二肽的共缩聚反应和糠醇的自缩聚反应都需要较强的酸性,且前者低于后者,酸性太强时糠醇自缩聚占主导,酸性太弱时产生的糠醇碳正离子浓度和反应活性较弱,不利于自缩聚和共缩聚;在pH值为3时,共缩聚表现出较强的竞争性。4)糠醇与丙谷二肽共缩聚反应和糠醇自缩聚反应主要发生在酸性条件下,糠醇与丙谷二肽发生共缩聚反应位点首先是端酰胺基团,其次是伯胺,而肽键氨基由于存在较大的空间位阻导致几乎不参与反应。5)糠醇与大豆蛋白模型化合物反应机理与大豆蛋白基胶黏剂实际性能具有较强的对应性,即在pH值为3时,糠醇与大豆蛋白基胶黏剂反应程度较高,表现为较强的耐水性和热稳定性。该研究工作的开展对实现大豆蛋白基胶黏剂的科学使用,提升大豆蛋白基胶黏剂的市场竞争力具有重要意义。


      Abstract: Abstract: Nowadays, formaldehyde-based adhesives are still widely used in wood industry, such as urea formaldehyde resin, phenol formaldehyde resin, melamine formaldehyde resin. Emission of toxic formaldehyde is still one of the biggest problems for these formaldehyde-based adhesives in recent years for the development of wood adhesives. Lately, there has been a considerable industrial interest in the development of natural or green wood adhesives, such as lignin, tannin, protein, starch, and polysaccharides, to substitute synthetic thermosetting resins as adhesives for wood panels because of the mounting environmental pressure worldwide. As one kind of bio-based adhesives, soy protein-based adhesive has been always a hot topic since 1990s. As it is well-known that the soy-based adhesive with no modification cannot be used directly for wood panels for its poor bonding strength and water resistance especially, and the latter one is so bad. Cross-linking modification has been proved to be an effective modification method to improve the water resistance of soy-based adhesive. Some cross-linkers have to be used for this modification, such as formaldehyde-based resins, polyacrylic ester, epoxy. As a biomass material, furfuryl alcohol is more friendly than formaldehyde-based crosslinkers for protein-based adhesive. To guide the preparation of protein-based adhesive, especially the soy-based adhesive, the reaction between a simple dipeptide N-(2)-L-alanyl-L-glutamine (AG), used as a model compound of protein, and its cross-linker furfuryl alcohol was studied in this paper. The products prepared with furfuryl alcohol and AG under different pHs were analyzed by ESI-MS (electrospray ionization mass spectrometer), 13C-NMR (carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance) and FT-IR. It was found that the medium environment had great effects on the competition of the co-condensation reaction between furfuryl alcohol and AG and self-condensation reaction of furfuryl alcohol molecules in the mixing system with furfuryl alcohol and AG. Under alkaline conditions, both co-condensation and self-condensation were not obviously detected. Only when the value of pH was higher than 11, a few co-condensation reaction products were gotten. The reaction occurred mainly between furfuryl alcohol and the primary amido groups of AG. Under acid conditions, both co-condensation and self-condensation were observed. The more acid the preparation conditions, the easier to be observed the self-condensation of furfuryl alcohol molecules than the co-condensation between furfuryl alcohol and AG. And when the value of pH was higher than 5, both co-condensation and self-condensation were not outstanding. In this study, under pH value 3, the co-condensation and self-condensation found equilibrium. There was a great possibility for the primary amido and aliphatic amino groups of AG molecules to react with furfuryl alcohol molecules. No reaction was detected between the secondary amido groups of AG and furfuryl alcohol. Besides, the reaction mechanism between furfuryl alcohol and model compounds of soy protein had correspondence with the performance of plywood with soy protein-based adhesive, namely, soy protein-based adhesive crosslinked by furfuryl alcohol showed better bonding performance and water resistance under the pH value of 3 than that of others. In conclusion, the research has great significance to realize the scientific use and improve the market competitiveness of soy protein-based adhesives.


