魏忠彩, 李洪文, 孙传祝, 李学强, 刘文政, 苏国粱, 王法明. 振动与波浪二级分离马铃薯收获机改进[J]. 农业工程学报, 2018, 34(12): 42-52. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.12.006
    引用本文: 魏忠彩, 李洪文, 孙传祝, 李学强, 刘文政, 苏国粱, 王法明. 振动与波浪二级分离马铃薯收获机改进[J]. 农业工程学报, 2018, 34(12): 42-52. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.12.006
    Wei Zhongcai, Li Hongwen, Sun Chuanzhu, Li Xueqiang, Liu Wenzheng, Su Guoliang, Wang Faming. Improvement of potato harvester with two segment of vibration and wave separation[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(12): 42-52. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.12.006
    Citation: Wei Zhongcai, Li Hongwen, Sun Chuanzhu, Li Xueqiang, Liu Wenzheng, Su Guoliang, Wang Faming. Improvement of potato harvester with two segment of vibration and wave separation[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(12): 42-52. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.12.006


    Improvement of potato harvester with two segment of vibration and wave separation

    • 摘要: 针对当前马铃薯机械化收获环节存在的破皮率和伤薯率较高等问题,通过设置振动分离段和波浪分离段、基于振动与波浪二级分离改进了一种马铃薯收获机,并分析了振动与波浪二级分离条件下的分离筛及薯块运动特征。单因素试验表明,收获速度为0.726 m/s时,单位时间内挖掘的薯土混合物较少,易导致薯块疲劳累积损伤,当收获速度为1.167 m/s时分离筛的分离负担加大,土壤和杂质分离效率降低,导致明薯率下降;分离筛运行速度从1.52提高至2.80 m/s时,破皮率和伤薯率呈先降低后增大的趋势,但明薯率自99.8%下降至96.4%;振动强度由无振动增加到强烈振动时,明薯率提高3.3%,但破皮率和伤薯率均有较大幅度的增加;峰谷高差自40~40 mm增大到200~200 mm时,明薯率由97.2%升高至99.8%,但其破皮率和伤薯率均有所升高。正交试验表明:破皮率和伤薯率受收获速度和振动强度的影响规律基本一致;收获速度和振动强度对破皮率和伤薯率的影响较显著(P<0.05),振动强度和峰谷高差对明薯率的影响较显著(P<0.05)。该文为马铃薯收获机的研发优化以及薯土分离效率和收获品质的综合控制提供了技术参考。


      Abstract: Abstract: Potato is typical tuber crops, which is planted widely for food and for energy uses. During the mechanical procedure section, 70% bruising and damage of potato was from harvesting, which is the comprehensive effect including multiple collision caused by static load, shear, extrusion, vibration and impulse load, repeatedly rubbing and pressure of different direction. The main technical problem of potato mechanical harvest is comprehensive control of potato's bruising and damage, including realizing potato-soil, potato-stalk and potato-impurity separating efficiently and decreasing loss caused by dynamic damage and tangent bruising. It is widely recognized that there exists some problems like higher bruising rate and damage rate during the process of mechanical potato harvest. To solve these problems, based on two segment of vibration and wave separation, a new potato harvester was improved through setting vibration separation segment and wave separation segment. As such, the movement characteristics of separating sieve and potato block was analyzed during in the process of potato-soil separating. Adjustment vibration intensity for vibration separation section can meet the various requirements of potato-soil separating. Changeable gain of wave crest-trough for wave separation section can turn over the potato-soil mixture. In that way, it can improve soil breaking ability and benefit for potato-soil separating. The field harvesting experiments were conducted, and the single factor test showed that the total bruising rate, total damage rate and obvious rate were declined by 0.73%, 0.97% and 3.2%, respectively when the harvesting speed decreased from 0.726 to 1.167 m/s. With the harvesting speed decreased, the unit-time weight of potato-soil mixture decreased, and the potato lost the protection of soil in the delivery and separation segment of harvester's rear. At the meantime, it caused cumulative fatigue damage by repeated fiction between potato block and separating sieve bar. While the higher harvesting speed, the unit-time weight of potato-soil mixture and the separating load both increased, in which the soil-impurity separating rate and obvious rate decreased. Secondly, when the separation sieve speed increased from 1.52 to 2.80 m/s, the total bruising rate and the total damage rate showed a trend of decreasing first and then increasing, but the obvious rate just decreased from 99.8% to 96.4%. Thirdly, when the vibration intensity increased from level Ⅰ (non vibration) to level Ⅴ (strong vibration), the obvious rate increased by 3.3%, and bruising rate and damage rate increased by a large margin. Therefore, adjusting vibration intensity should give consideration to separating efficiency and harvest quality in the practical harvest. Besides, wave crest-trough difference increased from 40-40 mm to 200-200 mm, the obvious rate was raised from 97.2% to 99.8%, and both the bruising rate and damage rate increased. Orthogonal test showed that the effect law on bruising rate and damage rate caused by harvesting speed and vibration intensity was almost consistent. For separation sieve speed and wave crest-trough difference, the effects on bruising rate and damage rate caused by harvesting speed and vibration intensity were more significant (P<0.05); while for harvesting speed and separation sieve speed, the effects on obvious rate caused by wave crest-trough difference and vibration intensity were more significant (P<0.05). This study can provide a technical reference for development and optimization of potato harvester and comprehensive control of potato-soil separating efficiency and harvest quality.


