高中超, 宋柏权, 王翠玲, 高文超, 张丽丽, 孙磊, 郝小雨, 刘峰. 不同机械深耕的改土及促进作物生长和增产效果[J]. 农业工程学报, 2018, 34(12): 79-86. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.12.010
    引用本文: 高中超, 宋柏权, 王翠玲, 高文超, 张丽丽, 孙磊, 郝小雨, 刘峰. 不同机械深耕的改土及促进作物生长和增产效果[J]. 农业工程学报, 2018, 34(12): 79-86. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.12.010
    Gao Zhongchao, Song Baiquan, Wang Cuiling, Gao Wenchao, Zhang Lili, Sun Lei, Hao Xiaoyu, Liu Feng. Soil amelioration by deep ploughing of different machineries and its effect on promoting crop growth and yield[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(12): 79-86. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.12.010
    Citation: Gao Zhongchao, Song Baiquan, Wang Cuiling, Gao Wenchao, Zhang Lili, Sun Lei, Hao Xiaoyu, Liu Feng. Soil amelioration by deep ploughing of different machineries and its effect on promoting crop growth and yield[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(12): 79-86. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.12.010


    Soil amelioration by deep ploughing of different machineries and its effect on promoting crop growth and yield

    • 摘要: 长期不合理耕作导致土壤结构性能恶化、土壤耕性变差,限制作物根系下扎、影响土壤生产潜力发挥。为了改善土壤耕层构造,该试验采用自主研发的改土机械ES-210型深松犁和前置式心土(亚表层)耕作犁进行深耕,以灭茬旋耕(常规耕作)为对照,进行大区耕作对比试验。结果表明:1)深松、亚表层耕作处理与对照相比,耕层土壤固相率分别降低1.6%~3.3%、2.8%~4.5%,液相、汽相相对增加,三相比更趋于合理化;打破犁底层,降低耕层土壤硬度,其中20~35 cm土层效果更为明显;耕层土壤有效水含量上升1.1%~1.2%、0.9%,束缚水(无效水)含量下降0.4%~1.1%、0.5%~0.9%。2)深松、亚表层耕作处理比对照根长增长,其中甜菜增长5.1%、2.9%,大豆增长11.5%、13.2%;干物质积累量增加,其中甜菜增加2.3%~4.1%、3.1 %~4.8 %,大豆增加7.8%~10.0%、10.4%~13.6%;3)深松、亚表层耕作处理与对照相比,其中甜菜增产8.5%、12.6%;大豆增产5.0%、6.1% ;深松及亚表层耕作改土处理分别比对照增收1003.3、1454.4元/hm2,其中收益大小为亚表层耕作处理>深松处理>对照。可见,采用ES-210深松犁及心土耕作犁深耕改土,改变了土壤耕层构造,起到扩库增容的效果;改善了作物根系生长环境,提高了作物产量,为今后农业耕作机械的发展提供了技术支撑。


      Abstract: Abstract: For many years, farmers adopt a traditional cultivation method (turning, rotating, hallowing, pressing) to grow crops in China. However, improper mechanization, the nonstandard deep tillage or illogical methods of rotary tillage and subsoiling result in soil compaction, loss of soil and the plow pan formation. Consequently, the depth of tillage is shallowing, the ability of moisture conservation is weakening, and surface runoff is increasing. Improper soil tillage methods deteriorate soil quality, affect the roots to penetrate lower soil layer, limit the potential of soil production and restrain the development of modern agriculture. How to improve the production capacity of tillage soil through mechanization becomes a valuable research project, from which a better soil tillage method needs to be developed in order to improve soil properties. However, a completed technological system for subsoiling was not yet built to achieve such goal. To improve soil tillage, field experiments (block-tillage comparison) were conducted to study the effect of deep tillage mechanically on the growth of sugar beet and soybean with the help of self-developed deep pine plough (ES-210, tillage depth 40 cm) and the subsoil tillage plough (tillage depth 20 cm). Deep pine plough was used to move subsoil (20-30 cm) up to the soil layer (10-20 cm) to form a hole. At the same time, some upper soil fell in the hole becoming fertilizer grooves. These grooves allowed deep growing of roots, conserving water and promoting fertilizer use by plants. The wide head of the plow (subsoil tillage plough) can break the plow-pan to subsoil layer down to 35-40 cm deep. A comparison test was carried out with the conventional tillage (stubble chopping). Results showed that the cultivation measures improved the physical quality of the soil. Compared with the conventional tillage treatment, the solid phase ratio respectively decreased by 1.6%-3.3% and 2.8%-4.5% with deep loosening and subsoil tillage treatments. In the meanwhile, liquid phase and vapor phase increased, resulting rationalization of three phase ratio of soil. At the same time, plough pans were broken and hardness of the soil layer was reduced. For the soil depth of 20-35 cm, this was more obvious. Simultaneously, soil available water of top soil increased by 1.1%-1.2% and 0.9% for deep loosening and subsoil tillage, respectively. The irreducible water (ineffective water) decreased by 0.4%-1.1% and 0.5%-0.9%, respectively for the two tillage treatments. Compared with the conventional tillage treatment, deep loosening and subsoil tillage treatments promoted root growth and facilitated the accumulation of plant dry matter. The root growth increased by 5.1% and 2.9% of sugar beet, 11.5% and 13.2% of soybean for deep loosening and subsoiling, respectively.Dry matter accumulation increased by 2.3%-4.1% and 3.1%-4.8% of sugar beet, 7.8%-10.0% and 10.4%-13.6% of soybean, respectively for two deep tillage treatments. Mechanized soil improvement technology both increased crop production and farmers' income. For those deep loosening and subsoiling treatments, sugar beets yield increased by 8.5% and 12.6%, and soybean yield increased by 5.0% and 6.1%, respectively. Compared with the conventional tillage treatment, deep loosening and subsoil tillage increased the income by 1003.3 and 1454.4 yuan/hm2, and profit ratio was subsoil tillage > deep loosening > conventional tillage. Hence, two kinds of tillage measures improved the soil structure of arable layer, enlarged compatibilizing effect, improved root growth environment and crop yields. The research results provided the technical support for the future of farming machinery research. It provided scientific evidence to expand this technology.


