李轶, 曲壮壮, 刘艳杰, 于嘉琪, 卢丹妮, 张镇, 易维明. 钝化剂对猪粪厌氧发酵沼渣中As的钝化效果及工艺优化[J]. 农业工程学报, 2018, 34(12): 245-250. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.12.030
    引用本文: 李轶, 曲壮壮, 刘艳杰, 于嘉琪, 卢丹妮, 张镇, 易维明. 钝化剂对猪粪厌氧发酵沼渣中As的钝化效果及工艺优化[J]. 农业工程学报, 2018, 34(12): 245-250. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.12.030
    Li Yi, Qu Zhuangzhuang, Liu Yanjie, Yu Jiaqi, Lu Danni, Zhang Zhen, Yi Weiming. Passivating effect of passivating agent on heavy metal As in biogas residues from anaerobic fermentation of pig manures[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(12): 245-250. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.12.030
    Citation: Li Yi, Qu Zhuangzhuang, Liu Yanjie, Yu Jiaqi, Lu Danni, Zhang Zhen, Yi Weiming. Passivating effect of passivating agent on heavy metal As in biogas residues from anaerobic fermentation of pig manures[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(12): 245-250. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.12.030


    Passivating effect of passivating agent on heavy metal As in biogas residues from anaerobic fermentation of pig manures

    • 摘要: 由于饲料添加剂的使用,规模化养殖场猪粪中重金属残留加剧。为了减少重金属污染,阐明钝化剂对发酵过程中As在沼渣中的含量及其形态转化的影响,为沼渣沼液的安全合理利用提供科学依据,该文以重金属As为研究对象,猪粪为发酵原料,采用厌氧发酵技术,通过正交试验,选取3个因素,每个因素3个水平,采用BCR提取法分析重金属形态。研究不同种类钝化剂(粉煤灰、硅藻土、活性炭),钝化剂的不同添加比例(2.5%,5%,7.5%)及不同发酵温度(25,30,35 ℃)对猪粪中重金属钝化效果的影响,结果表明:1)猪粪经厌氧发酵后重金属As大多数存留在沼渣中,在沼渣中质量分数范围在5.50~6.56 mg/kg之间;发酵前猪粪中残渣态质量分数为3.38 mg/kg,猪粪厌氧发酵后残渣态含量升高,说明添加钝化剂可以降低重金属As的生物活性,从而有效减少重金属的危害;2)影响重金属As有效态钝化效果的因素主次顺序为钝化剂种类,钝化剂的添加比例及发酵温度;钝化剂种类对As有效态钝化效果有显著的影响,而钝化剂添加比例及发酵温度对有效态钝化效果影响不显著;3)重金属As有效态的钝化效果最好的是添加7.5%的活性炭,发酵温度为30 ℃的试验处理,其钝化效果可达到62.34%。猪粪厌氧发酵中添加适量的重金属钝化剂,可以在一定程度上降低沼渣中重金属的有效性以及沼渣利用中重金属污染的风险。


      Abstract: Abstract: Due to the extensive use of feed additives and drugs, heavy metal residues in pig manures of large-scale farms increased. In order to reduce the pollution of heavy metals in pig manures, the influence of the passivating agent on the content and morphological transformation of As in the fermentation process was clarified, so as to provide a scientific basis for the safe and rational utilization of the biogas residue. The study focused on the heavy metal As, pig manure fermentation raw materials, the anaerobic fermentation technology. The orthogonal tests with three factors and 3 levels of each factor were designed, using BCR extraction method to analyze the heavy metal morphology. Different types of passivating agents (fly ash, diatomaceous earth, activated carbon), addition ratios of passivating agents (2.5%, 5%, 7.5% in pig manures) and fermentation temperatures (25, 30, 35 ℃) were studied. The influence of heavy metal passivation results showed that: 1) After anaerobic fermentation of pig manures, most of the heavy metal As remained in the biogas residue, and the content range in the biogas residue was between 5.50-6.56 mg/kg. The effects of passivating agents and their adding ratio and fermentation temperature on the content of As in biogas residue were not significant. In the 9 groups of experimental treatment, under 2.5% fly ash and fermentation temperature of 25 ℃, the proportion of oxidizable state could be increased to the maximum, which accounted for 7.94%, and was 5.14% higher than that before fermentation. Under the conditions of activated carbon and fermentation temperature of 35 ℃, the residual state of As accounted for the most, which was 84.27%, and was 21.66% higher than that before fermentation. Therefore, addition of different kinds of passivating agents during anaerobic fermentation for pig manure could decrease the effectiveness of heavy metal As. 2) The order of influencing factors on the passivation effect of heavy metal As were follows: passivation agent, addition ratios of passivating agent and fermentation temperature. The passivation effect of passivating agent types on the effective state of heavy metal As in biogas residue was significant, and the passivation effects of passivation agent addition ratio and fermentation temperature were not significant. Therefore, adding passivation agent with optimal content during the anaerobic fermentation of pig manure could transform the effective state of As to a stable state. 3) The treatment with the best passivation effect of As was 7.5% activated carbon and the fermentation temperature of 30 ℃. According to the verification test, the passivation effect could reach 62.34%, which was not significant different with the best treatment (61.46%) in the 9th group of the orthogonal test. The addition of passivating agent during the anaerobic fermentation of pig manures can improve the passivation effect of heavy metal As in biogas residue, which can effectively promote the sustainable development of biogas project.


