
    Kinematics model and parameter optimization of planting process of rape carpet seedling transplanter

    • 摘要: 为有效减少油菜毯状苗机械化移栽过程中苗块出现的脱苗现象,提高立苗质量,该文构建了栽植过程中运移苗阶段油菜毯状苗苗块的动力学模型,结合油菜毯状苗基质的力学参数特性试验,研究苗块发生脱苗的临界条件,建立了运移苗阶段苗块的脱苗条件方程,得到了影响苗块脱苗的主要因素以及各因素的脱苗临界值。利用高速摄影试验探究了基质含水率、栽植机构转速和纵向取苗量对苗块脱苗率的影响,得到的各因素的脱苗临界范围与理论分析结果基本吻合,验证了模型的准确性和可行性。为探究低脱苗率条件下油菜毯状苗移栽机栽植机构和苗块相关参数的最优组合,采用响应面试验分析方法建立主要影响因素与考察指标之间的回归数学模型,试验结果表明:当基质含水率56.72%,栽植机构转速22 rad/s,纵向取苗量为15 mm时,优化后脱苗率为1.52%,与预测值绝对误差为0.16个百分点。该研究可为提高油菜毯状苗移栽的立苗质量提供参考。


      Abstract: Abstract: Rape carpet seedling transplanter is suitable for the transplantation in rice stubble field. During the operation of planting mechanism, the seedling needle takes out the seedling block from feeder mechanism by cutting and tearing. Then the seedling block is carried and transported by the seedling needle to the point of seedling pushing. Once the seedling block separates the seedling needle automatically and falls to soil, it can not be planted into the soil. Therefore, it is urgent to effectively reduce the seedling separation phenomenon in mechanized transplanting process of rape carpet seedlings and improve seedling-standing quality. In this paper, a kinematics model of rape carpet seedling block in the process of seedling transportation is established. The friction coefficient, normal adhesion force and tangential adhesion force of the rape carpet seedling substrate are measured under different moisture content. In order to obtain the mass center, morphological characteristic parameters of seedling block are measured. By establishing the mathematical model of planting mechanism, the trajectory curve and acceleration curve of the tip point of the seedling needle are obtained. The relationship between the tip point of the seedling needle and the mass center of seedling block is established. Thus, the variation curve of resultant force for the seedling block in the process of seedling transportation is analyzed. The critical conditions for seedling separation in seedling transportation course which is divided into 3 stages are studied. The main factors affecting the occurrence of seedling separation are established. Combined with the high speed photography, effects are tested by the single factor test which consists of the substrate moisture content, planting mechanism rotation speed and longitudinal picking seedling-standing length on seedling separation rate. With the increase of planting mechanism rotation speed, the seedling separation rate is stable first and then increases gradually. With the increase of the substrate moisture content, the seedling separation rate reduces sharply and then remains stable. With the increase of the longitudinal picking seedling length, the seedling separation rate decreases first and then increases. The critical range of each factors obtained by single factor test are basically consistent with the theoretical analysis, which verifies the accuracy and feasibility of the model. Using the data analysis software Design-Expert 8.0.6, the response surface design (RSD) is applied to establish a mathematical regression model between main influence factors and inspection index by analyzing the substrate moisture content, planting mechanism rotation speed and longitudinal picking seedling length. The horizontal ranges of response surface test are selected through the influence result of the single factor test and operation requirement. And finally the optimal parameter combination is obtained. The optimal parameter combination is modified and verified through the same test method. When the moisture content of the substrate is 56.72%, and the rotation speed of the planting mechanism is 22 rad/s, and the longitudinal seeding length is 15 mm, the test results shows that the seedling separation rate is 1.52%, with an absolute error of 0.16 percentage points compared to the predicted value. This study may provide the technical support for the research and development of rape carpet seedling transplanting with great seedling-standing quality.


