徐树英, 张玉苍, 黎吉辉, 林常, 林昭华. 香蕉茎秆挤压脱水技术装备研究进展及改进方向[J]. 农业工程学报, 2018, 34(23): 76-84. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.23.009
    引用本文: 徐树英, 张玉苍, 黎吉辉, 林常, 林昭华. 香蕉茎秆挤压脱水技术装备研究进展及改进方向[J]. 农业工程学报, 2018, 34(23): 76-84. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.23.009
    Xu Shuying, Zhang Yucang, Li Jihui, Lin Chang, Lin Zhaohua. [77] 张玉苍,徐树英. 自动调整压辊式香蕉茎秆压榨机:ZL2014100222312[P](2014-01-14)[2018-03-20].[77][J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(23): 76-84. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.23.009
    Citation: Xu Shuying, Zhang Yucang, Li Jihui, Lin Chang, Lin Zhaohua. [77] 张玉苍,徐树英. 自动调整压辊式香蕉茎秆压榨机:ZL2014100222312[P](2014-01-14)[2018-03-20].[77][J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(23): 76-84. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.23.009


    77 张玉苍,徐树英. 自动调整压辊式香蕉茎秆压榨机:ZL2014100222312P(2014-01-14)2018-03-20.77

    • 摘要: 香蕉茎秆挤压脱水工艺是香蕉茎秆资源化利用的关键步骤,可以有效地降低运输成本,减轻蕉农的劳动强度,有利于提高香蕉茎秆的综合利用率。该文从介绍香蕉茎秆原料结构形态,化学成分以及蕉秆水分的存在形态出发,详细论述了国内外对高含水量的香蕉茎秆采取的脱水技术的研究现状和最新进展,指出了各种典型设备的结构特点。讨论了各种机械挤压脱水设备的实用性、优缺点及商业推广价值。指出平板压榨为间歇生产,压榨周期长;螺旋挤压脱水要求原料为粉碎性物料,物料的适应性差;轧辊式挤压脱水为连续生产,效率较高。针对香蕉茎秆体形高大质地软,纤维长的特点,确定香蕉茎秆挤压脱水技术应采取轧辊式挤压脱水工艺,提出轧辊式挤压脱水设备的开发改进建议,认为设备体积小,操作简单安全,处理量大,可靠性高是主要的研究方向。


      Abstract: Abstract: China is one of the largest producers of bananas in the world. Every year after the harvest of banana, a large number of by-products, the banana pseudostem, increase sharply. The banana pseudostem processing is difficult and the utilization rate is low due to the bulkiness of the banana pseudostem, high moisture content and strong intensity of labors, which bring increasingly serious environmental pollution problems. Banana pseudostem technology is the key step for its utilization, which can effectively reduce the transportation cost and labor intensity of farmers, improve the comprehensive utilization rate. The morphology and the chemical component of banana pseudostem were studied firstly. The results showed that water content of the banana pseudostem was up to 90%; The banana pseudostem (dry basis) was composed primarily of cellulose (21.77%), hemicellulose (25.92%), lignin (10.88%) and pectin (3.50%), wax (3.63%) and water soluble matter (31.91%). It could be seen that the content of non cellulose was higher than the content of cellulose. The research status and recent development of the dehydration technology and equipment on high water content agricultural waste at home and abroad were also investigated. The structure characteristics of various typical dehydration equipment were pointed out, and the selection principle of banana pseudostem squeezing dehydration technology was discussed. As compared with the drying technology, the squeezing dehydration technology is high efficiency, low cost and good at feedstock adaptability and operability. The process and equipments of squeezing dehydration were studied. The plane squeezing dehydration process usually uses hydraulic oil as power input, which has the advantages of simple structure, small power consumption, good quality of residue cake, and which also has the disadvantages of the intermittent production, long expression time (the ratio of auxiliary time to whole time is about 15%~25%), trouble in loading and unloading cakes, heavy equipment, large cover of area. Compared with the plane squeezing dehydration process, the screw extruding process is characterized in continuous production, low labor intensity, high efficiency. Though it is in favor for comprehensive utilization, it also has disadvantages of high energy consumption, low efficiency of spiral, high maintenance cost. And the temperature of juice and residue are high. Agricultural raw materials need to be crushed in pretreatment in order to carry out the screw extruding process. The characteristics of roller squeezing dehydration process is continuous operation, but it also has the disadvantages of small pressure area, feeding difficultly, little processing quantity, low squeezing effect, and the poor material adaptability. Finally, based on the current main use of banana pseudostem, the whole stalk roller squeezing dehydration process of banana pseudostem will be an important research and application direction. The further researches on the process of banana pseudostem whole stalk roller squeezing dehydration were discussed in the following aspects. Firstly, the mechanism of banana pseudostem whole stalk roller squeezing dehydration should be explored. Secondly, banana pseudostem roller equeezing dehydration process is still blocked by the banana pseudostem fiber winding on the roller surface, so the antiwind design of the roller surface structure should be the focus of future research, which can facilitate feeding and discharging, impove dehydration rate. Banana pseudostem whole stalk squeezing dehydration equipment should be able to meet the requirement of squeezing the banana pseudostem raw materials in the fields, small volume, simple and safe operation, high capacity, high reliability. It can be accepted by banana farmers, and solve the problem of high cost of transportation fundamentally. Research results of this thesis provided refference for the squeezing dehydration process and equipment of banana pseudostem, and a model which may be useful for comprehensive utilization of banana pseudostem in industry should be established. There was a certain theoretical and application value for banana pseudostem dehydration.


