吴海波, 江连洲. CaCl2和pH值对水酶法提取大豆油形成乳状液破乳效果影响[J]. 农业工程学报, 2018, 34(23): 299-306. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.23.038
    引用本文: 吴海波, 江连洲. CaCl2和pH值对水酶法提取大豆油形成乳状液破乳效果影响[J]. 农业工程学报, 2018, 34(23): 299-306. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.23.038
    Wu Haibo, Jiang Lianzhou. Effect of CaCl2 and pH value on demulsification of emulsion from enzyme-assisted aqueous extraction processing of soybean oil[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(23): 299-306. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.23.038
    Citation: Wu Haibo, Jiang Lianzhou. Effect of CaCl2 and pH value on demulsification of emulsion from enzyme-assisted aqueous extraction processing of soybean oil[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(23): 299-306. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.23.038


    Effect of CaCl2 and pH value on demulsification of emulsion from enzyme-assisted aqueous extraction processing of soybean oil

    • 摘要: 为探明粗酶水相提取大豆油所产乳状液的破乳机制,通过破乳率、Zeta电位、黏度、粒径分布和平均粒径指标分别考察无机盐和pH值对乳状液稳定性的影响。为了比较无机盐的破乳效果,该文在乳状液中分别添加浓度均为0.06 mol/L的CaSO4、CaCl2、MgCl2、NaCl,80 ℃条件下反应10 min,结果显示4种无机盐均可显著降低乳状液稳定性,其中CaCl2破乳率最高,然后依次为CaSO4、MgCl2、NaCl。尽管CaCl2在60、70、80 ℃时均可实现彻底破乳,但破乳率随CaCl2浓度(0.02~0.08 mol/L)、反应时间(0~90 min)、反应温度(60~80 ℃)的增加而提升。CaCl2实现彻底破乳后,破乳率随反应时间延长而下降。添加CaCl2后乳状液的电位绝对值和黏度降低,油滴发生聚合,平均粒径增加,使乳状液稳定性下降。CaCl2浓度和反应温度的提升均可导致电位绝对值和黏度下降程度增强,破乳率进一步上升。在50 ℃、pH为值3~9时, 降低pH值可使乳状液电位绝对值和黏度显著下降,导致油滴平均粒径增加,乳状液稳定性下降。pH值为3~4时乳状液的电位绝对值最低,接近0,此时乳状液稳定性最低,破乳率最高。但当pH值小于3时,乳状液电位绝对值和黏度再次升高,致使油滴平均粒径和破乳率降低。光镜照片显示破乳后乳状液中油珠直径明显增大。该研究可为水酶法提取大豆油破乳技术提供理论依据。


      Abstract: Abstract: To explore the demulsification mechanism of emulsion recovered from crude enzyme-assisted aqueous extraction processing of extruded full fat soybean flour, the effect of salt and pH value on the emulsion stability was investigated respectively by demulsification rate, Zeta potential, apparent viscosity, particle size distribution and mean oil particle size. For evaluating the efficiency of salt demulsifying the emulsion, CaSO4, CaCl2, MgCl2, NaCl were separately added into the emulsion at concentration 0.06 mol/L, reaction time 10 min, and temperature 80 ℃. The experiment results showed 4 salts significantly destabilized the emulsion, but the highest free oil yield was recoveried from the emulsion added with CaCl2, followed by CaSO4, MgCl2, NaCl. Although the emulsion added with CaCl2 was completely broken (100% free oil recovery) at 60, 70, 80 ℃ respectively, demulsification effect was impacted by CaCl2 concentration, reaction time, reaction temperature. Demulsification rate progressively rose with CaCl2 concentrations increasing from 0.02 to 0.08 mol/L, reaction times from 0 to 90 min, reaction temperatures from 60 to 80 ℃. However, demulsification rate decreased with the increase of reaction time after the emulsion was completely broken. As Ca2+ neutralised the negative charge of the protein during heating, apparent viscosity and the absolute value of Zeta potential of the emulsion added with CaCl2 declined significantly compared with the control (without CaCl2 addition), which induced oil droplets aggregate and mean oil droplet size increase so that the stability of the emulsion decreased. Due to the greater screening effect of the higher Ca2+ concentration and reaction temperature on the negatively charged groups of proteins, the increase of CaCl2 concentrations ranging from 0.02 to 0.08 mol/L and reaction temperatures from 60 to 80 ℃ further reduced the absolute value of Zeta potential and apparent viscosity of the emulsion, and promoted the oil droplets aggregation. This resulted the higher free oil recovery. With pH value decreasing from 9 to 3 at 50 ℃, the absolute value of Zeta potential and apparent viscosity of the emulsion declined significantly, the average oil particle size increased so that the stability of the emulsion reduced, and the free oil recovery increased. Specially, the stability of the emulsion was the lowest and free oil recovery achieved the highest (100% free oil recovery) at pH value 3-4 because the absolute value of Zeta potential reached the lowest level (closed to 0), which meant the electrostatic repulsion forces between protein molecules of the emulsion nearly disappeared. When pH value dropped below 3, however, the absolute value of Zeta potential and apparent viscosity of the emulsion increased again so that the mean oil droplet size and demulsification rate decreased. Light micrographs showed that there were significant differences in the microstructure and oil recovery of the emulsion before and after demulsification. Oil drop diameter of the emulsion apparently enlarged, and more free oil was released after demulsification and centrifugation. This research can provide the theory foundation of destabilization strategies for the emulsion formed during enzyme-assisted aqueous extraction processing of soy oil.


