许青, 贾忠华, 罗纨, 唐双成, 陈诚, 邹家荣. 兼顾经济与环境效益的排水沟塘保护与改造模式研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2018, 34(Z): 48-54. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.z.008
    引用本文: 许青, 贾忠华, 罗纨, 唐双成, 陈诚, 邹家荣. 兼顾经济与环境效益的排水沟塘保护与改造模式研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2018, 34(Z): 48-54. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.z.008
    Xu Qing, Jia Zhonghua, Luo Wan, Tang Shuangcheng, Chen Cheng, Zou Jiarong. Study on protection and transformation model of drainage ditches considering economic and environmental benefits[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(Z): 48-54. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.z.008
    Citation: Xu Qing, Jia Zhonghua, Luo Wan, Tang Shuangcheng, Chen Cheng, Zou Jiarong. Study on protection and transformation model of drainage ditches considering economic and environmental benefits[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(Z): 48-54. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.z.008


    Study on protection and transformation model of drainage ditches considering economic and environmental benefits

    • 摘要: 排水沟塘在承担农田排水任务的同时,还具有削减农业面源污染和提供野生动物栖息地的功能,是一种宝贵的自然资源;但沟塘也占用了一定的土地面积,有些还妨碍农业机械操作,与现代化农业发展之间存在一定的矛盾。该文通过案例分析,从土地资源利用和环境保护和两个方面,研究了4种情形下沟塘保护与改造的综合效益,并考虑部分难以量化的生态、环境等因素探讨了沟塘最佳改造模式。研究区现有沟塘0.80 hm2,占农区面积的14.3%,其中池塘、支沟和农沟面积的比例分别为28%、60%和12%。经济分析结果表明,按照目前土地租赁价格,减少沟塘面积、增加土地利用的经济效益要高于沟塘在污染物去除和生态治虫方面的效益;考虑其他难以量化的因素,该文推荐保留沿田块边缘分布、对田间机械作业影响小、且面积较大的支沟,使其能够继续发挥排水及生态服务功能;对于分布较密且尺寸较小的农沟,推荐采用排水暗管替代,便于田间机械化作业;对于面积较大且分布不均匀的池塘,因其数量少且对农田排水的影响有限,在流域排水设施完善的前提下,可以将其填埋复垦。上述措施将使研究区沟塘占农田面积的比例由现在的14.3%降低到8.6%,综合经济效益从目前的5 217元提高到6 740元;其中,污染物去除和生态治虫效益将从目前的5 217元降低到了3 134元,而土地租赁收益增加到3 606元。总之,对于沟塘系统的保护和改造需要根据各地不同的发展目标和要求,考虑一些难以量化的因素,如提供栖息地以及文化景观价值等,科学合理的推进农业生产与生态环境保护。


      Abstract: Abstract: Drainage ditches, which are abundant in the southern river network area, provide drainage services for farmland and are also valuable resources for reducing agricultural pollutants as well as providing habitats for wildlife. It is really a precious natural resource. However, since ditches also occupy part of the land resources, and hindered the mechanization of operations. There is a certain contradiction between mechanical operation and the development of modern agriculture. How to balance various needs in rural ecological construction and protection has become an urgent scientific problem to be solved. Based on a typical case, according to the different emphasis of environmental protection and land increase, this paper analyzed the optimization of ditches/ponds protection while calculating the benefit change in different scenarios, and considered some difficult-to-quantify factors to explore the best transformation mode of the ditches and ponds. The existing ditches/ponds area in this study is 0.82 hm2, accounting for 14.3% of the farmland, of which the proportions of ponds, branch ditches and farms are 28%, 60% and 12%, respectively. The results of economic analysis show that according to the current land lease price, the economic benefits of reducing the area of the ditches/ponds and increasing the land use are higher than those of the ditches and ponds in terms of pollutant removal and ecological pest control. In combination with other factors that are difficult to quantify, this paper recommends that the branch ditches, which are distributed along the edges of the plots and have large area, should be reserved in order to maintain the original drainage and ecological environment functions while ensuring less impact on the field mechanical operations. For densely distributed and small size ditches, it is recommended to use drainage tube instead, which can minimize the impact on the field mechanization operation and reduce the impact on the ecological environment; For those larger and unevenly distributed ponds, considering their small population and limited impact on farmland drainage, can be reclaimed for reclamation on the basis of well-drained drainage facilities. For the study area, the above proposal will reduce the total area of the ponds from 8 020 m2 to 4 818 m2, reduce the area ratio of farmland from 14.3% to 8.6%, and the comprehensive economic benefit ratio can be increased from the current 5 217 to 6 740 RMB; however, the pollutants removal and pest control role will be reduced from the current 5 217 to 3 134 RMB, while the land rental income increases to 3 606 RMB. Therefore, simply from an economic point of view, the benefits of increasing land area should be higher than the economic benefits of reduced pollutant reduction and pest control. If the land proceeds increase in the future, the added value of land area will be more significant. Taking into account some difficult factors such as the provision of habitats and cultural landscape values, the protection and transformation of ditch pond systems in the future will also need to coordinate the demands and efforts of different departments.


