王久臣, 宋成军, 石祖梁, 孙仁华, 王飞, 贾涛. 浙江省田园生态系统建设及发展对策[J]. 农业工程学报, 2018, 34(Z): 55-59. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.z.009
    引用本文: 王久臣, 宋成军, 石祖梁, 孙仁华, 王飞, 贾涛. 浙江省田园生态系统建设及发展对策[J]. 农业工程学报, 2018, 34(Z): 55-59. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.z.009
    Wang Jiuchen, Song Chengjun, Shi Zuliang, Sun Renhua, Wang Fei, Jia Tao. Construction and development countermeasures for pastoral ecosystem construction in Zhejiang Province[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(Z): 55-59. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.z.009
    Citation: Wang Jiuchen, Song Chengjun, Shi Zuliang, Sun Renhua, Wang Fei, Jia Tao. Construction and development countermeasures for pastoral ecosystem construction in Zhejiang Province[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(Z): 55-59. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.z.009


    Construction and development countermeasures for pastoral ecosystem construction in Zhejiang Province

    • 摘要: 田园生态系统是整个自然生态系统的重要组成,具有无可替代的多样化生态系统服务功能。构建田园生态系统是中国农业绿色发展的重点改革任务,是中国生态文明建设的重要内容,是实现乡村振兴的重要抓手。浙江省是农业绿色发展大省,开展了20余年的工作探索。文章在深入调研的基础上,对浙江省田园生态系统建设进展取得的进展进行了初步评估,结果显示,浙江省注重顶层设计,引入倒逼机制,实施精准补贴,创新技术方式,田园生态系统建设取得了显著成效,突出表现在:1)生态循环农业体系初步建成,已建成生态农业示范区110个、示范主体1 000个,生态美丽牧场达到10 000多个,总面积达到10万hm2,形成了“主体小循环、园区中循环、县域大循环”的三级循环利用格局;2)田园环境管理水平显著提升,浙江省已实现农药化肥使用量零增长并持续减量,畜禽粪便、农作物秸秆、食用菌废菌棒、废弃农膜利用率分别达到96%、92%、90%和89%,农村清洁能源利用率达到79%,形成了农田日常保洁机制;3)田园生物资源得到有效保护与利用,既打造了田园景观,又可完善田园基础设施,促进农业生产、加工、服务产业有机链接,促进“三生”有机融通,园区变景区,田园变花园,提升了田园价值。总体上,浙江省田园生态系统建设在生态农业产业化、农药化肥包装物分类回收、田园生物多样性保护利用、绿色补贴制度等方面进行了积极探索,积累了一批可复制、可推广的经验。但由于政府与市场各主体缺乏理论技术依据,浙江省仍处于摸索阶段,标准化程度低、市场机制不完善、品牌化建设弱等共性问题亟待解决。


      Abstract: Abstract: The pastoral ecosystem is an important component of the whole natural ecosystem, its ecosystem service function is diversified and irreplaceable. Construction of pastoral ecosystem is the key reform task for the green development of agriculture in China. It is an important part of the construction of ecological civilization in China and an important gripper for the implementation of the strategy of rural revitalization. Opinions on the innovating institutional mechanism to promote the green development of agriculture pointed out that China will develop the pastoral ecosystem with the combination of crop-animal combined production, ecological cycle, beautiful environment. The important position for restoration and conservation of pastoral ecosystems is further clarified in the green development of agriculture in China. Being a big province of agricultural green development, Zhejiang province has carried out work exploration about more than 20 years. Based on in-depth investigations, the study assessed the progress for construction and management of pastoral ecosystem in Zhejiang province. Zhejiang province pays attention to top-level design, introduces the forced mechanism, implements precise subsidy, and innovating technology, remarkable achievements have been made in the construction of the pastoral ecosystem. The results showed that 1) The preliminary ecological recycling agricultural system, including 110 eco-agricultural demonstration zones and 1000 demonstration subjects and more than 10 000 eco-beautiful pastures, has established. Its total area was 100 000 hm2, the three stage recycling pattern of "small circulation of main body, circulation in the park, and great circulation in the county" has formed. 2) The level of farmland environmental management has been significantly improved; zero growth and continuous reduction of pesticide and chemical fertilizer use have been achieved in Zhejiang Province. The utilization rates of livestock and poultry manure, crop straw, waste fungus rods from edible fungi and waste agricultural film reached 96%, 92%, 90% and 89% respectively, and the utilization rate of clean energy in rural areas reached 79%, formed the daily cleaning mechanism of farmland. 3) Effective protection and utilization of pastoral biological resources not only created pastoral landscape, but also improved pastoral infrastructure and promotes organic links between agricultural production, processing and service industries, promoted the fusion of eco-environment, industry and living in Zhejiang Province, promote the park transforming into scenic area, the pastoral transforming into garden, raised the pastoral value. The enormously positive progress in Zhejiang province have been made in industrialization of ecological agriculture, classification and recycling of input package, conservation and utilization of biological diversity and green subsidy system. However, restricted by lack of theoretical and technical basis for the government and operating entities, the overall development is still in the groping stage, the common problems such as low standardization, imperfect market mechanism and weak brand construction need to be solved urgently. We propose that the theoretical system and technical system of the pastoral ecosystem should be thoroughly studied and perfected, and then the top-level design scheme is formed and issued in time. On the other hand, in order to establish and improve the institutional mechanism, we suggested that pilot program for the construction of pastoral ecosystem are carried out, in order to construct system both green production technology and environmental management for pastoral ecosystem, launched legislation for ecological recycling agriculture, perfected the mechanism of industrial construction and market operation for the idyllic ecosystem.


