郭晓慧, 康康, 于秀男, 尚高原, 邱凌. 磁改性柚子皮与杏仁壳生物炭的理化性质研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2018, 34(Z): 164-171. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.z.025
    引用本文: 郭晓慧, 康康, 于秀男, 尚高原, 邱凌. 磁改性柚子皮与杏仁壳生物炭的理化性质研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2018, 34(Z): 164-171. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.z.025
    Guo Xiaohui, Kang Kang, Yu Xiunan, Shang Gaoyuan, Qiu Ling. Study on physicochemical properties of magnetic modified biochar derived from pyrolysis of pomelo peel and apricot kernel shell[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(Z): 164-171. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.z.025
    Citation: Guo Xiaohui, Kang Kang, Yu Xiunan, Shang Gaoyuan, Qiu Ling. Study on physicochemical properties of magnetic modified biochar derived from pyrolysis of pomelo peel and apricot kernel shell[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(Z): 164-171. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.z.025


    Study on physicochemical properties of magnetic modified biochar derived from pyrolysis of pomelo peel and apricot kernel shell

    • 摘要: 分别以柚皮和杏壳为原料经磁改性热解制备生物炭,考察磁改性处理在不同温度下(300~600 ℃)对材料理化特性的影响。结果表明:磁改性生物炭中铁主要以Fe3O4的形式存在,少量与铝、镁等形成复杂矿质氧化物。磁改性处理生物炭灰分与挥发分增加,而固定碳和热值均明显降低,且这种增加/降低的效应随温度升高而加剧。比表面积和总孔容均增大,而平均孔径减小。磁改性处理对2种原料生物炭的pH值影响不同:磁改性杏壳生物炭的pH值整体较原生生物炭降低;而在400~600 ℃温度范围,磁改性柚皮生物炭的pH值明显升高。FTIR分析表明磁改性杏壳400与600 ℃热解炭含氧基团(酚羟基伸缩振动)特征峰明显增强,这也解释了其较原生生物炭灰分增加而pH值却降低的现象。


      Abstract: Abstract: Magnetic modified biochar was prepared using pomelo peel and apricot kernel shell as the feedstock. The effects of temperature on the physicochemical properties of the magnetic modified biochar materials were investigated. Magnetic biochar was obtained through the process of initially loading iron chemicals on the raw biomass by combining with the impregnation and co-precipitation and then carbonization under different temperatures. In the magnetic biochar, iron was distributed heterogeneously, more in the outer layer than in the inner layer. The iron existed mainly in the form of Fe3O4, and a small amount in the form of complex metal oxides with aluminum, magnesium. The contents of ash and volatile matter in the magnetic biochar was increased compared to the native biochar obtained at the same temperature; while the fixed carbon contents and heating values were significantly reduced. The augment/reduction effects of magnetic modification were intensified with increasing temperature. The specific surface area and total pore volume of magnetic biochar were both increased. The specific surface area of biochar derived from pomelo peel increased from 4.163 3-5.782 7 to 4.793 7- 24.887 8 m2/g with the magnetic modification. For the apricot kernel shell, the specific surface area was elevated from 3.540 4-27.192 8 to 22.291 4-41.953 1 m2/g. The total pore volume was improved from 0.025 7-0.031 4 to 0.027 8- 0.062 2 cm3/g for the biochar derived from pomelo peel and from 0.025 3-0.065 7 to 0.0888-0.0792 cm3/g for the biochar derived from apricot kernet shell. The average pore size was overall decreased by the modification, with the mesopores still dominant. The magnetic modification treatment improved the pH values of these two feedstocks (4.82/4.78 vs. 6.26/5.38) as well as with the pH values of biochar derived from pomelo peel being pyrolyzed at temperature of 400-600 ℃, while the pH values of the magnetic biochar derived from apricot shell were generally lowered compared to the native biochar. The pH values were boosted from 9.59-10.09 to 10.24-10.75 for pomelo peel biochar pyrolyzed at temperatures of 400-600 ℃ by the magnetic modification. The values were reduced from 7.39-9.05 to 6.26-8.86 for the apricot kernel shell biochar pyrolyzed at temperature of 300-500 ℃. The contents of oxygen-containing functional group in the magnetic apricot kernel biochar were increased, which was indicated by the enhancement of characteristic peak of carbonyl and phenolic hydroxyl stretching vibration and explained why the pH values reduced with the increment of ash content. These results revealed that the effects of magnetic modification on the pyrolysis of pomelo peel and apricot kernel shell were very different.


