高芸, 赵芝俊. 养蜂车购置补贴实施评价及问题解决途径研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2018, 34(Z): 186-191. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.z.028
    引用本文: 高芸, 赵芝俊. 养蜂车购置补贴实施评价及问题解决途径研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2018, 34(Z): 186-191. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.z.028
    Gao Yun, Zhao Zhijun. [16] 中国养蜂学会. 关于《绿色通道》的解读[Z].[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(Z): 186-191. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.z.028
    Citation: Gao Yun, Zhao Zhijun. [16] 中国养蜂学会. 关于《绿色通道》的解读[Z].[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(Z): 186-191. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.z.028


    16 中国养蜂学会. 关于《绿色通道》的解读Z.

    • 摘要: 蜂业对农作物授粉的外部性贡献已被广泛认可,实施补贴政策是实现外部性效益内在化的有效途径。中国在2013年将养蜂车列入农机补贴名录,山东、四川、湖北等许多养蜂大省陆续实施了补贴和贷款政策,但并没有出现养蜂车快速普及的预想状况。该文在梳理养蜂车购置补贴的预期目标和理论依据的基础上,对使用养蜂车蜂农生产案例开展调研,并利用蜂产业经济课题组固定观察点调查数据,采用成本收益分析方法对蜂农购车意愿进行了分析,对养蜂车劳动力替代以及养蜂生产模式与养蜂车功能的匹配等方面开展分析。分析结果表明:按照当前转地蜂农约150~200箱养殖规模和年采集蜜源点4~10个的生产特征,即使蜂农愿意购买养蜂车,将面临短期内经济压力大、安全生产风险和劳动强度增加、饲养管理复杂等多方面的困境。补贴实施后,养蜂车使用率仍然没有明显提高,关键在于在售养蜂车功能与中国蜂业生产需求不匹配。建议转地养蜂设备设计更加针对省时、省力目标,重点开发饲喂、巢础检查、取蜜、取浆、脱蜂环节的养蜂机具和车载设备研发,提高蜂农的养殖规模和收益。建议补贴额度控制在车辆购置成本的30%左右。研究可为改进完善养蜂车购置补贴政策以及促进蜂业机械化提供参考依据。


      Abstract: Abstract: The external contribution of bee pollination to crop production has been widely recognized and an effective way to internalize external benefits.is to launch subsidy policy. In order to promote the development of bee industry mechanization to increase crop pollination and increase yield, The beekeeping vehicle was included in the list of agricultural machinery purchasing subsidy since the year of 2013. Main apiculture provinces such as Shandong, Sichuan and Hubei launched implementation details for subsidies and loan. However, the rapid popularization of beekeeping vehicle did not appear as it was expected. The author conducted an in-depth analysis of the expected result, theory and basis for the implementation of subsidy policy. Cases survey data of beekeeping vehicle users and data of fixed observation points of the economic research group of beekeeping industry was adopted for cost-benefit analysis on purchasing will of beekeeper. Then, the replacement of labor force, and the matching between beekeeping mode and beekeeping vehicle function design was analyzed in this paper. The result showed that beekeeper has to face the problem of heavy economic burden in a short time, more safety adventure, higher labor intensity and more complicated colony management work though the beekeeper purchasing beekeeping vehicle, according to the current production scale of 150-200 colonies and 4-10 migrating times in a year. The subsidy policy had been launched for 5 years, but no significant increasing of utilization was appeared. The key problem was as following: The function of beekeeping vehicle on sale doesn't meet the demand of apiculture production mode. The design of beekeeping vehicle should target at time and labor saving. It should focus on research and development of beekeeping equipment and vehicle equipment for feeding, comb check, honey extraction, royal jelly extraction, and bee clearance from comb, so as to raise the scale and profit of beekeeping. Meanwhile, to continue implementation of subsidizing beekeeping vehicle were recommended, and subsidized rate could be about 30% of the purchasing cost.


