石惠娴, 孟祥真, 游煜成, 张中华, 欧阳三川, 任亦可. 植物工厂地源热泵系统热负荷BP神经网络预测及验证[J]. 农业工程学报, 2019, 35(2): 196-202. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.02.025
    引用本文: 石惠娴, 孟祥真, 游煜成, 张中华, 欧阳三川, 任亦可. 植物工厂地源热泵系统热负荷BP神经网络预测及验证[J]. 农业工程学报, 2019, 35(2): 196-202. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.02.025
    Shi Huixian, Meng Xiangzhen, You Yucheng, Zhang Zhonghua, Ouyang Sanchuan, Ren Yike. Prediction and verification on heating load of ground source heat pump heating system based on BP neural network for plant factory[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(2): 196-202. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.02.025
    Citation: Shi Huixian, Meng Xiangzhen, You Yucheng, Zhang Zhonghua, Ouyang Sanchuan, Ren Yike. Prediction and verification on heating load of ground source heat pump heating system based on BP neural network for plant factory[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(2): 196-202. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.02.025


    Prediction and verification on heating load of ground source heat pump heating system based on BP neural network for plant factory

    • 摘要: 为提高水蓄能型地下水源热泵自然光植物工厂供热系统节能性,供热系统必须能够很好地预测热负荷变化。针对自然光植物工厂热环境系统非线性特点,利用具有很强非线性映射能力的BP神经网络(back propagation,BP),选取室内外空气干球温度、太阳辐射强度、室内相对湿度和绝对湿度、室内风速等输入参数,确定算法步骤和评价指标,构建神经网络模型预测植物工厂次日负荷。采用Matlab神经网络工具箱对崇明试验基地水蓄能型地源热泵自然光植物工厂的样本集进行训练,训练后误差函数值为0.002 999 94,神经网络收敛。通过对比热负荷预测值与实际值,证明了神经网络预测热负荷值与实际值趋势一致,基本误差在±6%以内,结果表明神经网络法可以用于植物工厂次日热负荷预测。通过热负荷预测能够更加科学地调整供热系统运行模式,更好地匹配植物工厂需求热量与热泵的输出能量,实现运行节能和降低供能成本的目的。


      Abstract: It is important for crop growth to maintain suitable temperature in plant factory, however large heating energy consumption has been proved to be an obstacle that restricts its development. In Europe, the cost of heating accounts for about 30% of the total operation cost during the winter, but in the north of latitude 43° of China, the proportion reaches 60% to 70%. The traditional heating equipment such as coal-fired boilers has an energy utilization rate of only 40% to 50%. So it is very necessary to apply renewable energy to plant factory. Regulating heating modes by tracking and predicting the heating load changes in plant factory is the key to achieve energy saving. Because of the high energy consumption in winter, accurate heating load prediction can improve the energy saving effect of groundwater source heat pump with water energy storage. Changes of heating load in natural light plant factory are dynamic, time-varying, highly turbulent and uncertain. Artificial neural networks is ideal for predicting load changes, especially BP (back propagation) neural network has strong nonlinear mapping ability, which is generally used by many scholars for building heating load prediction, but rarely in plant factory. Given that heating load of both plant factory and building have nonlinear characteristics, we used BP neural network to predict the next day's heating load of plant factory to promote energy-saving control optimization. The BP neural network model has three levels: input layer, hidden layer and output layer. Input parameters include indoor and outdoor air temperature, solar radiation intensity, indoor relative humidity, indoor absolute humidity, indoor wind speed, etc. For plant factory, the next day's weather condition has a significant impact on the heating load. The output variable is determined as the next day's hourly glass greenhouse load value. The number of neurons in the input layer was 9, the number of neurons in the hidden layer was 13, the selected layer number of hidden layers was 1, the learning rate was 0.25 to 0.30, and the initial momentum factor was 0.9. Common evaluation indicators used to determine whether the neural network converges, included standard deviation, coefficient of variation, and expected error percentage. After algorithm steps being determined, the next day's heating load was predicted based on reasonable algorithmic procedures and steps. Experimental data in the paper was obtained from a natural light plant factory powered by groundwater source heat pump with water energy storage system in Chongming National Facility Agricultural Engineering Technology Research Center. Using the neural network toolbox of Matlab to train and simulate the model to process the experimental data from January 19th to 28th, the value of the error function was 0.002 999 94 which was less than the set value of 0.003, so the neural network was convergent. Prediction effect can be drawn by comparison between the actual surveyed value and the predicted value of the heating load. The main heating load was concentrated on 0:00-6:00 and 17:00-24:00 o’clock in the plant factory, and most of these periods were in the cheap electricity price period of Shanghai. Adjusting the operating strategy and operating mode of the energy supply system were based on the predicted heating load,the heat pump operated at full load or high load during the period of cheap electricity prices, and excess heat was stored in the hot storage tank. The hot storage tank provided heat to plant factory during the period of moderate and expensive electricity price. In this case, the energy cost would be reduced. Therefore, it was significantly economical to control start-stop time of the groundwater source heat pump with water energy storage for plant factory heating project. The error was controlled within ±6% basically between the actual value and the predicted value of the heating loads. Therefore, the results showed that the BP neural network was suitable for the next day's heating load prediction of plant factory.


