张燕青, 崔清亮, 辛林, 李红波, 来思彤, 刘俊丽. 谷子秸秆剪切力与其饲料营养特性变化规律及相互关系(英文)[J]. 农业工程学报, 2019, 35(5): 41-50. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.05.006
    引用本文: 张燕青, 崔清亮, 辛林, 李红波, 来思彤, 刘俊丽. 谷子秸秆剪切力与其饲料营养特性变化规律及相互关系(英文)[J]. 农业工程学报, 2019, 35(5): 41-50. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.05.006
    Zhang Yanqing, Cui Qingliang, Xin Lin, Li Hongbo, Lai Sitong, Liu Junli. Variations and correlations of shearing force and feed nutritional characteristics of millet straw[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(5): 41-50. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.05.006
    Citation: Zhang Yanqing, Cui Qingliang, Xin Lin, Li Hongbo, Lai Sitong, Liu Junli. Variations and correlations of shearing force and feed nutritional characteristics of millet straw[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(5): 41-50. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.05.006


    Variations and correlations of shearing force and feed nutritional characteristics of millet straw

    • 摘要: 为探究谷子秸秆力学性质与其饲料特性的变化规律及相互关系,选用谷物完熟期的谷子秸秆,将其分为5段(近根部、中下部、中部、中上部、上部)并每隔7 d进行秸秆节间、茎节力学性质(剪切、压缩)和饲料特性(形态指标、营养成分)测定。试验结果表明:谷物完熟后,随着时间的推进,秸秆节间、茎节剪切力、抗压强度、干物质含量、纤维素含量、半纤维素含量和木质素含量总体上呈增大趋势,而秸秆含水率、当量直径、横截面积、线性密度和粗蛋白含量总体上呈减小趋势。谷子秸秆单位直径剪切力与含水率和线性密度呈负相关关系(R2≥0.903),与其干物质、纤维素、半纤维素和木质素含量呈正相关关系(R2≥0.845),与其粗蛋白含量无显著相关关系(P>0.05)。采收期内,谷子秸秆基部起秸秆剪切力至顶部逐渐增大,且剪切力与当量直径、横截面积呈正相关关系(R2≥0.916)。试验表明谷子秸秆饲料特性指标验证试验值与预测值相对误差不大于6.48%,预测模型合理。测量秸秆剪切力可用于预测其形态指标参数和营养成分含量,进而一定程度地反映秸秆饲用价值和反刍动物择食趋向。采收期内,谷子中部及以上秸秆单位直径剪切力显著小于其近根部(P<0.05),更适合饲用;且谷物完熟后,及时采收可避免秸秆饲用价值降低。该研究可为高效利用谷子秸秆资源提供参考。


      Abstract: Abstract: In order to find the variations and correlations of shearing force and feed nutritional characteristics of millet straw, temporal dynamics of shearing force, compressive strength, morphological index, and nutritional content of millet straw were investigated after grain fully matured in this study. Results showed that the unit diameter shearing force, compressive strength, cellulose content, hemicellulose content, and lignin content increased in different straw parts with advancing maturity time. However, the linear density, moisture content and crude protein content decreased. There was negative relationship between unit diameter shearing force and moisture content, and between unit diameter shearing force and linear density (R2≥0.903). In the meanwhile, the unit diameter shearing force was positively related with cellulose content, hemicellulose content, and lignin content (R2≥0.845), but there was no relationship between unit diameter shearing force and crude protein content (P>0.05). The shearing force increased from upper part to proximal root part of plant in different sampling times (P<0.05), and the shearing force was positively correlated with the equivalent diameter and cross-sectional area (R2≥0.916). This research showed that the relative errors between verification test value and predicted value were not more than 6.48% of forage characteristics of millet straw, so that the regression models were feasible. Further, measuring shearing force is an efficient method to evaluate morphological index and nutritional content, providing the potential for enhancement of voluntary feed intake of millet straw. It was presented that the unit diameter shearing force of the part above the middle section was significantly less than that of the proximal root part of millet straw (P<0.05), so that above the middle part of millet straw should be selected as ruminant feed. Meanwhile, timely harvesting after grain fully matured can avoid the decrease of feed value. This study can provide a reference for improving the forage utilization of millet straw.


