刘海洋, 陈智, 侯占峰, 佟鑫, 宗哲英, 宣传忠. 基于GPRS的土壤风蚀实时监测系统研制与测试[J]. 农业工程学报, 2019, 35(5): 163-172. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.05.020
    引用本文: 刘海洋, 陈智, 侯占峰, 佟鑫, 宗哲英, 宣传忠. 基于GPRS的土壤风蚀实时监测系统研制与测试[J]. 农业工程学报, 2019, 35(5): 163-172. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.05.020
    Liu Haiyang, Chen Zhi, Hou Zhanfeng, Tong Xin, Zong Zheying, Xuan Chuanzhong. Development and test of real-time monitoring system for soil wind erosion based on GPRS network[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(5): 163-172. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.05.020
    Citation: Liu Haiyang, Chen Zhi, Hou Zhanfeng, Tong Xin, Zong Zheying, Xuan Chuanzhong. Development and test of real-time monitoring system for soil wind erosion based on GPRS network[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(5): 163-172. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.05.020


    Development and test of real-time monitoring system for soil wind erosion based on GPRS network

    • 摘要: 为克服野外观测和风洞测试的缺点与不足,提高观测数据的连续性、科学性与可靠性。该文综合无线传感网络技术、传感器技术、电子技术和网络通信技术,研制了热敏式风速传感器、分流对冲式风沙分离器和具有无线组网与自动数据采集处理功能的近地表风速廓线仪和多通道集沙仪,建立了基于GPRS网络的土壤风蚀监测系统,实现了被测区域环境温度、相对湿度、大气压力、近地表风速廓线和风沙流结构等参数的同步采集、实时处理和远程监测等功能。试验结果表明:风速传感器输出电压在0.3~4.3 V之间,响应时间小于3 s,有效测量范围在0~17 m/s,测量精度随风速增大而降低,在6和17 m/s风速下的测量精度分别为0.1和 0.3 m/s;风沙分离器的降速效率和风沙分离效率分别在96%和99.8%以上,平均等动力性≥92%;称量系统有效测量范围在0~170 g,精度达0.01 g,短期静态误差和长期累积误差分别不超过±0.02 g和±0.04 g;9、12、15和18 m/s风速下的平均集沙效率达91.98%;无线通信建立时间≤5 s,中心汇聚节点可在3 s内实现一次节点遍历和数据汇聚,有效传输距离达140 m以上;风速廓线节点和集沙仪节点单次最大工作时长不低于6和22 h。在野外试验条件下,系统软硬件部分均运行稳定可靠,自组网数据传输的丢包率和错误次数为0,环境温度、相对湿度和大气压力的偏差分别小于2 ℃、4%和10 hPa;测得的近地表风速廓线与风沙流结构均符合指数分布规律,满足大尺度、跨区域野外土壤风蚀同步研究的需求。


      Abstract: Abstract: In order to overcome the shortcomings and deficiencies of field observation and wind tunnel test, it needs to be improved for the continuity, scientificity and reliability of observation data to meet the demand of wind erosion monitoring in the field. In this paper, the wireless sensor network technology, sensor technology, electronic technology and network communication technology were used together to develop the wind speed profiler and the multi-channel sand sampler that had functions of wireless ad-hoc networks and automatic data acquisition and processing. Meanwhile, LabVIEW was used to design the client data processing software which could monitor six wind speed profile points and six wind sand flow structure points simultaneously. On this basis, a soil wind-erosion monitoring system using C/S framework was established, which realized the functions of automatic collecting, real-time processing and remote monitoring of the environment temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind speed profile and wind-sand distribution by means of GPRS wireless module and remote server. The test results showed that the time from power up to output stability would not exceed 8 s, and the wind speed response time was 2 to 3 s. The output voltage and wind speed satisfied polynomial fitting and monotonically increase. The measurement range was 0~17 m/s, and its measurement accuracy decreased with the increase of wind speed. The accuracy could reach 0.1 m/s at 6 m/s and 0.3 m/s at 17 m/s. The wind speed profiler realized the automatic acquisition, processing and wireless transmission of the environment temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure and wind speeds at 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 48 and 64 cm heights. Besides, the speed-reduction efficiency and the wind-sand separation efficiency of the wind-sand separator were above 96% and 99.8%, respectively, and the average equidynamic performance was not less than 92%. The weighing system was in the range of 0 to 170 g with accuracy of 0.01 g. The short-term static error and long-term cumulative error were no more than ±0.02 g and ±0.04 g, respectively. The average sand collecting efficiency of the sand collector was 91.98%. The setup time of wireless communication was not more than 5 s, and the central node could achieve 1 time nodes traversal and data aggregation within 3 s. The effective transmission distance was more than 140 m. The maximum working time of the wind speed profiler node and the sand sampler node was not less than 6 h and 22 h, respectively. Under field tests, the stability and reliability of the system can be verified, data packet loss rate of the ad-hoc network and error packet number were also zero. The measured wind profiles and wind-sand distribution curves were in accordance with the exponential distribution law. The deviation of environmental temperature, relative humidity and atmospheric pressure were less than 2 ℃, 4% and 10 hPa, respectively. Therefore, the results could provide an effective research platform and important data support to meet the needs of large scale and cross-regional field synchronous study of soil wind erosion.


