马冀桐, 王毅, 何宇, 王恺, 张艺谭. 基于构型空间先验知识引导点的柑橘采摘机械臂运动规划[J]. 农业工程学报, 2019, 35(8): 100-108. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.08.012
    引用本文: 马冀桐, 王毅, 何宇, 王恺, 张艺谭. 基于构型空间先验知识引导点的柑橘采摘机械臂运动规划[J]. 农业工程学报, 2019, 35(8): 100-108. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.08.012
    Ma Jitong, Wang Yi, He Yu, Wang Kai, Zhang Yitan. Motion planning of citrus harvesting manipulator based on informed guidance point of configuration space[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(8): 100-108. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.08.012
    Citation: Ma Jitong, Wang Yi, He Yu, Wang Kai, Zhang Yitan. Motion planning of citrus harvesting manipulator based on informed guidance point of configuration space[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(8): 100-108. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.08.012


    Motion planning of citrus harvesting manipulator based on informed guidance point of configuration space

    • 摘要: 柑橘采摘过程中机械臂有时需要深入树冠内部进行采摘,而在树冠内众多枝干往往构成一个个封闭的多边形通道,比起单个枝条的障碍物,封闭多边形障碍物更加难以避开,需要更长的时间进行规划。针对此问题,该文通过对构型空间的离线构建,分析了封闭多边形障碍物在构型空间的拓扑结构性质,根据这一性质对双向快速扩展随机树算法(RRT-connect)进行改进,提出了一种基于构型空间先验知识引导点的RRT-connect算法(informed guidance point RRT-connect,IGPRRT-connect),并将RRT-connect与IGPRRT- connect进行了并行规划编程,提高在不同环境下的适应性。通过仿真:所提出的并行算法在各种环境下规划时间均处于较低水平,以边长为30 cm与25 cm的正方形封闭通道为例,与RRT-connect相比规划时间分别缩短了51%、86%。同时进行室内避障试验,试验结果表明,使用提出的并行算法,对封闭障碍物和未封闭障碍物均有较好的避障效果,平均规划时间为1.263 s左右,成功率为91%,可为柑橘采摘机器人在不同环境下的运动规划问题提供参考。


      Abstract: Abstract: Harvesting robot is the representative of agricultural intellectualization. In the process of citrus harvesting, the manipulator sometimes needs to go deep into the canopy to harvest citrus. Many branches inside the canopy often form a closed polygon channel. Compared with single branch obstacle, the closed polygon obstacle is more difficult to avoid and it takes longer time to plan trajectory for obstacle avoidance. In order to solve this problem, an off-line configuration space mapping method is proposed in this paper, which can reduce the dimension and visualize the high-dimensional configuration space. The first three joints which have great influence on the manipulator are mainly considered, and the impact of the latter three joints on obstacle avoidance also taken into account, thus reducing the information lost in the process of dimension reduction. The visualization of configuration space for crawler chassis and obstacles has certain guiding significance for the later planning algorithm analysis. The topological properties of closed polygonal obstacles in configuration space are analyzed. The projection of closed polygonal obstacles in configuration space can be simplified into upper and lower parts. The upper and lower parts will be partially connected. The middle part is what the cavity is connected with the outside non-collision configuration space, with only two openings. If the end position of the manipulator is located in the cavity (the manipulator extends into the closed polygon), it can only pass through the upper and lower openings. According to this property, the bidirectional fast extended random tree algorithm (RRT-connect) is improved, and an RRT-connect algorithm with informed guidance point (IGPRRT-connect) based on prior knowledge guidance points in configuration space is proposed. The algorithm searches for narrow-channel guidance points in configuration space according to the topological properties of closed polygons and applies the bridge test algorithm to find the correct narrow-channel. Planning from the guiding point to the starting point and the end point respectively greatly speeds up the planning speed of the RRT-connect algorithm in a closed polygon environment. Taking the square box obstacle as an example, the simulation results show that RRT is faster than IGPRRT-connect when the side length is larger than 40 cm, while less than 40 cm, the IGPRRT-connect has advantages as follows: it takes 1.7 s and 1.2 s for RRT-connect and IGPRRT-connect algorithm respectively to motion planning for the obstacle with side length of 35 cm; that of 3.1 s and 1.6 s respectively for side length of 30 cm; when the edge length is reduced to 25 cm, the planning time for RRT-connect algorithm is as high as 18.1 s, while that of IGPRRT-connect is only 2.6 s, which decreases by 86%. At the same time, simulation experiments are carried out under different shapes of obstacles. The results show that IGPRRT-connect algorithm often takes less time than RRT-connect in closed polygon environment. Because IGPRRT-connect algorithm spends a lot of time in searching for non-existent boot configurations in unclosed polygon environment, RRT-connect algorithm performs better than IGPRRT-connect algorithm in unclosed polygon environment. In order to solve the problem of IGPRRT-connect algorithm in unclosed polygon environment, parallel programming for RRT-connect and IGPRRT-connect is carries out in this paper, and two threads are created: one thread runs RRT-connect algorithm and the other thread runs IGPRRT-connect algorithm. When one thread completes the planning, both threads stop completely and output the planned path, thus avoiding the artificial choice of which algorithm to use, which improves the intelligence of the harvesting robot. Parallel programming is beneficial to simplify the program solution: it is not needed to write the algorithm to judge whether RRT-connect or IGPRRT-connect should be used in the current environment. Simulation results show that the parallel algorithm performs well in various environments. Finally, an indoor obstacle avoidance experiment is carried out using parallel algorithm on the prototype of Citrus harvesting robot. In the experiment, the average planning time in the closed polygon obstacle environment is 1.431 s, the successful rate of obstacle avoidance is 88%, while that in the unclosed polygon obstacle environment are 1.064 s and 94%. The experimental results show that the IGPRRT-connect algorithm proposed in this paper has a good obstacle avoidance effect on both closed and unclosed obstacles, which is of great significance to the research of Citrus harvesting robot.


