白丽, 陈曦, 孙洁, 张孝义. 产业融合视角下中国马铃薯加工业发展问题研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2019, 35(8): 316-323. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.08.037
    引用本文: 白丽, 陈曦, 孙洁, 张孝义. 产业融合视角下中国马铃薯加工业发展问题研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2019, 35(8): 316-323. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.08.037
    Bai Li, Chen Xi, Sun Jie, Zhang Xiaoyi. Development of potato processing industry in China from perspective of industrial integration[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(8): 316-323. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.08.037
    Citation: Bai Li, Chen Xi, Sun Jie, Zhang Xiaoyi. Development of potato processing industry in China from perspective of industrial integration[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(8): 316-323. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.08.037


    Development of potato processing industry in China from perspective of industrial integration

    • 摘要: 马铃薯加工业是马铃薯主粮化战略落实的重要载体。在对乌兰察布地区马铃薯加工企业考察的基础上,该文从产业融合角度分析了影响马铃薯加工业发展的因素。第一产业中,基于订单农业的纵向合作模式发展不足,高效、专用、集约、规模的马铃薯种植体系尚未形成。第二产业中,马铃薯加工企业普遍存在加工层次低、废弃物利用不足、产能季节性过剩、加工设备周期性闲置等问题,技术装备、生产工艺、管理理念与国际先进水平存在一定差距。第三产业中,物流成本、冷链物流发展状况、金融支持力度、汇率变动和贸易控制措施对马铃薯加工业的发展具有重要影响。此外,主粮化战略的提出为马铃薯加工业的发展带来了新的契机,为马铃薯加工产业的发展指明了方向。马铃薯主粮化战略涉及马铃薯加工业及其上下游产业。种植者对政策的响应会促进马铃薯生产技术的发展,为加工业提供优质的原料。科研院所在政策的指引下会投入更多力量研究主粮化相关的技术和政策,从而为马铃薯加工业带来改变。消费者对马铃薯主食产品的接受程度会随着主粮化战略的实施而增强,是马铃薯加工业发展的动力。政策方面,现在发展的关键是将马铃薯主粮化战略落到实处,给予马铃薯主粮的待遇并进行相关农业生产补贴。给予马铃薯加工企业必要的扶持,同时增加马铃薯主粮化相关领域的研发投入,为马铃薯主粮化提供技术保障。使政府在制定政策时需要做好顶层设计,注重一二三产业的协同发展,促进中国马铃薯产业的健康、可持续发展。


      Abstract: Abstract: Potato processing industry is an important carrier for implementing potato staple food strategy, which was launched in 2015 in mainland China. Ulanqab City located in Inner Mongolia, which is one of the main producing areas of potato and located in the North of China. Ulanqab City is a prominent leader of China's potato production and is often referred to as "China's Potato Capital". Based on a survey among potato processing companies and factories in Ulanqab City, the current study analyzed the factors that influenced the development of Chinese potato processing industry from a perspective of industrial integration. First, vertical cooperation based on contracts between farmers and processors has still lagged by now, and therefore efficient, intensified and large-scale planting haven't yet been formed in the Ulanqab City. Second, processing in a lower level, lacking of recycling and reusing of wastes and insufficient utilizing of by-products, seasonal overcapacity, and periodic idling of processing equipments were common problems faced by the surveyed potato processing enterprises. Furthermore, compared with the potato enterprises in developed countries, those in China fall behind in processing equipments, production technologies and management concepts. Third, higher logistics costs, the underdevelopment of cold-chain logistics, lacking of financial supports, the change of foreign exchange rates and the implement and enforce of international trade control had great influence on the development of potato processing industry. In addition, the proposal of "potato staple food strategy" offers a new opportunity and points the way for the development of the potato processing industry. Potato staple food strategy involves the potato processing industry and its upstream and downstream industries. The potato farmers' responses to the policy will surely promote the development of potato production technology and provide quality raw materials for the processing industry. The research institutes, incentive by the guidance of the potato staple food strategy, will do more research in the related fields of technologies and policy. Most importantly, the strategy will bring more changes for the potato processing industry and thus boom the industry. Also, more Chinese consumers will accept potato products as staple food with the implementation of the strategy and thus increase the demands of potatoes from the source. Thus, the strategy is undoubtedly the driving force behind the rapid development of the potato processing industry in China. In terms of policies, it is urgent and of vital importance to put the potato staple food strategy into practice. Specifically, first, the government agencies should treat the production of potato as those of staple crops, such as wheat and rice, and offer rational subsidies for the planting of potato. Second, the government agencies should provide more supports to the potato processing companies. Third, the government agencies should increase research and develop investment in the potato planting areas for more sustainable production and ecological protection. Finally, the Chinese government agencies at all levels should attach importance to the top-level designing before formulating relative policies, by focusing on the coordinated development of the primary, secondary and tertiary industry and therefore promoting a healthy and sustainable development of the Chinese potato industry.


