郭小清, 范涛杰, 舒欣. 基于改进Multi-Scale AlexNet的番茄叶部病害图像识别[J]. 农业工程学报, 2019, 35(13): 162-169. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.13.018
    引用本文: 郭小清, 范涛杰, 舒欣. 基于改进Multi-Scale AlexNet的番茄叶部病害图像识别[J]. 农业工程学报, 2019, 35(13): 162-169. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.13.018
    Guo Xiaoqing, Fan Taojie, Shu Xin. Tomato leaf diseases recognition based on improved Multi-Scale AlexNet[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(13): 162-169. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.13.018
    Citation: Guo Xiaoqing, Fan Taojie, Shu Xin. Tomato leaf diseases recognition based on improved Multi-Scale AlexNet[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(13): 162-169. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.13.018

    基于改进Multi-Scale AlexNet的番茄叶部病害图像识别

    Tomato leaf diseases recognition based on improved Multi-Scale AlexNet

    • 摘要: 番茄同种病害在不同发病阶段表征差异明显,不同病害又表现出一定的相似性,传统模式识别方法不能体现病害病理表征的动态变化,实用性较差。针对该问题,基于卷积神经网络提出一种适用于移动平台的多尺度识别模型,并基于此模型开发了面向农业生产人员的番茄叶部病害图像识别系统。该文详细描述了AlexNet的结构,分析其不足,结合番茄病害叶片图像特点,去除局部响应归一化层、修改全连接层、设置不同尺度卷积核提取特征,设计了基于AlexNet的多感受野识别模型,并基于Android实现了使用此模型的番茄叶部病害图像识别系统。Multi-ScaleAlexNet模型运行所耗内存为29.9MB,比原始AlexNet的内存需求652MB降低了95.4%,该模型对番茄叶部病害及每种病害早中晚期的平均识别准确率达到92.7%,基于此模型的Andriod端识别系统在田间的识别率达到89.2%,能够满足生产实践中移动平台下的病害图像识别需求。研究结果可为基于卷积神经网络的作物病害图像识别提供参考,为作物病害的自动化识别和工程化应用参考。


      Abstract: Abstract: The symptoms of the same tomato disease in different stages are obviously different, and different diseases show some similarities. Traditional pattern recognition methods can not reflect the dynamic changes of the pathological characterization, and the practicability is poor. To solve this problem, this paper proposed a Multi-Scale AlexNet recognition model for mobile platform based on convolutional neural network (CNN), and implemented a tomato leaf disease image recognition system for agricultural workers based on Android. Many parameters and large memory utilization of traditional AlexNet model are unfit for mobile platform, this paper adjusted the network structure of the traditional model by removing the local response normalization(LRN) layer, modifying the full connection layer, setting up different convolution kernel extraction features, designed a multi- scale recognition model based on the AlexNet. The model consists of 6 layers. It can optimize the training time and memory utilization and achieve high precision. After removing the LRN layer, there was a 30% decrease in running time. Extending the single convolution kernel into multi-scale (1 ( 1,3 ( 3,5 ( 5,7 ( 7) convolution kernel then fused at the first layer, removing full connection layer 6 and 7, and taking the place of global average pooling layer, then the model size was only 30.2 M. The forward propagation rate (FRP) and backward propagation rate (BPR) were reduced, and the global average pooling is better than the global maximum pooling on recognition accuracy. So the Multi-Scale AlexNet model used global average pooling in the 5th layer. In image preprocessing phase, in order to avoiding over fitting of the trained model caused by the unbalanced distribution of sample numbers, we had zoomed, flipped, color jittering, add noise and rotated the original pictures of dataset randomly to get the augmented dataset, and used 70% of the pictures as the train dataset and the rest as the validation dataset(20%) and test dataset(10%). These pictures were quantized to 224 ( 224 dpi for Multi-Scale AlexNet training, and the original dataset and augmented dataset were used to train models. In order to validate the performance of the proposed model, comparative tests were done between Multi-Scale AlexNet and traditional pattern recognition method. It repeated 600 tests. The results showed that the CNN model achieved 92.7%, the high average recognition accuracy of each disease and each disease in the early, middle and late stages. Compared with the other CNN Net model(MobileNet, SequeezeNet, LeNet-5), the Multi-Scale AlexNet achieved the highest recognition accuracy, and reached 95.8% on the late stage disease dataset, but the SequeezeNet model used less memory. The MobileNet and SequeezeNet model reached lower recognition accuracy on the middle and late stages dataset, that because their convolution size was small. The recognition system was implemented on Android platform, and then test was done on field dataset. The results showed that the average recognition accuracy was 89.2%, its less value was due to the complex background of image. Then the system can meet the requirements of disease image recognition on mobile platform in production practice. The research results provide a method for disease image recognition based on convolution neural network, and provide a reference for automatic identification of crop diseases and engineering applications.


