刘孟凯. 南水北调中线工程总干渠冰期输水调控仿真研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2019, 35(16): 95-104. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.16.011
    引用本文: 刘孟凯. 南水北调中线工程总干渠冰期输水调控仿真研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2019, 35(16): 95-104. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.16.011
    Liu Mengkai. Operation simulation model for middle route of south-to-north water transfer project during ice period[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(16): 95-104. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.16.011
    Citation: Liu Mengkai. Operation simulation model for middle route of south-to-north water transfer project during ice period[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(16): 95-104. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.16.011


    Operation simulation model for middle route of south-to-north water transfer project during ice period

    • 摘要: 冰情演变数值模拟是解决南水北调中线工程冰期输水安全与效益问题的重要手段。该文建立了南水北调中线工程总干渠冰期输水调控仿真模型,包含明渠非恒定流、浮冰盖下非恒定流、水温、冰花输移、封冻、冰盖增厚、融冰和闸门调节等仿真功能,且推荐京石段水面热交换系数取值18 W/(m2•℃),冰面热交换系数取值26 W/(m2•℃)为参数较优取值,参数率定工况下水温平均绝对误差为0.07 ℃,冰盖厚度平均绝对误差为0.67 cm,封冻时刻误差小于1 d,表明该模型在水温、封冻时刻、冰盖厚度等方面的模拟具有一定的准确度,可为相关研究提供参数取值参考。同时在京石段工程上应用该模型,进一步证实了模型及参数取值在大尺度冰情模拟上具有一定适用度,模型具备模拟冰情演变全过程及对应水力响应和闸门群调控过程的功能,揭示了渠系冰期输水水力响应变化特性,认为PI控制器可实现冰期水力响应控制和维护运行状态稳定作用。


      Abstract: The middle route of south-to-north water transfer project is a canal system. The downstream part from Anyang to Beijing has ice in winter every year. And the water resources requirement of this part is still hard in winter. . Ice condition is important to operation the canal system in winter. Ice evolution simulation is an important method to improve ice hazard threat of the middle route of south-to-north water transfer project by ice prediction and canal system automation operation. In this paper, a one dimensional operation simulation model for the middle route of South-to-North water transfer project has been established, which including unsteady flow simulation, water temperature simulation, ice cover evolution simulation and PI controller. It could describe the ice evolution process, hydraulic responses and gates operation process. And the model had taken the canal system characteristics into consideration including ice cannot flow through downstream gate of each pool and coupling of system hydraulic response. Ice observation is a dangerous work, and the project is so long. So, just limited ice observed data at some canal pools of the project is used to confirm the parameters value for the model. The parameters calibration results showed that the heat exchange coefficient of open channel was 18 W/(m2•℃) and heat exchange coefficient under ice sheet conditions was 26 W/(m2•℃), and the averaged error of ice cover thickness and water temperature were 0.67 cm and 0.07 ℃ respectively. So the reliability of the model was confirmed to calibrate water temperature process, ice cover formation process and ice cover thickness process. And then, the model was applied to Beijing-Shijiazhuang part of the south-to-north water transfer project case simulation to study the ice situation evolution, hydraulic response and gate group regulation process in Ianuary-February 2016. The simulated canal system consists of 13 channels separated by 14 control gates. Water transfer flow of Hebei terminal and Tianjin were set as 20 m3/s and 10 m3/s. Two working conditions were simulated according to the temperature conditions. The results showed that the ice evolution parameters value can worked well to simulate ice evolution for long distance canal system, but the air temperature input conditions of the model must be the local value near each pool. The applied case results show that the canal system hydraulic response processes are complicated caused by ice evolution process, and the PI controller can reduce water level fluctuant amplitude and keep on the downstream water level operation mode well. The prediction of ice evolution process and gates operation processes was helpful to improve safety and economic benefit of the engineering.


