钟韵, 费良军, 曾健, 傅渝亮, 代智光. 根域水分亏缺对涌泉灌苹果幼树产量品质和节水的影响[J]. 农业工程学报, 2019, 35(21): 78-87. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.21.010
    引用本文: 钟韵, 费良军, 曾健, 傅渝亮, 代智光. 根域水分亏缺对涌泉灌苹果幼树产量品质和节水的影响[J]. 农业工程学报, 2019, 35(21): 78-87. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.21.010
    Zhong Yun, Fei Liangjun, Zeng Jian, Fu Yuliang, Dai Zhiguang. Effects of root-zone water deficit on yield, quality and water use efficiency of young apple trees under surge-root irrigation[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(21): 78-87. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.21.010
    Citation: Zhong Yun, Fei Liangjun, Zeng Jian, Fu Yuliang, Dai Zhiguang. Effects of root-zone water deficit on yield, quality and water use efficiency of young apple trees under surge-root irrigation[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(21): 78-87. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.21.010


    Effects of root-zone water deficit on yield, quality and water use efficiency of young apple trees under surge-root irrigation

    • 摘要: 为了有效提高山地苹果树的水分利用效率(water use efficiency,WUE)以及合理分配灌溉用水,该文以陕北黄土高原地区山地苹果树为研究对象,通过大田试验,研究了涌泉根灌(surge-root irrigation,SRI)条件下水分亏缺对苹果树生长、产量、品质及WUE的影响。试验于2016—2018年分别在萌芽期(I)设置轻度(L)、中度(M)和重度(S)3个水平亏缺处理,在开花坐果期(II)和果实膨大期(III)分别设置L和M 2个水平亏缺处理,另设全生育期充分灌溉(FI)与不灌水(NI)作为对照,共9个处理。结果表明:苹果树各生育期耗水量由大到小依次为III期、II期、I期、果实成熟期(IV),其中III期耗水量占全生育期耗水总量的59%~71%,远高于其他3个生育阶段。调亏灌溉与FI相比节水效果显著(P<0.05),且其一定程度上抑制了苹果树新梢生长,苹果树水分调亏程度大的处理在下一个阶段复水后其耗水量越大。水分亏缺可调节苹果的品质,I期进行水分亏缺对果实含水率、可溶性物质含量和可溶性还原糖含量的影响均不显著(P>0.05),III期进行水分亏缺可增加果实硬度,降低单果质量、优果率和果实含水率,因此不宜在苹果树III期设置水分亏缺;而在苹果树II期进行水分亏缺使果实硬度略有增加,果实含水率略有下降,同时单果质量、优果率、可溶性物质和可溶性还原糖含量提高,使苹果更甜且易存储。其中II-M处理的苹果产量、品质及WUE均达到较高水平,建议最优的水分调亏应是II-M处理。该研究可为陕北山地苹果水分管理、精准灌溉提供理论与技术参考。


      Abstract: Abstract: In order to effectively improve the water-use efficiency of apple trees and rationally allocate irrigation water, this study selected the mountainous apple trees located in the loess plateau of northern Shanxi province (37° 27’ N, 110° 2’ E, altitude: 1 020 m) as the research object, and studied the effects of water deficit on the growth, fruit quality, yield and water use efficiency of apple trees under surge-root irrigation (SRI) through 3-year field experiments from 2016 to 2018. Light (L), moderate (M) and severe (S) water deficits were carried out at the germination stage (I), 2 levels of L and M were designed at fruit-bearing stage (II) and fruit-filling stage (III) respectively, full irrigation (FI) and non-irrigation (NI) were designed as the control during the whole growth period, with a total of 9 treatments. The results showed that the evapotranspiration of various stages on apple trees were in the following descending order: stage III, stage II, stage I and fruit maturity stage (IV). Evapotranspiration in stage III accounted for 59% to 71% of the total in the whole growth period, which was much higher than that in the other 3 growth stages. Compared with FI, the water-saving effect was significant (P<0.05), and the growth of new apple shoots was inhibited to some extent. The treatment with a large degree of moisture deficit reduction had larger effect of over-compensation after sufficient irrigation in the next stage. Compared with FI, water deficit treatment during the different growth stages had significant effects on the fruit quality, fruit yield, and water use efficiency (WUE) of the apple trees. The effects of water deficit on fruit water content, soluble solid content and soluble reducing sugar content in the I stage were not significant (P>0.05). Water deficit in the III stage increased fruit firmness, reduced single fruit weight, excellent fruit percentage and fruit water content, so the III stage was not suitable stage to start water deficit treatment. Water deficit in the II stage of apple trees slightly increased fruit firmness, fruit water content decreased slightly, and single fruit weight, excellent fruit percentage, soluble solid content, and soluble reducing sugar content of apples were significantly increased, which made apples sweeter and easier to store. Water deficit in the I stage of apple trees had no significant effect on apple yield (P>0.05). However, water deficit was significantly reduced yield in the III stage of apple trees (P<0.05). In 2016, the yield of apple trees by III-L and III-M treatments decreased by 10.89% and 13.46% respectively compared with FI and decreased by 3.66% and 10.10% in 2017, respectively, decreased by 10.58% and 13.42% in 2018. The yield of apples with water deficit during the II stage was significantly higher than that of FI (P<0.05). The WUE of the apple trees was higher with II-L and II-M treatments (greater than 7 kg/m3) than with the other treatments. The fruit quality, yield and water-use efficiency of apples with the II-M treatment were higher among all the treatments. Therefore, the optimal treatment of water deficit should be II-M. The study could provide technical support for apple water management and precision irrigation in mountainous areas of northern Shaanxi.


