袁进科, 裴向军, 叶长文, 杨晴雯, 陈杰. 改性纤维素类聚合物固沙剂的吸附力学及崩解特性试验[J]. 农业工程学报, 2019, 35(21): 144-150. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.21.017
    引用本文: 袁进科, 裴向军, 叶长文, 杨晴雯, 陈杰. 改性纤维素类聚合物固沙剂的吸附力学及崩解特性试验[J]. 农业工程学报, 2019, 35(21): 144-150. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.21.017
    Yuan Jinke, Pei Xiangjun, Ye Changwen, Yang Qingwen, Chen Jie. Adsorption mechanics and disintegration characteristics of modified cellulose polymer sand fixing agent[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(21): 144-150. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.21.017
    Citation: Yuan Jinke, Pei Xiangjun, Ye Changwen, Yang Qingwen, Chen Jie. Adsorption mechanics and disintegration characteristics of modified cellulose polymer sand fixing agent[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(21): 144-150. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.21.017


    Adsorption mechanics and disintegration characteristics of modified cellulose polymer sand fixing agent

    • 摘要: 沙土边坡遇水容易发生坡面侵蚀、水土流失、坡体坍塌等灾害,给人民生命财产和基础设施造成严重危害。为了研究新型固沙剂加固沙土的吸附力学和抗侵蚀性,首先选取新型固沙剂与沙土按照不同质量比(1:1~1:4)配制加固土,分别按照不同静置时间(10~360 min)进行了吸附试验,在2 400 r/min转速下振荡10 min,并对吸附液进行量取和烘干。结果表明:1)在液固质量比1:3时新型固沙剂达到最优吸附量,平衡吸附量为84 mg/g。2)新型固沙剂的吸附动力学符合准二级方程,属于化学吸附。依托研发的崩解试验装置(由支架、吊篮、数显式拉力计和数据接收系统等组成)按照加固土不同养护时间(3~28 d)进行了崩解性试验和水稳性测定,水解时间24 h,获得崩解率和水稳性数据。研究表明:1)养护3 d时试样崩解率为34%,7 d为18%,14 d为11%,28 d未崩解。养护时间越长,加固土的胶结强度越高,稳定性越好。2)水稳性团聚体粒径主要集中在1~5 mm之间,>5 mm粒径的质量分数达到30%。1~0.25 mm的团聚体质量分数从养护3 d的21%下降到养护14 d的19%,而>1 mm的团聚体质量分数从养护3 d的74%上升到养护14 d的80%。3)随养护时间增加,团聚体平均质量直径从养护3 d的2.91 mm增加到养护14 d的3.29 mm,几何平均直径从养护3 d的2.01 mm增加到养护14 d的2.32 mm。研究成果可为沙土流失地区的水土保持提供改性纤维素类聚合物固沙剂的应用经验和理论依据。


      Abstract: Abstract: Water can cause unstable conditions in sand slopes, such as surface erosion, soil erosion, and slope collapse, and other serious damages. In this paper, a modified cellulose polymer GCMC(gelatinous carboxymethyl cellulose) sand-fixing agent was developed to show a strong dialysis cementation and absorption characteristics on the surface of soil and rocks. 1) An adsorption test was carried out to investigate the behavior of adsorption mechanics and erosion resistance on the sandy fixation by the modified GCMC sand-fixing agent. The “reinforcing soils” were prepared using various liquid-solid mass ratio (1:1-1:4), and then verified under seven adsorbing duration (10-360 min) and the centrifugal oscillation at 2 400 r/min speed for 10 min, finally measuring and drying the adsorption liquid. The results showed that the optimal adsorption amount was achieved when the liquid-solid mass ratio was 1:3, while the adsorption amount was about 84 mg/g at the equilibrium time using the modified GCMC sand-fixing agent. The fitting adsorption kinetics model for the GCMC sand-fixing agent sorption onto sand particles followed the presudo second-order law, while the adsorption mechanical behavior belong to a sort of chemical adsorption. 2) A water stability test was performed on an independently developed disintegration device under the various curing time (3-28 d) of the "reinforced soil", and the hydrolysis time of 24 h. This results showed that the disintegration rate of the specimen was 34% at the curing age of 3 d, the disintegration rate was 18% at curing age of 7 d, the disintegration rate was 11% at the curing age of 14 d, and without disintegrating at the curing age of 28 d. It inferred that the longer the curing time of the specimen, the higher the cementing strength of the "reinforced soil", i.e. the better stability. Furthermore, the particle size of the water stable aggregates was mainly concentrated in the range of 1-5 mm, and the volume fraction of the particle size greater than 5 mm was up to 30%. In the water stable aggregates, the volume fraction of the particle size at 1-0.25 mm decreased from 21% at the curing age of 3 d to 19% at the curing age of 14 d, while the volume fraction of the particle size greater than 1 mm increased from 74% at the curing age of 3 d to 80% at the curing age of 14 d. With the increase of the curing age, the mean weight diameter of water stable aggregates increased from 2.91 mm at the curing age of 3 d to 3.29 mm at the curing age of 14 d, and the geometric mean diameter increased from 2.01 mm at the curing age of 3 d to 2.32 mm at the curing age of 14 d. These findings can provide the promising applied data and fundamentals of the modified cellulose polymer sand-fixing agent for the soil and water conservation in sandy soil areas.


