康婷, 穆月英, 侯玲玲. 农产品质量安全生产技术对要素替代弹性的影响[J]. 农业工程学报, 2019, 35(21): 280-288. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.21.034
    引用本文: 康婷, 穆月英, 侯玲玲. 农产品质量安全生产技术对要素替代弹性的影响[J]. 农业工程学报, 2019, 35(21): 280-288. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.21.034
    Kang Ting, Mu Yueying, Hou Lingling. Effect of agricultural products safety production technologies on elasticity of substitution[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(21): 280-288. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.21.034
    Citation: Kang Ting, Mu Yueying, Hou Lingling. Effect of agricultural products safety production technologies on elasticity of substitution[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(21): 280-288. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.21.034


    Effect of agricultural products safety production technologies on elasticity of substitution

    • 摘要: 农产品质量安全受到各界高度关注,为促进质量安全生产技术的可持续采用,该文侧重对质量安全生产技术的作用机制进行研究。首先对质量安全技术通过要素产出和替代弹性作用于质量安全的机制进行理论分析,在此基础上,结合农户调研混合数据,采用随机前沿超越对数生产函数和联立方程组模型进行实证检验。主要研究结论为:第一,质量安全技术通过作用于要素产出弹性和要素替代弹性两方面发挥要素配置效应,保障农产品质量安全,此外,质量安全技术通过产出弹性进而间接作用于要素替代弹性的影响路径未得到实证结果的支持;第二,生产过程控制类质量安全技术,如高温熏(闷)棚和土壤消毒,能通过有效提高化肥产出弹性从而减少化肥的使用,此外高温熏(闷)棚技术能降低农药对土地的替代从而减少农药使用;第三,质量安全技术的作用更加显著地体现为抑制产量波动而非提高产量,如病虫害预防类技术(防虫网和防虫板)等作用于产量的方差,但无法显著提高产量的均值,因此对化肥和农药的产出弹性造成负向作用。研究结果为生产实践中质量安全生产技术的推广和促进质量安全生产技术可持续采用提供了实证依据和对策参考。


      Abstract: Abstract: Food safety is related to public health and has been highlighted worldwide. In order to motivate peasants to adopt food safety production techniques sustainably, what is the relationship between food safety production technologies and production factors and how these technologies work on food safety are important but still remain to be answered. This study explores the mechanism how food safety production techniques improve food safety and quality by factor allocation effect which can be decomposed into factor substitution effect and factor output effect. In order to address these problems, we constructed a theoretical framework based on biased technological change and explained how food safety production technologies affect factor output and substitution elasticity,especially output elasticity of fertilizer and pesticides and factor substitution elasticity between them and other factors. On the basis of theoretical framework, empirical model was constructed using a two-year pooled-data of household survey gathered from main vegetable production areas around Bohai bay. The survey was conducted in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong and Liaoning covering household characteristics, cost-benefit situation and food safety production technology adoption. By employing stochastic frontier translog production function, accurate output elasticity of fertilizer and pesticide and substitution elasticity between them and three other kinds of input factors(labor, land and other input) could be estimated accurately. In order to eliminate endogenous problems induced by indirect path of food safety production technologies on factor substitution elasticity through factor output elasticity, simultaneous equations was adopted. The result showed that:1)according to the result of stochastic frontier translog function, output elasticity of fertilizer was negative which proved that fertilizer had been overused. Output elasticity of pesticides was near zero indicating that pesticide had damage abatement effect rather than production increasing effect.2) Food safety production technologies reduced fertilizer and pesticide use through increasing output elasticity and substitution elasticity of fertilizer or pesticide to other input factor.For example, insect proof net decreased the output elasticity of fertilizer and pesticides, greenhouse fumigation had negative effect on substitution elasticity of pesticide to land. This indicates that the food safety production techniques do have factor allocation effect and this factor allocation effect can be decomposed into factor output effect and factor substitution effect, but the indirect path working on substitution elasticity through output elasticity of fertilizers or pesticides has not been supported. 3)Greenhouse disinfection by high temperature and smoke could reduce fertilizer and pesticide input effectively through increasing the output elasticity and decreasing the substitute elasticity of pesticide to land, soil disinfection significantly could also improves output elasticity of fertilizer thus reduce fertilizer use. 4) The effect of some safety-ensured and quality-promoted technologies, for instance, insect proof net, is to stabilizing volatilities of yield, but not increasing yield, thus can induce the negative effect on output elasticity of fertilizer and pesticide. 5) Application of quality and safety production technology needs a supplementary input of capital, labor and other factors. On the one hand, this induced that the indirect path of food safety production technologies on factor substitution effect through factor output effect is not significant; on the other hand, this also intensifies the substitution of fertilizer for labor.


