钱玉婷, 张应鹏, 杜静, 孔祥平, 常志州, 叶小梅. 江苏省秸秆综合利用途径利弊分析及收储运对策研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2019, 35(22): 154-160. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.22.018
    引用本文: 钱玉婷, 张应鹏, 杜静, 孔祥平, 常志州, 叶小梅. 江苏省秸秆综合利用途径利弊分析及收储运对策研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2019, 35(22): 154-160. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.22.018
    Qian Yuting, Zhang Yingpeng, Du Jing, Kong Xiangping, Chang Zhizhou, Ye Xiaomei. Advantages and disadvantages analysis of comprehensive utilization of straw in Jiangsu Province and countermeasure suggestions for collection-storage-transportation system[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(22): 154-160. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.22.018
    Citation: Qian Yuting, Zhang Yingpeng, Du Jing, Kong Xiangping, Chang Zhizhou, Ye Xiaomei. Advantages and disadvantages analysis of comprehensive utilization of straw in Jiangsu Province and countermeasure suggestions for collection-storage-transportation system[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(22): 154-160. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.22.018


    Advantages and disadvantages analysis of comprehensive utilization of straw in Jiangsu Province and countermeasure suggestions for collection-storage-transportation system

    • 摘要: 为推动区域农作物秸秆全量化利用,以稻麦轮作区的江苏省为研究对象,对秸秆还田与离田综合利用进行了利弊分析,围绕秸秆捆型、收储运模式及作业成本角度分析了对秸秆收储运的影响,并针对目前秸秆收储运体系存在问题,从政府引导、设备自给率、资金扶持方向和研发投入等角度提出了对策建议。结果表明,通过文献资料查阅和实地调研发现,秸秆离田方式不仅有利于下茬作物耕种和减少生态环境影响,同时可为种田主体节约成本,增加收入,也为秸秆收储主体通过销售秸秆商品获得经济利润;通过分析打捆秸秆类型对收储运环节的影响,得出大圆捆秸秆是江苏省秸秆收储运作业的优选捆型。同时,针对目前主要的第三方秸秆收储运模式,通过深入分析该模式下不同收储运主体之间的运行机制、秸秆收储运各环节作业成本和利润空间,指出在政策引导及政府行政推动下,秸秆离田收储运是容易实现的,并且收储运成本相对比较稳定且透明,而制约秸秆离田综合利用的瓶颈在于末端秸秆利用形式及终端产品附加值高低。最后,通过剖析现有的秸秆收储运体系问题,并提出有针对性的对策建议,以期为提高江苏省秸秆综合利用效果质量和收储运体系建设提供理论和技术支撑。


      Abstract: Abstract: The plain water network area is mainly distributed along the river, the coastal and the lakeside areas in the middle and lower reaches of the main rivers in the south of China. The population density in the area is large, the per capita cultivated land is small, the climate is humid, the rainfall is abundant, the terrain in the area is flat, the water network is densely distributed, and most of the area is located in the subtropical monsoon climate area, which belongs to a typical rice and wheat rotation area. Because of the special regional characteristics of plain water network area, it is particularly important to promote the comprehensive utilization of straw for the protection of water ecological environment in plain water network area. In order to promote the full quantitative utilization of regional crop straw, taking Jiangsu Province of plain water network as the research object, this paper analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of comprehensive utilization of straw returning and leaving the field, analyzed the influence on straw collection, storage and transportation from the point of view of straw binding type, collection, storage and transportation mode and operation cost. In view of the existing problems of straw collection, storage and transportation system, from the guidance of the government and the self-sufficient rate of equipment, the direction of capital support and R&D investment were put forward. The results showed that the way of straw leaving was not only beneficial to the cultivation of next crop and reduce the impact of ecological environment, but also could save the cost and increase the income for the farmers, and could make economic profits for the farmers through selling straw commodities. Through the comparison of the influences of straw binding types on straw collection, storage and transportation, it was concluded that large round bundled straw was the optimal binding type for straw collection, storage and transportation in plain water network area. At the same time, in view of the current mainstream (commercial) cooperative third party mode of collection, storage and transportation with straw, through in-depth analysis of the operation mechanism between different collection, storage and transportation subjects under this mode, straw collection, storage and transportation operation cost and profit space, the results showed that under the guidance of government policies and administrative coordination, straw off-field collection, storage and transportation costs were easy to achieve, and the cost of collection, storage and transportation was relatively stable and transparent. The bottleneck restricting the comprehensive utilization of straw leaving the field lies in the utilization form of terminal straw and the added value of terminal products. Finally, the problem of straw storage and transportation system was analyzed in this study, and put forward targeted countermeasures and suggestions. In addition, it provides theoretical and technical support for improving the quality of comprehensive utilization of straw and the construction of storage and transportation system in Jiangsu Province.


