薛彩霞, 姚顺波, 李桦. 秦巴山区农户茶叶种植废弃物亲环境处理行为研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2019, 35(22): 200-208. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.22.024
    引用本文: 薛彩霞, 姚顺波, 李桦. 秦巴山区农户茶叶种植废弃物亲环境处理行为研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2019, 35(22): 200-208. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.22.024
    Xue Caixia, Yao Shunbo, Li Hua. Pro-environmental disposal behavior of wastes from farmers' planting tea in Qinba mountains area[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(22): 200-208. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.22.024
    Citation: Xue Caixia, Yao Shunbo, Li Hua. Pro-environmental disposal behavior of wastes from farmers' planting tea in Qinba mountains area[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(22): 200-208. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.22.024


    Pro-environmental disposal behavior of wastes from farmers' planting tea in Qinba mountains area

    • 摘要: 茶叶是"绿水青山"的内生性产业,如何处理茶叶种植所产生的废弃物是保护秦巴山区"绿水青山"需解决的重要问题之一。基于意识-情景-行为模型,运用层次回归和分组回归分析了环境意识、情境因素对茶农废弃物亲环境处理行为的影响机理,研究发现:第一,环境态度、情感与责任对包装物回收影响显著,环境态度与情感存在交互效应。第二,环境态度、情感、责任与知识对修剪枝叶还田影响显著,环境责任与知识存在交互效应。第三,实施成本对环境情感-包装物回收、环境知识-修剪枝叶还田有调节效应,社会规范对环境态度、责任-包装物回收有调节效应,描述性社会规范对环境情感-修剪枝叶还田有调节效应。为此,应通过"情理合一"、政府倡导并建立回收点推动农户包装物回收行为,通过强化环境责任、增加环境知识、营造氛围促使农户实施修剪枝叶还田,以推进秦巴山区茶叶种植废弃物处理的绿色转型


      Abstract: Abstract: "Lucid water and lush mountains are invaluable assets", but the Qinba mountains area with "lucid water and lush mountains" is concentrated in poverty-stricken areas. Tea planting is an endogenous industry of " lucid water and lush mountains ", so it has become one of the important paths for farmers to alleviate poverty and become rich in Qinba mountains area. In recent years, the production capacity of tea has been enhanced, and the waste from planting tea has increased in Qinba mountains area. The farmers are "economic rationality", so they plant tea on the principle of economy over ecology. A large number of wastes have been disposed randomly, which has brought potential safety hazards to the ecological environment of Qinba mountains area. Encouraging farmers to conduct waste pro-environmental disposal will solve the problem. The environmental awareness is the basis of implementing waste pro-environmental disposal behavior for farmers. Based on consciousness-context-behavior model, using the survey data of 498 tea growers in Qinba mountains area, this paper uses the hierarchical regression to analyze the effect of farmers' environmental awareness on wastes pro-environmental disposal behavior, the interaction effects among the dimensions of environmental awareness and the moderator effect of behavior costs on the relationship between environmental awareness and waste pro-environmental disposal behavior, the moderator effect of the social norms is analyzed by the grouping regression. The results show that: first of all, the farmers' environmental attitude, environmental emotion and environmental responsibility have significant effects on the recycling behavior of chemical fertilizer and pesticide packaging (RBCFPP), while the environmental attitude and environmental emotion have an interactive effect. Secondly, the farmers' environmental attitude, environmental emotion, environmental responsibility and environmental knowledge have significant effect on the behavior of branches and leaves returning to the field (BBLRF), and there is an interactive effect between environmental responsibility and environmental knowledge. Thirdly, the behavior cost has a significant negative moderator effect on the relationship between farmers' environmental emotion and RBCFPPM, and it has a significant positive moderator effect on relationship between farmers' environmental knowledge and BBLRF. Fourthly, the social norms include descriptive social norms and imperative social norms. The social norms have a significant positive moderator effect on the relationship between farmers' environmental attitude and RBCFPP, farmers' environmental responsibility and RBCFPPM, while the descriptive social norms have a significant moderator effect on the relationship between farmers' environmental emotions and BBLRF. Based on this, we should not only improve farmers' perception of environmental problems, but also strengthen the environmental emotion to promote RBCFPPM. The government should advocate packaging material recycling. At the same time, the waste recycling stations should be set up, which will be reduce the cost of farmers' behavior of collecting chemical fertilizer and pesticides packaging for recycling. The government should encourage farmers by subsidies, and gradually cultivate farmers' awareness of waste recycling. The government should strengthen farmers' environmental responsibility and enrich farmers' environmental knowledge through various communication channels to promote BBLRF. It is necessary to restrain the burning of branches and leaves to create an atmosphere for returning branches and leaves to field.


