
    Pressure drop characteristics of irregular hexagonal channel diesel particulate filter

    • 摘要: 为了提高柴油机颗粒捕集器(diesel particulate filter,DPF)的压降特性和碳烟承载量,该文提出了一种不规则六边形孔道结构,并利用AVL-Fire软件建立其三维模型,针对不同排气流量,排气温度,碳烟负载以及灰分堆积情况对DPF压降特性进行数值分析,并与四边形孔道结构进行对比。结果表明:在不同排气流量条件下,建立的数学模型模拟值与实际试验值相对误差处于2.54%~5.69%之间,计算值和试验值的数值差异较小,变化趋势一致;在同等排气流量和排气温度条件下,不规则六边形孔道结构DPF的压降特性优于四边形孔道结构;不同碳烟加载方式会影响DPF压降特性,递减分布压降最高,递增分布压降最低,且不同分布方式下不规则六边形孔道结构具有更低的压降;灰分在DPF内部以层状方式分布对压降影响较大,以尾端方式分布对压降影响较小;不规则六边形孔道DPF具有更陡峭的碳烟过滤效率曲线和更低的压降曲线,表明其能有效地提高碳烟及灰分承载能力,其中碳烟捕集效率上升时间同比降低34%;不同灰分堆积方式下,不规则六边形孔道结构有更小的DPF压降和更高的碳烟承载量,该文可为优化DPF结构,降低DPF压降,减小DPF再生频率提供参考。


      Abstract: Diesel engines are widely used because of their high thermal efficiency and reasonable fuel economy. However, excessive particulate emissions (PM) of diesel engines have caused huge pollution to the environment. The diesel particulate filter (DPF) is the most efficient post-treatment device for reducing PM emissions. However, during the use of DPF, the increased soot loading or increased ash deposition after frequent regeneration might cause problems such as excessive exhaust back pressure. Therefore, reducing the DPF pressure drop and increasing the soot loading capacity under high ash ratio is important. In order to improve the DPF overall pressure drop characteristics and increase the soot loading capacity, this study proposed an irregular hexagonal channel diesel particulate filter (DPF) and established the mathematical model of DPF pressure drop. And the 3D computational models of irregular hexagonal channel DPF and quadrilateral channel DPF were built by AVL-Fire software. First, the DPF pressure-drop characteristic simulation test and bench test were carried out under different working conditions. The accuracy and effectiveness of the model were verified by comparing the experimental data. The diesel engine used in this study was a six-cylinder, turbocharged intercooled diesel engine equipped with a cordierite diesel particulate filter. The DPF used in the test had an outer diameter of 260 mm, a length of 270 mm, cells per single inch of 200, and a volume of 14.3 L. Then, different numerically analyzed tests were carried out to study the influence of exhaust flow rate, exhaust gas temperature, soot loading, and ash deposition on the pressure drop. At the same time, the results of the irregular hexagonal channel DPF were compared to those of quadrilateral channel DPF. The results showed that under different exhaust flow rate, the relative error between the simulated value and the experimental value was between 2.54% and 5.69%. The difference between the simulated value and the experimental value was small, and the change trend was consistent. The pressure drop of both channel structures increased with the increase of exhaust flow rate and exhaust gas temperature. Under the same exhaust flow rate and exhaust gas temperature conditions the irregular hexagonal channel DPF had lower pressure-drop value and smaller pressure drop rise rate, and the overall pressure-drop characteristics were better than the quadrilateral channel DPF. The irregular hexagonal channel structure DPF had a steeper soot filtration efficiency curve than quadrilateral channel during soot loading. The time taken for the soot filtration efficiency to reach 90% was shorter than that of the quadrilateral channel DPF. Different soot loading modes affected the DPF pressure-drop characteristics. The pressure drop of decreasing distribution was the highest, and the pressure drop of the incremental distribution was the lowest, the pressure drop of the uniform distribution was between the above two. Besides the irregular hexagonal channel DPF had a lower pressure drop in different distribution modes, which means it has a better soot loading mode adaptability. The ash deposited on inlet channel walls had a great influence on the pressure drop, and that deposited on the channel ends had less influence on the pressure drop. The irregular hexagonal channel DPF had a lower pressure drop curve under different ash distribution modes, which can effectively improve the soot and ash loading capacity. When the ash deposition was 10 g/L-1 and the ash distribution factor was 0, 0.5, 1, the maximum pressure drop of the irregular hexagonal channel structure DPF were all decreased. Under the regeneration pressure threshold the soot loading capacity increased by 36%, 59% and 100%. When the ash deposition gradually increased, the pressure drop of DPF of both structures increased linearly. In a word, the proposed irregular hexagonal channel structure DPF significantly reduced the DPF pressure drop and increased the soot loading capacity, thus improving the DPF working efficiency, reducing the regeneration frequency and prolonging the DPF service life.


